Criminology Courses (CRIM)
CRIM 2022. Criminal Justice System — 3 hrs.
History, development, and day-to-day operation of the criminal justice system within our society. Emphasis is placed on interrelationships between specific stages in the crime-control process, the three major components of the criminal justice system (police, courts, and corrections), and current issues/problems that the criminal justice system faces. (Fall and Spring)
CRIM 2025. Criminology — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the study of criminal behavior with an emphasis on theories of crime causation. Strategies for reducing crime based on theoretical explanations and existing data are also discussed. This class also covers methods of how crime data is collected and how that data is used in the criminal justice system to change policing tactics, create crime prevention programs, and administer correctional programming. (Fall and Spring)
CRIM 2127. Juvenile Delinquency — 3 hrs.
Examination of the causes of delinquency in children, focusing on the effects of parenting, youth subcultures, and the media. Includes youth crimes, such as shoplifting and vandalism. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025. (Spring)
CRIM 2134. Crime Analysis — 3 hrs.
Provides an introductory understanding of the history and methodology of examining crime information. Covers applied technical skills for managing, analyzing, and presenting data relevant to criminal justice agencies. Prerequisite(s): SOC SCI 2020 or STAT 1772; sophomore standing. (Fall)
CRIM 2152. Crime and Community — 3 hrs.
Exploration of the connection between community characteristics and crime with an emphasis on crime in the inner city. Students are presented with theories that address why some neighborhoods have concentrated crime and learn about what scholars, organizers, police, and politicians can do to reduce crime. (Fall)
CRIM 2217. Community Corrections — 3 hrs.
Community corrections covers all forms of punishment that take place in the community, from probation and parole to electronic monitoring, fines, boot camps, and intensive supervision. This class includes discussion of supervision and treatment options with all types of offenders, including sex offenders, mentally ill offenders, and those addicted to drugs and alcohol. Restorative justice and prison reentry programs are also covered. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022; sophomore standing. (Variable)
CRIM 2232. Juvenile Justice — 3 hrs.
This course examines the ways that juveniles come into contact with the justice system through schools and policing, the varied experiences of juveniles in the courts and in custody, and what happens when juveniles are released from supervision. This course asks how power, race, social class, and gender impact a juveniles path through the system and their outcomes. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Spring)
CRIM 2500. Criminal Law and Procedure — 3 hrs.
This course covers the development of criminal law in America, including the historical development of 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th and 14th Amendment rights. Criminal law generally defines the rights and obligations of individuals, while procedural law concerns the protection of individual rights through all phases of the criminal justice process from first contact with police through trial and sentencing. Emphasis is on practical knowledge of procedural law for criminal justice workers. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 2502. Report Writing in Criminal Justice — 3 hrs.
This course provides an overview of written and oral communication for criminal justice professionals, including its purposes, policies, procedures and processes. Emphasis is on written documents prepared by the professional, but some attention will be given to oral communication, especially on practical skills such as testifying in court, interviewing victims , witnesses and suspects, and dealing with the media and the public. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 2504. Criminal Investigation — 3 hrs.
Covers fundamental principles and procedures employed in the investigation of a crime. Explores the primary components of interviewing and investigations; practices in the apprehension of suspects; preparation of criminal cases. This course is designed to develop a working knowledge of the steps in investigation from the initial securing of a crime scene to the presentation of evidence in trial. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 2506. Criminalistics — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the theory and practices of the collection, preservation, and analysis of physical evidence at a crime scene. Introduces students to the functions of the forensic laboratory and its relationship to successful investigations and prosecutions. Topics covered include crime scene processing, investigative techniques, and current forensic technologies. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022. (Spring)
CRIM 3100. Social Deviance and Control — 3 hrs.
Causes and consequences of socially-disapproved behavior; role of social control agencies in recruitment of deviant identities, management of and reaction to deviance; dynamics of labeling processes, and examination of social meaning of non-normative behavior. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; junior standing. (Spring)
CRIM 3120. Collateral Consequences of Corrections — 3 hrs.
Examination of the social history of crime and punishment in American society through various correctional theories, and how it relates to correctional policy, power relations, and cultural values. A special focus on mass incarceration and issues related to corrections in the 21st century is provided. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022 or CRIM 2025; junior standing. (Spring)
CRIM 3151. Crime and Social Inequality — 3 hrs.
