Learning Technologies Courses (LRNTECH)
LRNTECH 1031. Educational Technology and Design — 3 hrs.
This is a foundational course that prepares early childhood, elementary, and middle level pre-service educators to facilitate student learning in technology-rich Pre-K-12 environments. The course provides hands-on experiences that integrate technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge to support clearly-defined student learning outcomes. Pre-service teachers select and design technology-enhanced learning tools to promote collaboration, creativity, communication, and higher-order thinking skills in the classroom. In support of Iowa DoE's adoption of Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards, the course includes a unit on integrating computer science and computational thinking in the mainstream K-12 curriculum. Students explore contemporary topics related to educational media and technology trends in education. (Fall and Spring)
LRNTECH 3600. Technology, Pedagogy, and Learning in the Digital Age — 3 hrs.
This course provides practical skills in integrating technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge, enabling educators to create engaging and accommodating learning environments. Emphasis is placed on developing proficiency in digital citizenship, media literacy, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and integrating fundamental computer science and generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) concepts within school curriculum frameworks. Through hands-on activities, students learn to use appropriate technology to differentiate instruction and assessments to meet specific learning objectives. They will plan, design, and curate materials that foster creativity, collaboration, computational thinking, and problem-solving skills necessary for the digital age. (Fall and Spring)
LRNTECH 4110/5110. Foundations of Distance Learning and Development — 3 hrs.
This course offers students who are interested in online teaching with best practices and instructional principles essential for effective distance learning. It provides an overview of theoretical frameworks and explores emerging trends in distance education. Students will examine processes specific to online environments and evaluates relevant research in online education. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Spring)
LRNTECH 4120/5120. Designing Accessible and Inclusive Learning Environments — 3 hrs.
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of how to design digital learning experiences that are accessible and inclusive to all learners including those with disabilities. Students will explore the principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL), accessibility standards, and best practices for creating equitable digital environments. Additionally, the course includes a review of assistive technologies and their role in empowering learners with disabilities. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Spring)
LRNTECH 4131/5131. Selection and Application of Learning Technologies — 3 hrs.
This course explores the principles and methods of utilizing computer technology alongside various auditory, visual, and tactile instructional media and technologies. These tools are applied across diverse educational, instructional, informational, and communication settings. Additionally, the course covers research, instructional design skills, equipment operation, and materials production in relation to effective learning strategies. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
LRNTECH 4153/5153. Developing Digital Learning Environments — 3 hrs.
This course centers on instructional system design models for the systematic development of e-learning instruction. The course examines theories and practices within e-learning environments, with an emphasis on enhancing usability and accessibility. It includes instructional methods for assessing learner needs, selecting and implementing suitable technologies, and evaluating the overall effectiveness of e-learning initiatives. Students are tasked with applying their skills to integrate instructional technology effectively, enabling them to plan, create, and manage e-learning projects in a real-world setting. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
LRNTECH 4160. Learning Technology Projects — 1-3 hrs.
Independent learning technology projects. Credit to be determined at the time of registration; project, credit, and evaluation criteria require advance consent of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours. (Variable)
LRNTECH 4186/5186. Studies in Learning Technology — 1-3 hrs.
Individualized study of a specific problem or application in an area as determined by instructor and student. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 4189. Readings in Learning Technology — 1-3 hrs.
Independent instructional technology projects. Credit to be determined at time of registration; project, credit and evaluation criteria require advance consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 6205. Understanding and Evaluating Research — 3 hrs.
This course is designed to familiarize students with the process of reading for understanding and evaluating research reports. This course emphasizes becoming proficient consumers of research by gaining the skills necessary to critically evaluate published research findings from any field. The focus of this course is to become familiar with the sections of research reports, the jargon, and how to read with criticality in order to effectively evaluate the potential usefulness of any research report. (Fall)
LRNTECH 6208. Enhancing Learning Through Action Research — 3 hrs.
Action research engages educators with systematic investigation of practical solutions that improve their teaching practice. This course engages students in creating an action research proposal and preparing an IRB application for research. This proposal may be used as a starting point for the final masters paper. Prerequisite(s): LRNTECH 6240. (Fall)
LRNTECH 6215. Designing and Implementing Professional Development — 3 hrs.
