Family Services Courses (FAM SERV)
FAM SERV 1010. Human Identity and Relationships — 3 hrs.
Use of social science theory and research to understand psycho-socio-cultural influences in the development of identity and interpersonal relationships. Emphasizes application of current research and theory to facilitate positive individual growth and committed intimate relationships. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
FAM SERV 1020. Family Relationships — 3 hrs.
Understanding contemporary families as they exist in their cultural context. Exploration of how families change and adapt to normative and non-normative challenges. Application of family theory and current research in order to understand family dynamics. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
FAM SERV 1055. Lifespan Development — 3 hrs.
Examination of theory and research contributing to our understanding of how biological, psychological, and social influences shape interindividual differences and intraindividual change across the lifespan. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 1057. Human Relationships and Sexuality — 3 hrs.
Human sexuality as an integration of biological, psychological, and social factors. Topics include developing healthy relationships, sexual orientation, love, sexuality education, sexual decision making, and challenges of sexual health and functioning. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 1140. Exploring Family Diversity — 3 hrs.
Exploration of diverse family/kin networks. Explore similarities and differences with issues such as: family characteristics, life-cycle (e.g., marriage, children), adaptation, and impacts of systemic forces (e.g., oppression). (Variable)
FAM SERV 1210. The Creative Experience — 3 hrs.
In this lively, experiential course, students explore creative persons, products, and places that have had an impact upon the arts and culture. In collaborative teams, students use artistic media to tell the stories of creative persons, products, and places. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 2030. Research Methods in Family Science — 3 hrs.
Introduction to basic research methods used in family science. Quantitative and qualitative research designs, ethical considerations, and evaluating research results. Development of hypotheses based on current research and choice of appropriate methodologies to address them. Prerequisite(s): completion of UNIFI written communication category. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 2054. Dating and Couple Relationships — 3 hrs.
Analysis of interpersonal relationship dynamics and dyadic decision-making using various theoretical perspectives. Study of evidence-based relationship enhancement strategies. (Variable)
FAM SERV 2060. Strategies and Issues in Family Services — 3 hrs.
Survey of prevention and intervention models, methods and professional issues involved in family services. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1020; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 2077. Management of Family Resources — 3 hrs.
Exploration of the management of human and economic resources available to individuals and families through the lifespan from a family science perspective. Emphasis on financial, time, and work/family issues. (Variable)
FAM SERV 2111. Families and End of Life Issues — 3 hrs.
Overview of individual, familial, social, and cultural aspects of death, dying and the bereavement process. Topics include final planning, palliative care, funeral rituals, and grief. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing. (Same as GERO 2111) (Variable)
FAM SERV 2403. The Science and Experience of Human Flourishing — 3 hrs.
Explores the theoretical foundations, methodological approaches, and interventions of Positive Psychology and Positive Developmental Science to study positive emotions, experiences, relationships, meaning, and achievement. Additional topics include happiness, well-being, joy, purpose, optimism, resilience, character strengths, values, flow, wisdom, mindfulness, spirituality, meditation, post-traumatic growth, positive families, positive education, and positive work. [Same as PSYCH 2403] (Variable)
FAM SERV 3145/5145. Violence in Intimate Relationships — 3 hrs.
Exploration of theoretical models of violence in intimate and family relationships and examination of the impact of violence on secondary victims. Empirical and programmatic implications for prevention and intervention models are reviewed. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
FAM SERV 3150/5150. Families, Aging, and Wellbeing — 3 hrs.
Identification of challenges and normative transitions associated with aging families. Application of developmental and family theories, including theories of aging. Topics will also focus on healthy aging and wellbeing in later life. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1020; FAM SERV 1055 or PSYCH 2202; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 3155/5155. Parenting — 3 hrs.
Review of parent-child relationships and the dynamic processes of parenting children from conception through young adulthood. Emphasizes developmental and family theory and the diversity of contexts that impact parent-child relationships. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1020; FAM SERV 1055 or PSYCH 2202; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 3160/5160. Prevention and Early Intervention Skills — 3 hrs.
Exploration and integration of theoretical and evidence-based practice models and skills utilized in family intervention. Professional skills, strategies, tools and ethical issues associated with family assessment and interventions will be examined. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 3161/5161. Families, Alzheimer's, and Related Dementias — 3 hrs.
Exploration of issues pertaining to Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. Examination of challenges associated with memory disorders. Strategies for supporting affected individuals and families. Cannot receive credit in both FAM SERV 3161/5161 and GERO 3161/5161. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as GERO 3161/5161) (Variable)
FAM SERV 3162/5162. Family Policy and Advocacy — 3 hrs.
Exploration of legal issues, policies, and laws influencing the well-being of families, and the roles family professionals can play in influencing and informing policy at the local, state, and federal levels. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1020; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; junior standing. (Variable)
FAM SERV 3176/5176. Consumer Behavior Across the Lifespan — 3 hrs.
Analytical approach to the consumption of durables, goods, services, and housing by families across the lifespan. Impact of family on consumption and purchasing decisions. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
FAM SERV 3180/5180. Problems in Family Services — 1-4 hrs.
Individual topic areas of in-depth study. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
FAM SERV 3182/5182. Research in Family Services — 1-6 hrs.
Conduct supervised research and/or scholarly project. Prerequisite(s): instructor approved research methods course or research project; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
FAM SERV 4157/5157. Human Sexuality Education — 3 hrs.
Examination of methods for teaching human sexuality in a variety of educational settings; emphasis placed on family life education programs. Students will use theoretical and empirical literature to evaluate programs and to develop sexuality curricula. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1057; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; junior standing. (Variable)
FAM SERV 4178. Program Development and Implementation — 3 hrs.
An understanding of the principles and practices in planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of program and services focusing on healthy families. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 1020; FAM SERV 1057; FAM SERV 2060; 3 hours social science research methods; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; senior standing as a Family Services major or consent of instructor. (Variable)
FAM SERV 4184/5184. Topics in Family Services — 1-3 hrs.
Selected topics relating to current issues in Family Services. Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topics for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
FAM SERV 4190. Professional Practice in Family Services — 3 hrs.
Professional development course including the following topics: family services as a profession; ethical decisions; diversity in the professional field; issues that emerge in family service agencies; and preparation for internship and entry into employment. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 2060; Family Services and Gerontology majors only; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
FAM SERV 4195. Internship in Family Services — 6-9 hrs.
Supervised experience in approved practicum situation. Transfer students must complete one full semester in residence before being approved for internship. Stipulate a minimum of 270 hours of internship plus seminar. Prerequisite(s): FAM SERV 4190; minimum grade of C- in all prerequisite courses; minimum 2.40 GPA; senior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
FAM SERV 4198. Independent Study in Family Services.
Independent Study in Family Services