Communication Sciences and Disorders Courses (CSD)
CSD 1000. Understanding Communication Disorders — 3 hrs.
Provides a general understanding of normal and disordered speech, language, and hearing in adults and children. Covers normal development of communication behavior, the nature of communication disorders, and how speech-language pathology and audiology interact with allied fields (e.g., education, medicine, psychology, and special education). Incorporates the influence of cultural and linguistic diversity. (Fall)
CSD 3100. Language Acquisition in Children: Birth to 5 Years — 3 hrs.
Study of the acquisition of phonological, semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic systems as these interface with brain maturation and motor, cognitive, and social development. Biological and social/interactional factors examined from variety of perspectives (e.g. cultural and linguistic diversity), stressing "applied" orientation. (Spring)
CSD 3120. Phonetics in Communicative Disorders — 3 hrs.
Proficiency in use of International Phonetic Alphabet with emphasis on physiological and linguistic aspects of speech sound production. (Spring)
CSD 3130/5130. Neuroscience and the Study of Communication Disorders — 3 hrs.
Study of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological bases of speech production. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3135; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Fall)
CSD 3135. Anatomy and Physiology of Speaking Mechanism — 3 hrs.
Introduction to functional anatomy and physiology in the speech mechanism. (Spring)
CSD 3140/5140. Introduction to Neurogenic Disorders — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the study of how various neurogenic disorders affect communication. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3135; CSD 3130/5130; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Spring)
CSD 3150. Developmental Neurology in Communication Sciences and Disorders — 3 hrs.
Provides undergraduate students with experience on neurological based communication disorders in children. (Spring)
CSD 3200/5200. Language of School-aged Children — 3 hrs.
Language development of older children. Assessment and intervention principles and techniques for children of school age with language disorders. Includes issues in cultural and linguistic diversity, literacy and collaboration with classroom teachers. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3100; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Fall)
CSD 3220. Disorders of Speech Sounds — 3 hrs.
Study of disordered phonological/articulatory systems; linguistic and cultural variation; exploration of assessment and intervention principles and practices. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3120 or consent of instructor; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. (Fall)
CSD 3250/5250. Speech Science — 3 hrs.
Study of physiological, aerodynamic, and acoustic techniques used in research, diagnosis, and treatment in communication sciences and disorders. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3260/5260; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Spring)
CSD 3260/5260. Hearing Science — 3 hrs.
Physical concepts and acoustics relating to propagation and measurement of sound. Anatomy and physiology of the ear including neurophysiology of the peripheral and central auditory system, and psychoacoustics. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Fall)
CSD 3270/5270. Introduction to Audiology — 3 hrs.
Nature and measurement of hearing; types of hearing loss; audiometric measurement including procedures, and specialized tests. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3260/5260; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Spring)
CSD 3650. Clinical Processes — 2 hrs.
Introduction to role of speech-language pathologists and audiologists as clinicians; emphasis on observation and participation as an assistant in the UNI Roy Eblen Speech and Hearing Clinic. Prerequisite(s): Communication Disorders majors only; CSD 1000; CSD 3100; minimum 3.00 GPA; junior standing or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 3700/5700. Communication Disorders and Differences Across the Lifespan — 3 hrs.
Study of communication patterns, assessment accommodations, intervention, transition, and linguistic and cultural diversity for selected clinical categories across the lifespan. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Spring)
CSD 3900/5900. Aural Rehabilitation — 3 hrs.
Principles and procedures for assessment and rehabilitation of communication deficits of hearing-impaired persons - emphasizing amplification systems, auditory training, speech-reading, and total communication for the hard-of-hearing and deaf. Introduction to counseling for individuals and families experiencing hearing loss and awareness of diverse cultural views of hearing loss (Deaf culture). Prerequisite(s): CSD 3260/5260; CSD 3270/5270; junior standing; minimum 3.00 GPA or consent of department head. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Fall)
CSD 4000/5000. Honors in Communicative Disorders — 2-3 hrs.
Development and implementation of an approved research project in an area of communicative disorders. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Variable)
CSD 4100/5100. Augmentative and Alternative Communication — 3 hrs.
Study of theoretical and practical aspects of planning augmentative and alternative communication for individuals who have complex communication needs. The influence and importance of considerations for individual linguistic and cultural differences will also be discussed. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 4210/5210. Current Problems in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology — 1-2 hrs.
Major issues confronting clinicians, researchers, and the profession. Topics to be determined by instructors. May be repeated as section topics change. Prerequisite(s): senior standing or consent of instructor. Department consent required to take at 5000-level. (Variable)
CSD 4500. Clinical Practice — 1 hr.
