2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Communication and Media Graduate Courses (COMMGRAD)


COMMGRAD 6001. Introduction to Graduate Study and Research — 3 hrs.

Exploration of communication research methodologies and resources. (Fall and Spring)

COMMGRAD 6011. Communication and Media Theory — 3 hrs.

In-depth survey of historical and contemporary theories that inform and constitute the communication and media discipline. This course constitutes an interdisciplinary approach, with emphasis on postpositivist, interpretivist, critical, and postmodern theories of communication and media. (Spring)

COMMGRAD 6014. Seminar in Rhetoric — 3 hrs.

Various topics offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. Prerequisite(s): COMMGRAD 6001 or approval of instructor. (Variable)

COMMGRAD 6016. Mass Communication Theory — 3 hrs.

For beginning graduate students to explore mass communication inquiry. Provides working knowledge of some of the major literature on mass communication theory and research. (Fall)

COMMGRAD 6022. Communication Research Methodology — 3 hrs.

Introduction to various research methods used in the study of communication. May be repeated for maximum of 9 hours if different section. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing; COMMGRAD 6001 or approval of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

COMMGRAD 6027. Seminar in Strategic Communication — 3 hrs.

Various topics offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. (Variable)

COMMGRAD 6042. Seminar in Communication — 3 hrs.

Various topics offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. (Variable)

COMMGRAD 6044. Seminar in Performance Studies — 3 hrs.

Various topics offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. (Variable)

COMMGRAD 6045. Seminar in Communication Education — 3 hrs.

Various topics offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. (Fall)

COMMGRAD 6046. Seminar in Visual and Digital Media — 3 hrs.

Various topics will be offered with specific title indicated in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated more than once on different topic. (Variable)

COMMGRAD 6299. Research.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

COMMGRAD 6955. Projects in Communication Studies — 1-3 hrs.

May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. Consent of departmental committee must be obtained before registration. (Variable)