2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Capstone Courses (CAP)

The following courses satisfy the Liberal Arts Core Category 6 Capstone Experience. The most current list of approved Liberal Arts Core Capstone courses is designated in each semester Schedule of Classes and also on the Liberal Arts Core Web site www.uni.edu/lac.


CAP 3102. Living in Our Techno-Social World — 3 hrs.

Exploration of the complex relationships between technology and society. Students discover how social systems affect the nature and use of technology and how the nature and use of technology affect social systems. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as TECH 3102) (Spring)

CAP 3103. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Genocide: Case Studies — 3 hrs.

Introduces students to current perspectives on the Holocaust and other genocides from a variety of disciplines; examines the past and current significance of genocide to these disciplines and to the international community. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3105. Sacred Space — 3 hrs.

This course asks why certain space is considered sacred and what the effect of that sacred space is on the profane space around it. Takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on such fields as anthropology, art, architecture, history, and religion. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3106. Theatre in Education — 3 hrs.

Application of theatre performance and improvisation techniques to the teaching of a specific curricular topic intended for young audiences. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3121. Creativity and the Evolution of Culture — 3 hrs.

Explores creativity from a Systems Perspective - as achievement resulting from a confluence of the Individual, the Domain, and the Field. Investigates creativity's role in the advance of culture; provides student opportunities to enhance personal creativity. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3123. Greece: From the "Cradle of Democracy" to Today — 3 hrs.

A three-week, summer study-abroad and experiential learning course in Greece that allows students to experience Greece and its diverse cultural heritages from the perspectives of geography, history, religion, material culture (i.e., visits to archaeological sites, museums, monuments, churches, etc.) and contemporary Greeks. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3124. Democracies — 3 hrs.

Addresses the varieties of democracy in theory and practice. Examines the threats to and opportunities for democracy posed by globalization. Studies relationships between democracy and various economic systems and geographical issues. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3125. Globalization, Cultural Pluralism and International Security — 3 hrs.

Addresses the impact of globalization and cultural pluralism on the quality of human life and international security. Special emphasis given to environmental, ethnic, and international migration issues. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3128. Ethics in Communication — 3 hrs.

Exploration of ethical dimensions and dilemmas in communication. [Same as COMM 3236] (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3129. Being National — 3 hrs.

Nearly all people in the world today are "national". But what really is national identity? Has it always existed? Where does it come from? This course examines the evolution of modern nations since the eighteenth century; the character of "being national" today in America, Europe, and other areas of the world; the powerful role that religion continues to play in national identify formation; the implications of globalization for national identity; how immigrants experience national identify; and, finally, the constructed and contingent nature of nations and national identify. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3130. Science and Pseudoscience: Critiquing the World Around You — 3 hrs.

Daily, we are bombarded with interesting and novel breakthroughs and findings, for which these claims may or may not be true. This course builds off student knowledge to apply critical thinking and scientific analysis to controversial topics from various disciplines in the world around us. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3131. Analysis of Social Issues — 3 hrs.

Critical thinking skills applied to rhetoric about issues confronting society. How to use philosophy, logic, social science and natural science to critique arguments and engage in meaningful discourse. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3134. Back in the Valley: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 21st Century — 3 hrs.

Using the social thought and action of Martin Luther King, Jr., as an analytical backdrop, students explore the socioeconomic and political context in the United States today. Students will be required to examine their own moral development, social thinking, faith perspectives, and decision-making processes. Uses an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach. Students are required to investigate what community resources are available for the disadvantaged. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3140. Environment, Technology, and Society — 2 hrs.

Emphasis on relationships and interactions of physical, biological, technological, and cultural components of environment. Study of selected interdisciplinary problems. Elaborates on student's previous university experience and develops environmental literacy. Prerequisite(s): completion of both Liberal Arts Core Life Sciences and Physical Sciences requirements; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

CAP 3144. Genocide in Writing and Film — 3 hrs.

Exploration of the complex interaction among occurrences of genocide, memory of them (individual, collective, and cultural), and print and cinematic representations of these historical events. Emphasis on how writing and film have shaped audience awareness and understanding of different genocides as well as individual, collective, and cultural responses to them. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as ENGLISH 3144) (Variable)

CAP 3148. The Holocaust in Literature and Film — 3 hrs.