Clinical experience evaluation and remediation of language and articulation disorders as well as experience in screening of hearing. 1 hr. is required, may be repeated for total of 2 hours. Prerequisite(s): Communication Disorders majors only; CSD 3100; CSD 3120; CSD 3135; CSD 3200/5200; CSD 3220; CSD 3650; minimum 3.00 GPA; senior standing or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6000. Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology — 2 hrs.
Introduction to methodology, various designs, and report preparation for research. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6230. Structural Disorders - Craniofacial and Head & Neck Cancer — 3 hrs.
Understanding of the etiology, assessment, and treatment of head and neck cancer and craniofacial disorders; focus on alaryngeal speech options, oral cancer, swallowing following a total laryngectomy, and respiration, as well as observation and analysis of characteristics of cleft palate speech and intervention techniques. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3135 or consent of instructor; admitted to graduate program in speech-language pathology or department consent. (Variable)
CSD 6285. Individual Readings — 1-2 hrs.
Project must be approved before beginning of semester in which work is to be done. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): department consent. (Variable)
CSD 6289. Seminar in Speech-Language Pathology — 2 hrs.
Seminars in special topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. No limit on number of times repeated as long as topic is different. Prerequisite(s): consent of department; admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CSD 6290. SLP Practicum in Education Setting — 4-10 hrs.
Advanced clinical experience in educational settings such as education agencies, preschools, and schools. Minimum 8-week, full-time internship when taken in addition to CSD 6580 Internship in Clinical Settings; minimum 16-week, full-time without CSD 6580. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 hours. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CSD 6299. Research — 1-6 hrs.
May be repeated for a maximum of 2 hours (non-thesis) or 6 hours (thesis). Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor and department head. (Variable)
CSD 6300. Treatment of Child Language Disorders — 3 hrs.
Principles and approaches for treating children with language disorders. Consider how cultural and linguistic differences influence treatment planning and delivery. Requires active participation for demonstrations and presentations. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Spring)
CSD 6400. Disorders of Voice — 3 hrs.
In-depth study of the etiology, diagnosis, and management of voice disorders. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall)
CSD 6450. Motor Speech Disorders — 2 hrs.
Neurophysiological bases, differential diagnosis, and clinical management of motor speech disorders in adults including diverse populations. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall)
CSD 6500. Advanced Clinical Practice: Full Semester — 2 hrs.
Clinical experience in diagnosis and remediation of speech, language, and/or hearing problems at an advanced level of preparation and responsibility. Must be taken for minimum of three academic terms in the graduate program. Prerequisite(s): CSD 4500 or consent of instructor; individuals must be accepted graduate students in the Speech-Language Pathology major. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6510. Advanced Clinical Practice: 8 Week — 1 hr.
Clinical experience in diagnosis and remediation of speech, language, and/or hearing problems at an advanced level of preparation and responsibility. Typically taken for one eight week summer session during the graduate program. Prerequisite(s): CSD 4500 or consent of instructor; individuals must be accepted graduate students in the Speech-Language Pathology major. (Summer)
CSD 6560. Diagnostics in Communication Disorders — 2 hrs.
Theoretical and practical aspects of the evaluation process. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. Corequisite(s): CSD 6500 or consent of instructor. (Variable)
CSD 6580. Internship in Clinical Settings — 4-14 hrs.
Advanced clinical experience in settings such as clinics, hospitals, and rehabilitation/health centers serving populations across the lifespan. Minimum 8-week, full-time internship when taken in addition to CSD 6290 SLP Practicum in Education Setting; minimum 16-week, full-time without CSD 6290. May be repeated for maximum of 14 hours. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
CSD 6600. Dysphagia — 3 hrs.
Introductory course on the diagnosis and remediation of dysphagia in adults, with select considerations for the management of pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6650. Aphasia and Related Disorders — 3 hrs.
Diagnosis and remediation of aphasia with adults, including those from diverse populations. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Spring)
CSD 6660. Advanced Diagnostics in Communication Disorders — 2 hrs.
Advanced techniques in communication disorders assessment (interviewing; report-writing; clinical application.); must be taken for at least one fall or spring semester. Prerequisite(s): CSD 6560; admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. Corequisite(s): CSD 6500. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6700. Clinical Phonology — 3 hrs.
Review of current literature on phonological disorders. Includes issues and procedures in the assessment and management of such disorders. Prerequisite(s): CSD 3220 or consent of instructor; admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall and Spring)
CSD 6800. Fluency Disorders — 2 hrs.
Study of etiology, diagnosis, and management of fluency disorders, including service provision for multi-lingual populations. Prerequisite(s): admitted to graduate program in Speech-Language Pathology or department consent. (Fall)