Art History Courses (ARTHIST)
ARTHIST 1004. Visual Perceptions — 3 hrs.
For non-Art majors. Lecture course: experiences in critical responses to the visual arts through analyses of artworks and artistic processes; relationship of the visual arts to other fields of human endeavor. (Fall and Spring)
ARTHIST 1111. Survey of Art History I — 3 hrs.
Introduction to history of art; Ancient through Medieval. (Fall)
ARTHIST 1222. Survey of Art History II — 3 hrs.
Introduction to history of art; Renaissance through Modern. (Spring)
ARTHIST 4000/5000. Research Methods and Writing in Art History — 3 hrs.
Introduction to research methods and writing in art history. Cannot be used to satisfy art history requirements in the studio or art education emphases. Prerequisite(s): completion of Foundations Sequence; junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4002/5002. Ancient Near Eastern Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of various developments in the Ancient Near East (e.g., Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Levant), from formative periods to first millennium, primarily through art and architecture. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for non-art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4003/5003. Collections Care and Management — 3 hrs.
This course will present topics in museums collections management ranging from object/artifact handling, storage, loaning and conservation to museum ethics, acquisitions, policy-making and research to donors, fundraising, marketing, and education. In addition, the course will cover discussions of what constitutes a museum and why museums collect. Museum professionals from both the UNI Museum and UNI Gallery of Art will present all topics, and classes will include an experiential component that will allow students a more personal involvement with historical artifacts and art objects. Students will be given the opportunity to work with a variety of museum professionals and will engage in real-world museum concerns. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. [Same as HIST 4003/5003] (Fall)
ARTHIST 4010/5010. Ancient Egyptian Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of Egyptian culture from early phases of Pre-Dynastic to first millennium, primarily through art and architecture. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for non-art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4020/5020. Ancient Greek Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of various developments in the Greek world from Bronze Age through Hellenistic Period, primarily through art and architecture. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art history minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4030/5030. Ancient Roman Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of various developments in the Roman world, from Etruscan through Roman Imperial, primarily through art and architecture. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4040/5040. Medieval Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of various developments in Europe and Western Asia from Late Roman through Gothic, primarily through art and architecture. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4300/5300. Italian Renaissance Art — 3 hrs.
History of 14th, 15th, and 16th century Italian art. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4302/5302. Northern Renaissance Art — 3 hrs.
Examination of Northern European art from the 14th-16th centuries. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4310/5310. 17th and 18th Century Art — 3 hrs.
History of Western art of the 17th and 18th centuries and the visual culture of the period. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4320/5320. 19th Century Western Art — 3 hrs.
History of the art, architecture and visual culture of Europe and the United States from the late 18th century to the end of the 19th century. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4322/5322. History of Photography — 3 hrs.
Survey of history and evolution of photography since its invention in 1839 to present day. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4330/5330. American Art — 3 hrs.
This course is an overview of the history of American art during the 20th century. We will explore the relationship between art and its social and cultural context during this period. Prerequisite(s): art foundations sequence; junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4340/5340. History of Design — 3 hrs.
Overview of European and American design since 1850. Primary emphasis on graphic design, with secondary focus on architectural and industrial design. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisites for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4350/5350. Early 20th Century Art — 3 hrs.
History of art, architecture and visual culture in Europe and the United States from the late 19th century to mid-20th century. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4352/5352. History of Performance Art — 3 hrs.
An examination of action based visual art in the 20th and 21st centuries produced by artists in Europe, the United States, and Asia. Prerequisite(s): For Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite for non-Art major: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4362/5362. Late 20th Century and Contemporary Art — 3 hrs.
A topics-based exploration of global art, architecture and visual culture produced since 1945. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4608/5608. Arts of Africa — 3 hrs.
This course provides a survey of the visual arts of African peoples. We will examine the historical and contemporary visual culture produced by peoples from the selected countries in Africa, and examine continuities and disparities reflected in the Diaspora. Sculpture, pottery, textiles, architecture, painting, and performance will be considered from the perspective of their production and function within the social context. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4900/5900. Myth and Narrative in Art — 3 hrs.
Investigates depictions/translations of myth and narrative in art from ancient to modern times, exploring such concepts as time, story, episode, storyteller, viewer, and metaphor. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and Art History minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for Art Studio minors: ARTHIST 1111 or ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4950/5950. Race and Representation in Art — 3 hrs.
This course uses historical moments of cultural encounter to investigate the role of visual imagery in the production, mediation, conflict, translation, and reproduction of ideas about race, class, and gender. Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) for Art and Graphic Design majors: ARTHIST 1222; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) for other majors: junior standing. (Variable)
ARTHIST 4999/5999. Art History Seminar — 3 hrs.
Focused investigation on topic or topics related to a specific area or time covered in general art history courses. Prerequisite(s): for Art majors and minors: ARTHIST 1111; ARTHIST 1222; three 100/3000/4000-level art history courses; junior standing; consent of instructor. Prerequisite(s) for non-Art majors: junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)