This class explores the significance of race, ethnicity, class, and gender inequality in the criminal justice system, including the relationship of inequality to law creation, law enforcement, court decisions, and correctional placement and treatment. A particular focus is placed on how ethnicity, race, class, and gender disparities are created in the system and what can be done to change these patterns. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; junior standing. (Variable)
CRIM 3179. Cooperative Education — 1-3 hrs.
May be repeated for a total of six credit hours (only three credit hours may count towards completion of the Criminology major). Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and department head and Cooperative Education Office. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CRIM 3200. Professional Communication in Criminal Justice — 3 hrs.
Effective communication, both as an individual and as part of group, is an essential skill for any criminal justice professional. In this course, students will become familiar with and apply learned skills to different communication processes in the criminal justice system. Students will learn and apply non-verbal, written and oral communication skills to a variety of scenarios, including interviewing, interrogation, contact with the general public, social media, and interdepartmental communications. Emphasis is placed on the importance of ethical communications, both as an individual and as a group, between criminal justice professionals and offenders, victims, colleagues, and the general public. Prerequisite(s): CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3225. Criminal Court System — 3 hrs.
This course will explore the various roles of court personnel, attorneys, defendants, witnesses, and jurors. This course focuses on the impact of social inequality on the structure and operation of criminal courts in the United States. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3226. Crime and Punishment — 3 hrs.
Crime and punishment in American society, social history of punishment, theories of punishment, and how it relates to prison subcultures, crime rates, power relations, and cultural values. A special focus on incarceration in the 21st century is provided. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3228. Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System — 3 hrs.
Critical examination of issues related to mental health within the criminal justice system. This course will consider both the ways that individuals with mental health issues are disproportionately likely to have contact with the criminal justice system as well as the ways that the criminal justice system impacts mental health of individuals. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060 or CRIM 2022. (Spring)
CRIM 3300. Human Trafficking — 3 hrs.
The course is designed to provide a better understanding of the scope and magnitude of human trafficking, both domestically and globally. We will explore its historical development, terminology, theories, laws/policies, and factors known to be associated with both sex and labor trafficking. We will discuss the policing of human trafficking, as well as important court and legal cases and punishment of offenders. We will also learn about the physical, emotional, and psychological trauma experienced by human trafficking victims, as well as the roles of the government, the media, faith-based organizations, organized crime, and culture play in both the growth of human trafficking as well as anti-trafficking. (Fall)
CRIM 3314. Ethics in Crime, Law and Justice — 3 hrs.
Critical examination of ethical issues and dilemmas facing criminal justice professionals, framed within the context of both theoretical ethical systems and applied context. Ethical issues and dilemmas related to students and the general public are also discussed. (Variable)
CRIM 3319. Victimology — 3 hrs.
Sociological investigation of institutional, economic, family, and personal victimization in American society with special attention to causes and processes of exploitation. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
CRIM 3350. Corrections Special Topics — 3 hrs.
Topics courses in corrections focus on a wide variety of issues related to either or both community-based corrections, incarceration, or correctional alternatives. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3360. Law Enforcement Special Topics — 3 hrs.
Topics courses in law enforcement focus on a wide variety of issues related to policing, law enforcement officers, etc. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3369. Drugs and Society — 3 hrs.
This course explores the history of the regulation of psychoactive substances in the United States. In addition, this course provides an overview of social science research on drug use, drug enforcement, and media portrayals of drug use. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025. (Variable)
CRIM 3371. Topics in Criminal Justice — 3 hrs.
Topics courses in criminal justice focus on wide variety of issues related to police, courts, and corrections. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3381. Topics in Criminology — 3 hrs.
Topics courses in criminology focus on issues related to the definition, causes, patterns consequences, control, and political and social reactions to crime. Other topics focus on specialized topics of interest related to the field of criminology. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025. (Variable)
CRIM 3400. Police and Society — 3 hrs.
This course is a study of the criminal justice system and the problems it confronts to assess whether or not it effectively reduces crime and achieves justice. We will learn about the law and processes of the justice system in order to evaluate its proficiency as an instrument of social control. It covers the workings of law enforcement, the courts, and the correctional system, as well as juvenile justice. It reviews what constitutes crime, how crime is measured, and the theories used to explain crime. We will also examine the ideals and objectives of law enforcement, and we will explore sociological issues of race, class, gender, and power, in order to develop more effective strategies in the planning and development of crime policy. Additionally, this course looks to the future and outlines some of the pressing issues that continue to challenge crime control in a democratic society. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Spring)
CRIM 3500. Advanced Criminal Procedure — 3 hrs.
