2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Communication and Media: Digital Media Courses (COMM DM)


COMM DM 1611. Media and Power — 3 hrs.

Analysis and critique of the production and consumption of media messages to develop students as ethical and active digital citizens. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 1620. Fundamentals of Journalism — 3 hrs.

Emphasis on news gathering techniques for journalists, including examination of search strategies, sources, and news values, the technologies of news gathering and their application, and fact-checking and writing news stories. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 1630. Start a Podcast — 3 hrs.

This course will teach students how to start a podcast. Bringing together experts in different areas across the Department of Communication and Media, this course will provide students with training in a wide variety of skills necessary to create a high-quality podcast, including script-writing, interviewing, storytelling, vocal delivery, audio-editing, and publicizing. Students will also study podcasting genres so as to understand the expectations of audiences in particular sub-genres of podcasts (e.g. true-crime, comedy, drama, sports, politics, personal-development, etc.). While doing this, they will examine a handful of particularly prominent or highly-recognized podcasts to identify the principles and characteristics underlying particularly successful podcasts. (Spring)

COMM DM 1652. Writing for Digital Media — 3 hrs.

Introduction to concepts and techniques of creative script writing used for digital media content in multiple formats and platforms. Topics include writing for fiction, news, television, and advertising. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 2651. Digital Media Production II — 3 hrs.

Building on the concepts of CM CORE 1001 Digital Toolbox, further exploration of creative storytelling using digital video, audio, live studio, and web concepts and technologies for multiple formats and platforms. Special emphasis on aesthetic and technical skills in post-production, including motion graphics, image manipulation, video, and sound editing. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001 and COMM DM 1652. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 2652. Emerging Digital Media: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Explores the aesthetic concepts and creation of interactive media content for multiple platforms. Topics include web technologies, interactive storytelling, and emerging media content. Topics indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours if different topic. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001 or consent of instructor. (Variable)

COMM DM 2653. News Writing and Reporting — 3 hrs.

Participation on the staff of the university newspaper. Write articles and take photographs for the university's print and digital editions. Gather and edit audio and video, create multimedia packages for the newspaper's website. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 1620 or approval of instructor. The COMM DM 1620 prerequisite is waived for Interactive Digital Studies majors and minors. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 2654. Scriptwriting for Digital Media — 3 hrs.

Exploration of a range of scriptwriting forms for digital media programs, including short and long-form narrative and documentary. Distinctive genres within the broad fiction and non-fiction categories will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 1652. (Variable)

COMM DM 2950. Applied Digital Media — 1 hr.

Practical project experience for qualified students who work for KULT Radio, Hilltop Media, the Northern Iowan, the Valley on ESPN, the Digital Collective, or on other authorized journalism, radio, video, or multimedia projects. May be repeated for maximum of 4 hours of applied digital media credit. Students may only use the organization's resources for projects. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

COMM DM 3651. Advanced Digital Media Production: Television News — 3 hrs.

Production of multi-camera content in a studio context, including news, sports, or talk shows. The course explores concepts and aesthetics, production workflow, application of journalistic methods, and delivery of content over multiple platforms. Students produce programs for broadcast. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 2651. (Variable)

COMM DM 3652. Advanced Digital Media Production: Documentary — 3 hrs.

Creates innovative documentary stories from idea development to post-production. Students explore theories of documentary realism, current and emerging documentary forms, and the ethics of documentary practice. Students produce a short documentary as a final project. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 2651. (Variable)

COMM DM 3653. Advanced Digital Media Production: Fiction — 3 hrs.

Development of fictional stories, including script development, production planning, directing actors, and the aesthetics of camera, lighting, sound, and editing as creative tools. Current and emerging forms of fiction programming for multiple platforms are explored. Students produce a short fiction video as a final project. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 2651. (Variable)

COMM DM 3654. Advanced Digital Media Production: Video Editing — 3 hrs.

Advanced training in digital post-production, including editing techniques, color correction, titles, and sound design. Through screenings and projects, students explore the history and aesthetics of editing, styles for different formats, and delivering content to multiple platforms. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 2651. (Variable)

COMM DM 3655. Advanced Digital Media Production: Audio — 3 hrs.

Advanced training in the theory and practice of audio recording and editing for multiple formats, including field and studio content. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 2651. (Variable)

COMM DM 3656. Digital Media Industries — 3 hrs.

