2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Elementary, Early Childhood and Middle Level Education Courses (ELEMECML)


ELEMECML 3100/5100. Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom — 3 hrs.

Focuses on integrating science, technology, engineering principles, and mathematics using both modeling and an inquiry approach. Engineering and scientific practices drive both the instructional planning, and inquiry-oriented curricula and assessment. The practice of engineering, along with the difference between science and engineering is addressed. Prerequisite(s): two courses from SCI ED 1200, SCI ED 1300, and SCI ED 1100 OR approval of the instructor; junior standing. (Even Falls)

ELEMECML 3120. Classroom Management K-8 — 3 hrs.

Focus on skills needed to organize and manage appropriate instruction in the elementary classroom. Prerequisite(s): ELEMECML 4150; junior standing. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 3149. Child, Family, School and Community Relationships — 3 hrs.

In this course, preservice educators will explore the impact of personal identity, worldview, and prior experiences on perceptions, expectations, and interactions within the context of education. Students will participate in a service learning component built into the course to provide context and connection. We will focus on the importance of aligning the family, school, and community spheres of influence to optimize student learning experiences. Through practical exercises and case studies, preservice teachers will develop skills in building strong partnerships among families, schools, and communities. Special attention will be given to communication strategies that are developmentally appropriate and individually effective in connecting with children and families. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop meaningful home-community-school relationships that promote each child's education and support them in reaching their maximum potential. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

ELEMECML 3159. Integrating STEM in Elementary Classrooms — 3 hrs.

Integrating STEM in Elementary Classrooms

ELEMECML 3161. Methods of Teaching Elementary School Science — 3 hrs.

Investigation of current textbook series, trends, teaching materials, and appropriate instructional strategies for contemporary elementary school science programs. Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2301 or EDUC 2302; EDUC 2401 or EDUC 2402; junior standing. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 3164. Methods of Teaching Elementary School Social Studies — 3 hrs.

Basic methods and materials for teaching the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in history, geography, political science/civic literacy, economics and behavioral sciences. Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2301 or EDUC 2302; EDUC 2401 or EDUC 2402; junior standing. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 3187. Facilitating Early STEM Education — 3 hrs.

What does STEM for children ages 4-9 look like? This course explores how to design high quality STEM experiences for PK-2 children that are developmentally appropriate. Students will engage in readings, discussions, and discovery of how these experiences are meaningful to our youngest learners, and how to enable children's access to them every day. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4121/5121. Infant and Toddler Curriculum and Guidance — 2 hrs.

Methods of implementing appropriate curriculum for and guidance of very young children, including children with diverse needs in inclusive group settings. Includes a required 15 hours field experience. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): EDPSYCH 3109/5109; EDPSYCH 3148; junior standing. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4123/5123. Methods of Teaching Visual and Performing Arts Integration in the Elementary Classroom — 3 hrs.

Introduction, exploration and application of various methods for teaching and assessing visual and performing arts integration with content across the elementary curriculum. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4124/5124. Infant Toddler Curriculum and Early Intervention — 3 hrs.

Methods of implementing appropriate curriculum for and guidance of very young children, including children with diverse needs in natural settings. Interagency collaboration and services to support and coach families of infants and/or toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities. Prerequisite(s): SPIE 3150; EDPSYCH 3109/5109; EDPSYCH 3148; junior standing. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. Prerequisites are waived for students from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Corequisite(s): SPIE 4191/5191. [Same as SPIE 4124/5124] (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4130/5130. Guidance and Instruction in Early Childhood Education — 3 hrs.

Discussion of the role of the teacher in guiding young children in their learning activities. Emphasis on planning and implementing inclusive early childhood programs. Prerequisite(s): must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course; junior standing. Corequisite(s): ELEMECML 4192/5192 for Early Childhood majors and minors. ELEMECML 4192/5192; SPIE 4141/5141; SPIE 4191/5191 for Early Childhood Special Education minors. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): ELEMECML 4151. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4135/5135. Middle Level Instruction, Differentiation, and Assessment — 3 hrs.

Strategies for instruction, differentiation, and assessment for addressing the cognitive characteristics and needs of young adolescents in grades five through eight. Prerequisite(s): EDPSYCH 3148; EDPSYCH 4152/5152; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): ELEMECML 4152/5152 or equivalent. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4141/5141. Integrated Activities in Elementary School STEM — 3 hrs.

Pedagogy that facilitates the development of cross-cutting concepts and habits of inquiry within STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) through authentic, meaningful, and integrative investigations in elementary classrooms. Prerequisite(s): for undergraduate students: junior standing. Prerequisites for graduate students: admission to the Elementary Education Master's Program (MAE) or consent of instructor. (Spring)

ELEMECML 4143/5143. Applications/Content in Elementary Social Studies — 3 hrs.

