Education, Interdepartmental Courses (INTDEPED)
INTDEPED 7301. Major Thinkers in Education over the Last 3,000 Years — 3 hrs.
An investigation of main ideas and perspectives from foundational scholars across fields of philosophy, sociology, history, and psychology who are perceived to have made major contributions in the field of education. Prerequisite(s): doctoral status or consent of college. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7303. Foundations of Inquiry — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the intellectual foundations of educational and social inquiry. Includes the history and major positions of philosophy as well as their application to the practice of inquiry. Includes attention to the theory and practice of scholarship through critical reading and academic writing. Prerequisite(s): doctoral status or consent of college. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7314. Qualitative Research Design for Practice — 3 hrs.
This course focuses on qualitative research designs. Various qualitative methodologies will be used related to identifying, understanding, and solving complex problems of practice. The course will focus on developing conceptual understandings of a problem, ethics of inquiry and practice, and design of an inquiry plan from a qualitative perspective. Students will complete collection, analysis, and synthesis of data for problems of practice, including reporting results and use of data in practice and for broader dissemination. Prerequisite(s): MEASRES 6205 or KAHHS 6290 or equivalent, and a substantial introductory statistics course (MEASRES 4180 or KAHHS 6210 or equivalent); INTDEPED 7326; Admission to the Ed.D. program. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7316. Quantitative Research Design for Practice — 3 hrs.
This course focuses on quantitative research designs. Various quantitative methodologies are used for identifying, understanding, and solving complex problems of practice. The course will focus on developing conceptual understandings of a problem, ethics of inquiry and practice, and design of an inquiry plan from a quantitative perspective. Students will complete collection, analysis, and synthesis of data for problems of practice, including reporting results and use of data in practice and for broader dissemination. Prerequisite(s): MEASRES 6205 or KAHHS 6290 or equivalent, and a substantial introductory statistics course (MEASRES 4180 or KAHHS 6210 or equivalent); INTDEPED 7326; Admission to the Ed.D. program. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7318. Evidence-Based Practices, Assessment, Accountability, and Program Evaluation — 3 hrs.
In today's world of professional practice, simply running a program is not good enough. Modern practice must use assessment and evaluation results. This course provides needed tools. Provides multiple theoretical perspectives as well as hands-on practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to Ed.D. program; INTDEPED 7303. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7320. Leadership in Formal and Informal Learning Environments — 3 hrs.
This course examines leadership, theory, and practice in formal and informal learning environments and promotes comprehensive application strategies to such settings as schools, human services, and leisure, tourism, and environmental organizations. Prerequisite(s): admission to Ed.D. program. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7322. Organizational and Community Transformation — 3 hrs.
Exploration of transformational processes and the forces that shape change in communities and organizations on a macro, meso, and micro scale within the context of promoting and responding to social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental change including institutions and agencies. Prerequisite(s): admission to Ed.D. program; INTDEPED 7303. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7324. Critical Analysis of Social and Cultural Contexts in Education — 3 hrs.
Explores historic and contemporary social, legal, and cultural movements in education and professional practice from sociological and critical perspectives. Indepth focus on philosophy, science, attitudes, belief patterns, and practices related to social and cultural diversity. Prerequisite(s): Doctoral status or consent of college, INTDEPED 7303 (Variable)
INTDEPED 7326. Integrating Theory with Practice — 3 hrs.
This course is designed to prepare entry-level doctoral students in the Ed.D. program for examining complex theoretical frameworks and how theory relates to practice. Students will be exposed to numerous theories from a variety of content areas, faculty research endeavors, and strategies for linking current research trends to their current practice. Prerequisite(s): admission to the Ed.D. program. (Fall and Spring)
INTDEPED 7389. Doctoral Seminar — 3 hrs.
This course supports Ed.D. students in examining the facets of the doctoral degree, setting scholarly agendas, and developing publication skills. More specifically, the course will focus on doctoral core and intensive study area requirements, advisor selection, dissertation committee selection, and general and specific expectations for the completion of the Ed.D Graded. Prerequisite(s): INTDEPED 7314, INTDEPED 7316, Doctoral status or consent of college. (Variable)
INTDEPED 7399. Dissertation Research.
Credit/no credit only. Initial enrollment requires attendance at doctoral research seminar. (Variable)