2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Finance Courses (FIN)


FIN 1040. Financial Skills for Smart Living — 3 hrs.

This course will prepare students for their own personal financial well-being in life. The course will cover the main topics of personal finance at a broad level including setting goals, budgeting, saving, investing, insurance, credit, loans, making home and automobile purchases, retirement planning, and estate planning. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3032/5032. International Financial Management — 3 hrs.

This course examines the effects of currency value changes on the cash flows and decisions of the firm. The course centers around how multinational corporations identify, assess, and manage risks associated with doing business internationally. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Variable)

FIN 3040. Introduction to Personal Wealth Management — 3 hrs.

The course provides students the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the financial services industry and meet the education eligibility requirements to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). The course will cover two main areas of the CFP Curriculum: 1) General Financial Planning Principles, Professional Conduct, and Regulation; and 2) Risk Management, Insurance, and Employee Benefits Planning. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3050. Risk Management and Insurance — 3 hrs.

Fundamentals of risk and insurance as they apply to financial management. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

FIN 3065/5065. Fixed Income Analysis — 3 hrs.

Principles and tools used to value fixed income securities and manage the risk of bond portfolios. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3160/5160; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Spring)

FIN 3080. Special Problems — 1-3 hrs.

Credit determined at registration. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of department head. (Variable)

FIN 3110. Principles of Real Estate — 3 hrs.

Introduction to nature of real estate, its value, and related decision analysis. Includes appraisal, investment analysis, location theory, financing, legal characteristics, and development. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3115. Real Estate Law and Brokerage — 3 hrs.

Study of the law affecting real estate and its value, financing, conveyance, contractual obligations, and brokerage, including agency relationships. Prerequisite(s): FIN 3110; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3120. Real Estate Appraisal and Investment — 3 hrs.

Introduction to valuation techniques of real estate. Includes coverage of market analysis, highest and best use analysis, investment analysis and the three approaches to value. Prerequisite(s): FIN 3110; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3125. Real Estate Finance — 3 hrs.

Introduction to concepts, techniques, and instruments integral to the financing of real estate. Includes a discussion of financial markets and institutions related to real estate financing as well as alternative real estate financing. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3130/5130. Corporate Finance — 3 hrs.

Introductory course in corporate finance relating to the role of the finance function within the corporate enterprise. Graduate students completing this course will be required to complete a graded, written case covering financial management and capital budgeting. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

FIN 3135. Intermediate Financial Management — 3 hrs.

Examination of the tools, concepts, and theories of financial management. Topics include working capital management, capital budgeting, financial theory, and financial modeling. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3160/5160. Principles of Investments — 3 hrs.

Investment decision making, analysis, and management. Includes descriptive analysis of various investment media, techniques of value analysis, and basic topics in portfolio management. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 3170/5170. Commercial Bank Management — 3 hrs.

Study of major decisions and policies involved in management of commercial banks in the context of asset/liability management. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Variable)

FIN 3179. Cooperative Education in Finance — 1-3 hrs.

Compensated work experience in conjunction with an academic project conducted under faculty guidance. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): 3.00 cumulative UNI GPA; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

FIN 3210. Financial Modeling and Analytics — 3 hrs.

This course aims to develop the financial modeling and analytical skills used in the application of financial theories to practical problems in fundamental analysis, investment analysis, and portfolio management. Students are expected to learn and use statistical tools in data analysis and predictions. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3160/5160; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Variable)

FIN 4040. Principles of Personal Wealth Management — 3 hrs.

The course provides students the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the financial services industry and meet the education eligibility requirements to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). The course will cover two main areas of the CFP Curriculum: 1) Tax Planning, and 2) Estate Planning. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; FIN 3040; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 4145. Advanced Financial Management — 3 hrs.

In-depth examination of the tools, concepts, and theories of financial management. Topics include working capital management, capital budgeting, financial theory, and various appropriate analytical tools. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3135; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 4150/5150. Securities Analysis — 3 hrs.

Enables students to perform the tasks of a financial analyst in the investment environment. Focuses on equity analysis and portfolio management using different methods to value securities. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3160/5160; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Spring)

FIN 4155/5155. Options and Futures — 3 hrs.

Expands upon a basic understanding of financial derivatives learned in the Principles of Investments course to include pricing models and risk management techniques. It explores the workings of the derivative markets for options and futures as well as theoretical pricing aspects and models for those markets. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3160/5160; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall)

FIN 4190. Advanced Real Estate Cases — 3 hrs.

Students will apply the tools and concepts used in the analysis of real estate assets. Students as teams will analyze actual properties for their development or redevelopment potential and create a plan consistent with their analysis that will be presented to the owner/manager of the property. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; FIN 3110; FIN 3115; FIN 3120; FIN 3125; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3135; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Spring)

FIN 4270. Applications of Personal Wealth Management — 3 hrs.

The course provides students the necessary knowledge and skills to enter the financial services industry and meet the education eligibility requirements to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). The course will cover two main areas of the CFP Curriculum: 1) Retirement Planning, and 2) Case Studies and Applications. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; FIN 3040; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

FIN 4410. CFA Review — 3 hrs.

This course focuses on topics needed to pass the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Level I Exam. Primary areas include Ethics, Quantitative Methods, Economics, Corporate Finance, Equity Analysis and Fixed Income. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; C- or better in FIN 3130/5130; FIN 3160/5160; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011 or MATH 1421. (Spring)

FIN 6266. Financial Management and Markets — 3 hrs.

In-depth examination of tools, concepts, theories, and analysis of managerial finance integrated with case applications. Students expected to apply concepts from managerial finance in analyzing, presenting, and discussing cases at an advanced level. Prerequisite(s): FIN 3130/5130 or equivalent; consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

FIN 6285. Individual Readings — 1-3 hrs.

Directed readings and reports. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

FIN 6297. Practicum — 2 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

FIN 6299. Research — 1-6 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)