2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Educational Leadership Courses (EDLEAD)


EDLEAD 4198. Independent Study — 1-6 hrs.


EDLEAD 4319. Political and Ethical Issues in Education — 3 hrs.

Students will become familiar with issues of power, politics and ethics in education systems. The course will examine ways in which individuals in leadership positions use power and political skills to influence the effectiveness of educational systems and the ethical challenges that arise from such efforts. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6206. Orientation to Educational Leadership Standards — 2 hrs.

Orientation to the study and practice of school leadership, Iowa Educational Leadership Standards, current and historical trends impacting school and the principalship, and philosophical perspectives impacting school leadership. Corequisite(s): EDLEAD 6247. (Fall)

EDLEAD 6212. Teacher Leadership in International Schools — 3 hrs.

An in-depth look at the knowledge and skills necessary to be teacher leaders in international school settings. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the M.A. Major in Teacher Leadership for International Educators. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6225. Activities Administration — 2 hrs.

The study and in-school application of current research and promising practices related to the administration of PK-12 school activities programs, including athletics, fine arts, clubs, etc. and their role in school's overall programming and mission. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6206; EDLEAD 6247; or consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6232. School Governance, Law and Intersystems Relations — 3 hrs.

Development of knowledge of the many aspects of local, regional, state, and federal governance of public schools, legal issues, school funding, respect for people's rights, and competence in managing school risk to avoid legal liability. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6206; EDLEAD 6245. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6235. Community Connections — 2 hrs.

Exploration and in-school/community application of current research on promising practices and strategies that support parental and community engagement in the school's mission and the principal's role in facilitating stakeholder engagement. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6206; EDLEAD 6247; or consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6240. Technology for School Leaders — 2 hrs.

Course explores current promising practice in technology use for building school leaders. Prerequisite(s): admitted to the M.A. Major in Teacher Leadership for International Educators. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6245. Leadership for Effective Schools — 3 hrs.

Study of contemporary leadership, change, and staff development in school organizations. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6247. School Management for Student Learning — 3 hrs.

Examination of key administrative management concepts and techniques employed by effective school principals to support student learning and achievement. Corequisite(s): EDLEAD 6206. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6248. Leading Instruction in Schools — 3 hrs.

Intensive study of the knowledge and skills needed by teacher leaders to support Professional Learning Communities, effectively use technology, develop teacher leadership, and embrace the role of the instructional leader. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6249. Leading Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum — 3 hrs.

(Tailored for teacher leaders in American international schools) Extensive study in the knowledge and skills needed by teacher leaders to help lead the development and delivery of curriculum, assessment and instruction focused on student achievement. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6251. Supporting Instruction in the Classroom — 3 hrs.

Supporting Instruction in the Classroom - will address the theoretical and practical models for instructional coaching and the tools to support teachers (and the coaches themselves) while using school data to inform instruction. Students will master content regarding Student-Centered Coaching developed by Diane Sweeney, learn and apply principles of Instructional Rounds in Education by City, Elmore, Fairman, and Lee, and attain knowledge and strategies for Building Teachers' Capacity for Success by Hall and Simeral. Students will have opportunities to reflect on current practices, identify, develop and implement coaching strategies that best fit their personal situations, and collaborate with other instructional coaches through various forms of social media. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6248. (Fall and Spring)

EDLEAD 6252. Coaching Teachers — 3 hrs.

This graduate credit course is designed to apply educational research and leadership principles in a shared leadership environment. Those interested in, or currently engaged in, teacher leadership roles in their buildings and/or districts will find this course to be practical and applicable. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6248, EDLEAD 6251. (Fall and Spring)

EDLEAD 6260. Power, Politics & Ethics for International Educators — 3 hrs.

The study of power, politics and ethics identifies the critical roles of educators and the network of individuals, agencies, and organizations that impact an education system. This course will develop an understanding of how to use power and political skills in ethical ways to create opportunities to improve student performance, administrative, faculty, staff, and organizational effectiveness; with a specific focus in international school settings. Prerequisite(s): declared M.A. Teacher Leadership for International Educators major. (Fall and Spring)

EDLEAD 6282. Leading School Growth and Improvement — 2 hrs.

Study of the teacher leader's role in leading school growth and improvement and the change process. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6284. Evaluator Approval for Improved Student Learning — 3 hrs.

Development of knowledge of various problems and procedures in the organization of elementary and secondary school professional growth. Special emphasis on supervision processes and identifying and analyzing effective teaching and performance behaviors. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6285. Readings in Educational Leadership.

Prerequisite(s): written consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6289. Seminar in Educational Leadership.

Seminars offered on special topics as indicated in the Schedule of Classes. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6291. Internship — 1 hr.

Advanced supervised experience to further develop skills in Teacher Leader Model Standards. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. May be repeated for maximum of 2 hours. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6292. Capstone to Educational Leadership — 1 hr.

Final work project that demonstrates application and synthesizes the educational standards adopted by the state of Iowa. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 6206; EDLEAD 6247; or consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 6299. Research.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7310. Human Resource Administration — 3 hrs.

Teacher selection and placement, promotion, tenure, collective bargaining and retirement; administration of pupil personnel facilitating services. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7311. Educational Leadership and Systems Change — 3 hrs.

Examination of knowledge base for both change and leadership. Emphasis on understanding how change factors and leadership styles interact to influence receptiveness to and acceptance of change. Prerequisite(s): doctoral status or admittance into the Advanced Studies Certificate (ASC)- Superintendency program (Same as POSTSEC 7311) (Variable)

EDLEAD 7315. Leading Teaching, Learning and Assessment — 3 hrs.

Focus on what boards of education need to know and be able to do; and the leadership role of the board/superintendent team for improving student achievement by sharing culture and conditions within the school district that contribute to productive change. Prerequisite(s): students must be enrolled in the superintendency preparation program cohort or doctoral program in educational leadership or have permission of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7318. Evaluation of Administrators — 2 hrs.

Provides superintendents and other educational leaders with knowledge and skills necessary in the supervision and evaluation process in K-12 schools. The Iowa Professional Development Model serves as a foundation for this course. Prerequisite(s): students must be enrolled in the superintendency preparation program cohort or the doctoral program. The instructor may grant special permission to graduate students outside educational leadership. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7319. Power, Politics, and Ethics in School District Leadership — 3 hrs.

Identifies critical roles of teacher leaders and network of individuals/agencies/organizations that impact education system. Develops understanding of how to identify community's power structure and use power/political skills in ethical ways to improve student achievement. Prerequisite(s): Consent of program coordinator. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7340. Funding the Educational Program for Improved Student Achievement — 3 hrs.

Focus on how public schools in U.S. are funded, with special attention to funding public schools in Iowa. Major emphasis on funding and allocation of resources for the improvement of student achievement. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7346. School Business Management — 3 hrs.

Develops the rationale for the function of school business administration. Assists school administrators in managing business affairs and auxiliary services of the school district. Prerequisite(s): EDLEAD 7340; master's degree in Educational Leadership or the Principalship certification. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7385. Readings in Educational Leadership.

Individualized list of selected readings in an area of emphasis, as determined by instructor and student. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): written consent of instructor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7389. Seminar in Educational Leadership.

Offered on special topics as determined and scheduled by the department. May be repeated. Limited to post-master's students. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7391. Internship in Educational Leadership — 1-9 hrs.

Advanced supervised experience to further develop skills. May be repeated. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): consent of advisor. (Variable)

EDLEAD 7397. Practicum in Educational Leadership — 2-4 hrs.

May be repeated. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Limited to post-master's students. Prerequisite(s): consent of advisor. (Fall and Spring)