Examines media development, production, and distribution in response to technological changes, audience expectations, new competition and other industrial forces. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1010 or consent of instructor. (Fall)

COMM DM 3658. Digital Journalism: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Writing and developing online journalism, including web pages, social media, interactive timelines, motion graphics, video, virtual reality storytelling, and podcasts. May be repeated for up to 6 hours if different topic. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; COMM DM 1652 or COMM DM 2653. (Variable)

COMM DM 3659. Editing and Design — 3 hrs.

Immersion in layout, design and photography for news or feature publication. Students use digital tools, including InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator to create finished pieces for publication, including editorial and advertorial content. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 2653 or consent of instructor. For Interactive Digital Studies majors and minors: no prerequisites. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 3660. Sports Journalism — 3 hrs.

Writing and producing sports journalism content, and play-by-play reporting, for television, radio, mobile, and other digital media platforms. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001. (Fall)

COMM DM 4621/5621. Digital Media Analysis — 3 hrs.

Critically examines multiple theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis and criticism of digital media content, including fiction, documentary, video games, transmedia, web, and other formats. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)

COMM DM 4630/5630. Digital Media Law and Ethics — 3 hrs.

The course explores contemporary issues in media law and ethics that impact digital media industries and public relations. Critical analysis of issues such as freedom of speech and the First Amendment; the news media and courts; censorship and libel; media ownership and monopolies; copyright laws and fair use; and regulation of the internet. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 4632. Senior Seminar in Digital Media — 3 hrs.

Preparation for a professional career in digital media, including development of interview skills, resumes, portfolios, and cover letters. Exploration of ethical foundations for production, distribution, and consumption of digital media. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1001; senior standing. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 4641/5641. Critical Studies in Digital Media: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Advanced examination of history, theory, and aesthetic forms of digital media content and creators. Topics indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours if different topic. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

COMM DM 4642/5642. Digital Technologies: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Examination of theories and practices of past, current, and developing technologies used for multiple platforms of digital media content. Topics may include script development, software applications, web technologies, virtual reality, games, digital cultures, and mobile media. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours if different topic. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1010; junior standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)

COMM DM 4644/5644. Global Media: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Focus on how technology, history, politics, economics, and culture have shaped the development of media systems in the world. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1010; junior standing. (Variable)

COMM DM 4650. Advanced News Writing and Reporting — 3 hrs.

Participation on the staff of the university newspaper. Writing advanced articles and taking photographs for the university's print and digital editions. Gathering and editing audio and video, creating multimedia packages for the newspaper's web site. Students will also do editing for the newspaper. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 2653; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

COMM DM 4651. Digital Media Practicum: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Advanced media production for multiple platforms of digital media. Topics indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours if different topic. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 3651, or COMM DM 3652, or COMM DM 3653, or COMM DM 3654, or COMM DM 3655. (Variable)

COMM DM 4652. Digital Media Projects — 1-6 hrs.

An advanced project for digital video, audio, or interactive media beyond the scope of existing courses. Students are selected through a competitive process and work under the supervision of faculty. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 3651 or COMM DM 3652 or COMM DM 3653 or COMM DM 3654 or COMM DM 3655, or COMM DM 2652; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)

COMM DM 4653/5653. Digital Media Distribution — 3 hrs.

Explores strategies for promoting film, television, games, news, and other digital media products and services. Focus includes media sales, distribution, and global media markets. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1010; junior standing. (Variable)

COMM DM 4654/5654. Digital Media Management — 3 hrs.

Explores how media managers oversee the financing, production, marketing and distribution of their media products and services. Examines innovative principles and practices of digital media management, with attention to leadership case studies from companies across media and technology sectors. Prerequisite(s): CM CORE 1010; junior standing. (Variable)

COMM DM 4655. Photojournalism — 3 hrs.

Introduces students to the concepts, principles, and practice of photojournalism through photo assignments, image editing, presentation in a variety of formats, and critical reviews of work. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 2653 or consent of instructor; junior standing. For Interactive Digital Studies majors and minors: no prerequisites. (Variable)

COMM DM 4656/5656. Feature Writing — 3 hrs.

In-depth feature writing for beats including arts, entertainment, leisure, and travel for multiple news platforms. Prerequisite(s): COMM DM 2653 or ENGLISH 2015 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Spring)