Gerontology Courses (GERO)
GERO 2111. Families and End of Life Issues — 3 hrs.
Overview of individual, familial, social, and cultural aspects of death, dying and the bereavement process. Topics include final planning, palliative care, funeral rituals, and grief. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing. (Same as FAM SERV 2111) (Variable)
GERO 3161/5161. Families, Alzheimer's, and Related Dementias — 3 hrs.
Exploration of issues pertaining to Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias. Examination of challenges associated with memory disorders. Strategies for supporting affected individuals and families. Cannot receive credit in both FAM SERV 3161/5161 and GERO 3161/5161. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. [Same as FAM SERV 3161/5161] (Variable)
GERO 3192/5192. Research in Gerontology — 1-3 hrs.
Conduct supervised research and/or scholarly project. Prerequisite(s): research methods course; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
GERO 3194/5194. Problems in Gerontology — 1-4 hrs.
Individual topic areas of in-depth study. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
GERO 4170/5170. Long Term Care Administration — 3 hrs.
Study of long term care administration including social services, dietary, legal aspects; nursing; environmental services, activities/community resources; business administration; administrative organization, and human resource management. Prerequisite(s): Gerontology: LTC administration majors only; junior standing; department approval. (Odd Springs)
GERO 4184/5184. Topics in Gerontology — 1-3 hrs.
Selected topics relating to current issues in gerontology. Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topics for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
GERO 4193. Internship Seminar — 1 hr.
Process seminar to focus on and maximize student learning from their internship experiences and aid in their development of professional practices. May be repeated for maximum of 2 hours. Corequisite(s): GERO 4195 or HPE 4768 or SOC 3100. (Variable)
GERO 4195. Internship in Gerontology.
Supervised experience in approved work situation. Transfer students must complete one full semester in residence before being approved for internship.
Sec. 1. Social Sciences track - 3 hrs.
Sec. 2. Long Term Care track - 1-12 hrs. May be repeated for maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
GERO 4198. Independent Study in Gerontology — 1-6 hrs.