2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Languages Courses (LANG)


LANG 2003. Preparation for Study Abroad — 2 hrs.

For students planning to study and travel abroad. Practical, social, geographic, and cultural aspects; some emphasis on contrasting American and foreign cultures. No credit on major or minor in foreign language. (Fall and Spring)

LANG 2020. Constructing Cross-Cultural Bridges — 3 hrs.

Within a Study Abroad experience, exploring multiple components of a specific culture firsthand; attention to the interrelationships among various cultural components such as history, religion, social values and practices, community organization, and language; course activities and requirements designed to increase intercultural understanding and effective interactions among individuals across different cultures. (Same as TESOL 3550) (Summer)

LANG 2030. Contemporary Culture and Identity: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

Designed for study abroad, this course will ask students to reflect on the role that culture plays in identity formation, comparing non-U.S. and U.S. cultures. May be repeated for credit under different topics. (Summer)

LANG 4093. Technology in Language Education — 3 hrs.

Based on current research and methodological approaches, enables critical selection, integration, and application of modern technology in language instruction. Prerequisite(s): for all students: junior standing. Prerequisites for Spanish Teaching majors and minors: SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050. (Fall)

LANG 4198. Independent Study — 1-6 hrs.


LANG 4740/5740. Language Teaching Methods l — 3 hrs.

Approaches to teaching language that combine thematic, task-based, and communicative learning with a concern for students' individual differences. Attention to planning an effective lesson, including implementing language objectives, language teaching methods, and classroom management techniques that create a rigorous, positive, and equitable learning environment. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): TESOL 3110 or TESOL 4120/5120 or SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3050/5050 or SPAN 3006; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

LANG 4750. Assessment in Language Learning — 3 hrs.

Survey of basic principles for assessing second language learning and the critical tools that enable fair and effective assessment of listening, speaking, reading, and writing performance. Emphasis on authentic and alternative assessment and to applying assessment principles and tools to teaching practice. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): LANG 4740/5740; junior standing. (Variable)

LANG 6090. Theory and Practice in Foreign Language Teaching — 1-3 hrs.

Synthesis of past and current theories of language acquisition with language teaching practice. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall)

LANG 6095. Research Methods in Culture and Literature — 3 hrs.

Prepares students in various aspects of cultural and literary criticism, use of critical approaches and latest library resources. Graduate students must take this course during first three resident semesters. (Fall and Spring)