2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Health, Recreation and Community Services Courses (HRCS)


HRCS 4000. Professional Readiness Seminar — 3 hrs.

Professional readiness seminar builds academic, communication, and critical thinking skills needed to successfully meet the challenges you will encounter in the workplace. The focus of the course is on development of professional tools including portfolios, resumes, interviewing skills, relevant certifications, and internship placements. This course is a prerequisite to RTNL, AT and PH internship. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, instructor consent. (Fall and Spring)

HRCS 6000. Foundations of Community Health and Recreation — 3 hrs.

Analysis of philosophical foundations and ethical principles related to community health and recreation. (Fall)

HRCS 6290. Research Methods in Health, Recreation and Community Services — 3 hrs.

This course discusses quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research design and procedures for topics in recreation, public health, and community services. Graduate students will compare different forms of qualitative and quantitative methodologies to determine the appropriate research approach for a selected topic. (Spring)

HRCS 6299. Research.

Fee assessed separately for laboratory materials and/or binding of thesis/research paper. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)