Examination of responses to the Holocaust in literary texts and visual narratives. Includes issues of survivor testimony and representation, the possibilities and limitations of language and cinematic images, the role of memory, and questions of ethics and trauma. [Same as ENGLISH 3148] (Variable)

CAP 3151. Money, Sex and Power: Theories of Race, Class and Gender — 3 hrs.

Examination of social and ethical aspects of oppression and privilege in personal and political life. Study of concepts and meaning of categories such as race, ethnicity, class, gender and sexuality, and evaluation of strategies of resistance and/or accommodation. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3152. Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the concepts, theoretical basis, evidence-based analysis, and challenges and issues in integrative health and complementary and alternative medical practices (CAM). Integrative, alternative, and complementary medicine covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies involving the use of holistic or culturally-specific health services and practices in the treatment of illness and disease and embraces an expanded concept of health and illness. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as PH 3650) (Variable)

CAP 3154. Global Skills — 2-3 hrs.

Combines cultural immersion with practical techniques and a liberal arts education to develop the interpersonal competency necessary to work effectively with individuals from around the world. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as BUSINESS 3154) (Summer)

CAP 3155. Socio-Economic Reality of Central America — 2 hrs.

Focus on the impact of culture in the work environment and the social and economic environment of Central America to explore how culture might impact a country's economic status in the global economy. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as BUSINESS 3155) (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3157. Monsters, Vampires, and Religion: An Awesome Alliance — 3 hrs.

As they read Religion and its Monsters by Timothy Beal and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, students enhance their knowledge of the role monsters play in religion and develop proficiency in recognizing and analyzing religious undercurrents in our contemporary fascination with monsters. Students draw on skills/interests from their majors to complete a project about monsters in a contemporary novel. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Summer)

CAP 3158. The Water Planet — 3 hrs.

Investigates the interconnected role water, as a natural resource, plays at the junction between the social and physical environments of Earth. Topics include issues of water resources related to scientific, engineering, political, cultural, economic, and legal matters. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

CAP 3160. Community and Public Health — 3 hrs.

Examination of the major public health issues facing the U.S. and world population. Investigation of major public health initiatives, public policy, and ethical issues related to public health. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as PH 3160) (Variable)

CAP 3162. Ireland: Literature, Culture, History — 3 hrs.

Applying various perspectives from the arts, humanities, and social sciences to selected topics and issues in Irish literature, culture, and history; includes visits to notable related sites in Ireland. Generally offered as a Summer Study Abroad course. [Same as ENGLISH 3162] (Even Summers)

CAP 3165. Intercultural Perspectives — 3 hrs.

An interdisciplinary approach for understanding intercultural perspectives and developing effective intercultural skills for meeting the challenges of today's interconnectedness of societies and cultures both locally and globally. (Same as GER 3334 and TESOL 3565) (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3173. Bio-Medical Ethics — 3 hrs.

Application of principles and analytic methods of ethical theory to contemporary issues in medical practice and research. Topics include fundamental concepts of health and disease, life and death; rights and obligations of medical practitioners and their patients; informed consent and confidentiality; abortion and euthanasia; reproductive and transplantation technologies; and health policy and the provision and rationing of health care. (Same as RELS 3510 and PHIL 3510) (Fall and Spring)

CAP 3187. Blues and Jazz in African American Film and Literature — 3 hrs.

African American experiences in Spirituals, Blues, Gospel, Ragtime, Jazz, and Rap/Hip-Hop applied to study of narrative strategies, themes, and ideologies of resistance and survival in African American films and literature. (Same as ENGLISH 3577) (Variable)

CAP 3190. Idea of the University — 3 hrs.

An examination of the role of the university in American society with a focus on: (1) what it has been, (2) how it has evolved, and (3) what its key purposes are and should be. Topics may include a brief historical overview, an examination of current models of institutions of higher education, discussion and evaluation of key problems facing higher education, and an exploration of future trends and proposed "innovations" in higher education. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

CAP 3194. Perspectives on Death and Dying — 3 hrs.

Multidisciplinary study of death, dying, and bereavement across cultures, religious and ethnic groups, and historical periods, with attention to ritual and memoir, ethical dilemmas at the end of life, and psychology of mourning. (Same as RELS 3110 and PHIL 3110) (Fall and Spring)