This course draws on social science research to explore the gap between the law on the books and the law in practice. This course will cover major areas in American criminal procedure like search and seizure, Miranda rights, and the right to counsel. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022. (Variable)
CRIM 3600. Advanced Criminological Theory and Policy — 3 hrs.
This course will involve an in-depth look into criminological theories of crime and explore the intersection between theory and policy. Classic sociological theories of crime will be explored as well as new emerging theories. The course will focus on how theory can be used to shape policy. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025. (Variable)
CRIM 3700. Gendered Violence and the Legal Process — 3 hrs.
This course examines gender-based violence and related legal processes. It draws on theoretical, historical, criminological and legal literature. The course explores aspects of violence with specific attention to gender and sexuality considerations. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025. (Variable)
CRIM 3800. Media & Crime — 3 hrs.
This course examines how the media influences various aspects of crime and justice. Using the theoretical perspective of social constructionism, we examine the myths and realities of crime-related portrayals in the media. We focus specifically on how media portrayals of crime, criminals, and victims influence police actions, court processing, correctional procedures, and criminal justice policy. Subtopics may include media portrayals of domestic violence, sexuality, pornography, masculinity, race, and gender. (Variable)
CRIM 4122. Youth Gangs — 3 hrs.
Origins and development of youth gangs in United States. Topics include recent emergence of gangs, especially in Iowa, relationship between drugs and violence and gang activity, and creation of social policy to prevent and control gang activity. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; junior standing. (Spring)
CRIM 4137. Homicide — 3 hrs.
Presentation of a description, discussion, and evaluation of the various types of homicide. Focus on the characteristics and backgrounds of homicidal offenders. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025; junior standing. (Spring)
CRIM 4198. Independent Study — 1-3 hrs.
May be repeated with department head approval. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and department head. (Variable)
CRIM 4216. Correctional Treatment: Theory and Practice — 3 hrs.
Examination of evolution and development of correctional treatment in United States, with special attention to description and evaluation of programs in juvenile and adult corrections. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022 or CRIM 2025; junior standing. (Fall)
CRIM 4253. Crime and Public Policy — 3 hrs.
Analysis of public policy issues related to crime and justice. Focus on the design, implementation and evaluation of public policy responses to criminal behavior. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022; junior standing. (Fall)
CRIM 4300. Wrongful Convictions — 3 hrs.
This class explores the variety of ways that innocent people can be convicted of crimes they did not commit. We will consider problems that can occur in the investigation and prosecution processes and we will consider the steps that can be taken to reduce or eliminate these problems. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2022; junior standing. (Variable)
CRIM 4331/5331. Women, Crime and Society — 3 hrs.
Sociological analysis of women as victims, offenders, practitioners, and professionals in the criminal justice system. Examination of changing perceptions and behaviors of women in United States and other countries in relation to role expectations of women in criminal justice system. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; junior standing. (Variable)
CRIM 4485. Criminology Internship — 1-6 hrs.
Experiential learning through internship placement in a criminological or criminal justice related agency or position. May be repeated for maximum of six hours. Requires prior consultation with instructor. Intended for criminology majors. A maximum of three credit hours of CRIM 4485 or 4585 may count toward the criminology major. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours in criminology (CRIM xxxx); major GPA of 2.80 or higher; junior standing; consent of instructor and department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CRIM 4500. Criminology Independent Study — 1-3 hrs.
Independent study course. Details to be determined by faculty and student. May be repeated with department head approval. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025; junior standing; consent of instructor and department head. (Variable)
CRIM 4550. Criminal Justice Independent Study — 3 hrs.
Independent study course. Details to be determined by faculty and student. May be repeated with consent of department dead. Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or SOC 1060; CRIM 2025; junior standing; consent of instructor and department head. (Variable)
CRIM 4575. Career Preparation: Getting and Surviving the Job — 3 hrs.
Designed for students nearing graduation, this course covers information related to career preparation and employability. It also emphasizes personal growth and development while at the same time covering topics and issues relevant for all criminal justice professions. Prerequisite(s): Criminology major only; senior standing or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
CRIM 4585. Practical Field Experience — 1-6 hrs.
Designed for students currently working in a criminology-related agency or position. Provides an opportunity for students to apply academic material to their current jobs in criminology or a related field. Intended for criminology majors. May be repeated for a maximum of six hours. A maximum of three credit hours of CRIM 4485 or 4585 may count toward the criminology major. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours in criminology (CRIM xxxx); major GPA of 2.80 or higher; junior standing; consent of instructor and department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)