2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Interior Design Courses (INTDSGN)


INTDSGN 1001. Introduction to Applied Design — 3 hrs.

Overview of applied design issues relating to design methods, design processes, human factors influencing design, environmental impacts, and sustainability concerns. With a focus on design thinking, and understanding the cultural, social and economic impact of design decisions, the class includes projects that explore innovative ideas within the applied design industry. (Fall)

INTDSGN 1061. Design Foundations — 3 hrs.

Introduction to design elements and principles and their application to applied and fine arts. Attention to materials techniques and evaluation. Development of individual perception of design processes within interior design context. (Fall and Spring)

INTDSGN 1063. Drafting for Interiors — 3 hrs.

Introduction to architectural drafting; emphasis on drawing as a visual communication medium in the field of interior design. Development of drafting skills as a graphic language. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): INTDSGN 1061. (Spring)

INTDSGN 1065. Design Visualization and Communication — 3 hrs.

Design and presentation skills developed through studio experiences in various media. Emphasis on perceptual and conceptual development in two and three dimensions. (Spring)

INTDSGN 1067. History of Interiors — 3 hrs.

Styles of furnishings, interiors, and architecture from antiquity to the present. (Spring)

INTDSGN 2063. Computer Applications for Interior Design I — 3 hrs.

Emphasis on three-dimensional graphic representation in the field of interior design. Includes introduction to computer-aided drafting. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 1063; declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 2065. Space Planning and the Human Experience — 3 hrs.

Introduction to concepts and application of spatial definition, organization, and theories of human behavior in the built environment. Prerequisite(s): declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 2069. Materials and Resources for Interior Design — 3 hrs.

The study of characteristics, installation, estimating, maintenance and sustainability of materials specified in interior applications. Understanding of sourcing, distribution and sustainable practices related to interior finishes and furnishings. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 1063; declared Interior Design majors only. (Spring)

INTDSGN 2070. Materials Lab — 1 hr.

Testing processes of materials and textiles used in interior applications, material selections based on the appropriate and required tests and standards applicable to the design context. (Spring)

INTDSGN 3063. Computer Applications for Interior Design II — 3 hrs.

Advanced computer-aided design using related software in the field of interior design. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 2063; declared Interior Design majors only. (Spring)

INTDSGN 3069. Building Systems and Lighting — 3 hrs.

Introduction to structural and non-structural building systems, circulation systems, and distribution systems (power, mechanical, HVAC, data/voice and plumbing) as they impact interior applications. Principles of thermal and acoustical design, indoor air quality, natural and electrical lighting design. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): INTDSGN 2063; INTDSGN 2065; declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 3129. Building Codes and Standards — 3 hrs.

Standards set by the profession for entry-level positions in Interior Design. (Fall)

INTDSGN 3151. Residential Design I — 3 hrs.

Residential design. Programming, space planning, life safety issues, conceptualization, problem solving, and presentation. Includes special populations and purposes. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 2063; INTDSGN 2065; declared Interior Design majors only. Corequisite(s): INTDSGN 2069. (Spring)

INTDSGN 3152. Residential Design II — 3 hrs.

Advanced Residential design. Programming, space planning, life safety issues, conceptualization, problem solving, and presentation. Includes special populations and purposes. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 3151. (Fall)

INTDSGN 3164. Professional Practice of Interior Design — 3 hrs.

Professional responsibilities (legal, ethical, social and business) and practice of Interior Design. Prerequisite(s): declared Interior Design majors only. (Spring)

INTDSGN 3165. Professional Preparation in Interior Design — 1 hr.

Development of credentials and portfolio for job market entry. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): INTDSGN 3164; declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 4151. Commercial Design I — 3 hrs.

Non-residential design, programming, space planning, life safety issues, conceptualization, problem solving, and presentation. Includes special populations and purposes. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 3069; INTDSGN 3129; declared Interior Design majors only. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): INTDSGN 3063. (Spring)

INTDSGN 4152. Commercial Design II — 3 hrs.

Advanced non-residential design, programming, space planning, life safety issues, conceptualization, problem solving, and presentation. Includes special populations and purposes. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 3063; INTDSGN 3069; INTDSGN 3129; declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 4153. Commercial Design III — 3 hrs.

Complex non-residential design, programming, space planning, life safety issues, conceptualization, problem solving, and presentation. Includes special populations and purposes. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 3063; INTDSGN 3069; INTDSGN 3129; declared Interior Design majors only. (Spring)

INTDSGN 4161. Design Research Methods — 3 hrs.

Complex residential/non-residential design problems incorporating applied research methods. Prerequisite(s): declared Interior Design majors only. (Fall)

INTDSGN 4162. Advanced Design — 3 hrs.

Complex residential/non-residential design problems incorporating applied research and integration of life safety, building systems and human response to the built environment. Prerequisite(s): INTDSGN 4161. (Spring)

INTDSGN 4184/5184. Topics in Interior Design — 1-3 hrs.

Selected topics relating to current issues in Interior Design. Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topics for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

INTDSGN 4192/5192. Research in Interior Design — 1-3 hrs.

Conduct supervised research and/or scholarly project. Prerequisites: research methods course; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)

INTDSGN 4194/5194. Problems in Interior Design — 1-4 hrs.

Individual topic areas of in-depth study. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)

INTDSGN 4195. Internship in Interior Design — 3 hrs.

Supervised experience in approved work situation. Transfer students must complete one full semester in residence before being approved for internship. Prerequisite(s): all course work must be completed. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

INTDSGN 4198. Independent Study in Interior Design.
