Communication and Media Core Courses (CM CORE)
CM CORE 1001. Digital Toolbox — 3 hrs.
Learn basic concepts and skills needed for digital creation/production including image creation and editing, videography, photography, web design, basic coding for the web, and content management for a wide range of communication professions and settings. Students will develop a solid foundation in creative digital production skills. This will prepare students for future coursework, the modern workplace, and life as a digital citizen. (Fall and Spring)
CM CORE 1010. Mass Communication and Society — 3 hrs.
Survey of basic mass communication processes, including history and structure of media and media-related industries and sales, audiences, effects, careers, and future directions. (Fall and Spring)
CM CORE 2020. Communication Research Methods — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the process of research and inquiry across the discipline of communication studies. Includes the three units qualitative, quantitative, and rhetorical (critical). Introduction to the normative expectations of the research process. (Fall and Spring)
CM CORE 3179. Cooperative Education — 1-6 hrs.
(Fall, Spring, Summer)
CM CORE 3255. Advocacy Campaigns — 3 hrs.
Principles, practices, and strategies used to create and implement advocacy campaigns, including electoral, health, marketing, media, public relations, political, and social change campaigns. (Fall and Spring)
CM CORE 3900/5900. Internship in Communication and Media — 1-6 hrs.
Students complete academic assignments in conjunction with intensive work in a specialized area at an organization. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; internship coordinator approval. See the internship coordinator for additional departmental requirements. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CM CORE 4124. Communication and Media Theories — 3 hrs.
Investigation of theories and concepts used to explain human communication and media. (Fall and Spring)