Applying knowledge of current trends, resources, and content as a means of developing, enriching, and expanding the social studies curriculum. Prerequisite(s): ELEMECML 3164; junior standing. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fall)

ELEMECML 4150. Elementary Curriculum — 3 hrs.

Recent trends in the curriculum for children in grades K-6. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4151. Early Childhood Curriculum Development and Organization — 3 hrs.

Current trends in curriculum for preschool and primary children. Attention to the impact of classroom environment on learning. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4152/5152. The Nature of Middle School — 3 hrs.

Examination of middle school design, programs, and practices for meeting the needs of young adolescents in grades 5-8, including middle school philosophy, history, community building, interdisciplinary instruction, teaming, exploratory courses, family involvement, and advisory programs. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): EDUC 2402. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course. Students must be available for a 10-hour field experience. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4162/5162. Administration and Advocacy of Early Childhood Programs — 3 hrs.

Overview of knowledge, skills and legal framework needed for leading, evaluating and advocating for inclusive and developmentally appropriate programs for children of diverse backgrounds and abilities, ages birth-8 years. Prerequisite(s): must have full admission to the Teacher Education Program; must have cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 4192/5192. Field Experience and Seminar in Early Childhood — 2 hrs.

Experience in guiding young children, planning and implementing instruction in inclusive early childhood classroom. Prerequisite(s): must have a cumulative and UNI GPA of 2.50 or higher to enroll in this course; junior standing. Corequisite(s): ELEMECML 4130/5130 for Early Childhood majors and minors. ELEMECML 4130/5130; SPIE 4141/5141; SPIE 4191/5191 for Early Childhood Special Education minors. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 5153. Early Childhood Curriculum Development and Management — 3 hrs.

Current trends in preschool and primary curriculum with an attention to the interaction of curriculum and classroom environment on learning and development. (Fall and Spring)

ELEMECML 6201. Issues and Trends in Curriculum — 3 hrs.

Current ideas influencing the planning and implementation of curriculum. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6205. Technology in Early Childhood Education — 2 hrs.

Examination of policies, expert recommendations, and developmentally appropriate practices for using technology and digital media as learning tools for young children. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6210. Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Theory and Practice — 3 hrs.

Current theory and practical strategies for planning and implementing appropriate experiences for young children and families. Students will learn current understandings re: race, ethnicity, culture, socio-economic status, and inclusion of children with special needs. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6214. Recent Research in Early Childhood Education — 3 hrs.

Review of implications of research to gain techniques for improving instruction and programs for young children. Prerequisite(s): ELEMECML 4151 or equivalent. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6221. Analysis and Design of Curriculum for Young Children — 3 hrs.

Students explore curricula for young children to enhance teaching practices and inform future decisions on programs and materials. They use varied philosophical approaches to guide principles in creating environments where play is central to learning, blending traditional activities with digital tools to boost engagement and cognitive growth. While distinct, these approaches all aim to support children's developmental needs through experiential and meaningful interactions. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6236. Assessment in Early Childhood — 3 hrs.

Uses and interpretations of formal and informal measures to assess physical, social, intellectual and emotional development in young children, including English language learners and children with special needs. Emphasis is placed on observational techniques and formative assessments that provide a comprehensive view of each child's growth. The course also covers the importance of culturally responsive assessment practices and the role of family involvement in the assessment process. Additionally, students explore how to use assessment data to inform instructional planning, tailor learning experiences, and identify areas needing intervention. Program assessment is also highlighted, focusing on evaluating the effectiveness of early childhood programs and ensuring they meet educational standards and goals. The ultimate goal is to ensure that assessments are used to promote positive outcomes for all children, recognizing their individual strengths and needs. Overall program assessment is also addressed. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6242. Analysis and Improvement of Science Instruction in the Elementary School — 3 hrs.

Application of current research and national standards regarding attitudes, process skills, inquiry, and essential knowledge to the analysis and improvement of science curriculum including the learning cycle, unifying themes, creativity, and differentiated instruction. Prerequisite(s): admission to the Elementary Education Master's Program M.A.E.) or consent of instructor. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6243. Analysis and Improvement of Social Studies Instruction in the Elementary School — 3 hrs.

Assists teacher in exploring historical and current practices in social studies to create new approaches by using available resources and ideas. Prerequisite(s): ELEMECML 4143/5143 or ELEMECML 4150 or consent of department. (Variable)

ELEMECML 6285. Readings in Education — 1-3 hrs.

(Fall, Spring, Summer)

ELEMECML 6289. Seminar in Education — 3 hrs.

Special topics listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

ELEMECML 6297. Practicum — 2-3 hrs.

(Fall, Spring, Summer)

ELEMECML 6299. Research — 1-6 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)