Library Courses (LIBRARY)
LIBRARY 1030. Beyond Google: An Introduction to Information Literacy — 1 hr.
Introduction to the formats of information, techniques of information retrieval, and the social, economic, ethical, legal and political issues associated with the use, abuse, and ownership of information. Open to freshmen and sophomores. (Offered during both halves of the fall and spring semesters). (Fall and Spring)
LIBRARY 1100. AI, Algorithms, and (Y)our Future — 1 hr.
A wandering across, around, and through some of the major promises and perils presented by artificial intelligence (AI) like the ethical, economic, political, and creative impacts of these technologies. We will examine how these changes may impact your life, your future career, and (y)our world. (Fall and Spring)
LIBRARY 2100. Who's Controlling (Y)our Information?: Access, Authority, and Technology — 3 hrs.
In today's information ecosystem, it is essential to look at trends and systems of information so we can better understand the impacts and challenges of these ever-changing technologies. We will wrestle with the realities of being informed, responsible, and engaged humans within systems that may be beyond (y)our control. (Fall and Spring)
LIBRARY 6100. Information Literacy: Learning to Question in the 21st Century — 3 hrs.
This course focuses on historical and current perspectives in information literacy and the impact of readily accessible information on learning and life in the 21st century. (Fall)