This course emphasizes planning and producing activities essential for creating effective professional development in a range of formats. This course provides students with the vision and skill to design professional development experiences in a variety of formats, including flipped, hybrid, web-enhanced, and fully online. Students in the cohort will collaborate on the development, marketing, and implementation of a professional development conference, webinar, or other PD experience offered to a real-world audience. Prerequisite(s): LRNTECH 6240. (Variable)
LRNTECH 6216. Adult Learning Instructional Strategies — 3 hrs.
The focus of this course is adult learning theories and practices and their application to designing instruction. The course covers basic instructional design concepts followed by a comprehensive exploration of andragogy and adult learning theories and practices. Emphasis is placed on the distinctions between creating instructional materials for adults versus traditional pedagogical approaches. The course integrates andragogical practices with learning theories applicable to adult learners in the digital age. (Fall)
LRNTECH 6237. Creating Change through Digital Leadership — 3 hrs.
Explores leading change towards 21st century learning. Change theory is introduced and then applied to everyday educational systems. Leadership skills are developed through both theory and practical applications. (Fall)
LRNTECH 6238. Topics and Emerging Trends in Learning Technology — 3 hrs.
This course is tailored for educators and trainers that focuses on the latest advancements and emerging trends in learning technologies. As the landscape of learning technology evolves, so too will the topics covered in this course. The primary objective is to empower educators and trainers with the essential skills necessary to integrate current and emerging learning technologies into their professional settings. (Summer)
LRNTECH 6240. Instructional Design for 21st Century Learning — 3 hrs.
This course is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to effectively plan, develop, implement, and evaluate instructional strategies across diverse learning environments. This project-based course integrates instructional design models with contemporary learning theories, enabling students to craft instruction for both educational and professional contexts, and is tailored to large-group, small-group, and individual learners. (Spring)
LRNTECH 6245. Creating Educational Multimedia Content — 3 hrs.
This course introduces students to the principles and practical skills necessary for producing effective instructional media materials. Throughout the course, students will be involved in hands-on projects of various aspects of media production, focusing on creating content that enhances learning experiences in diverse educational settings. (Summer)
LRNTECH 6250. Writing a Graduate Paper/ePortfolio — 3 hrs.
This course refines skills in writing a Masters level Literature Review through the research, reading, writing and formatting of the paper. The Masters ePortfolio is organized, formatted and development begun. (Fall)
LRNTECH 6260. Advanced Learning Technology Projects — 1-3 hrs.
Independent learning technology projects. Credit to be determined at time of registration; project, credit and evaluation criteria require advance consent of instructor. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 6285. Readings in Learning Technology — 1-3 hrs.
Reviews individualized selected readings in an area of emphasis as determined by instructor and student. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 6286. Studies in Learning Technology — 1-3 hrs.
Individualized study of a specific problem or application in an area as determined by instructor and student. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 6289. Seminar in Learning Technology — 3 hrs.
Provides the opportunity for candidates to explore a variety of topics in preparation for their profession. (Variable)
LRNTECH 6297. Practicum in Learning Technology — 2-3 hrs.
Students will be provided the opportunity to spend significant time on-site in a supervised position. This practicum experience assists students in discovering, developing and refining necessary competencies and skills for their proposed career goals. (Variable)
LRNTECH 6298. Capstone Field Experience — 3 hrs.
This course provides students with the practical application of a capstone field experience within the context of their current educational, corporate, or other professional work environment. The course is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills learned throughout the program to facilitate a hands-on, capstone instructional experience relevant to their work setting. The outcome of this course is a comprehensive set of curricular or training materials directly applicable to the vocational environment.
LRNTECH 6299. Research — 3 hrs.
Students complete their masters literature review/project report/original research/journal article during this course. This is the final course of the program. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
LRNTECH 7340. Designing Instructional Systems — 3 hrs.
This doctoral level course engages students in creating innovative instructional projects by applying current research, multiple instructional design models and learning theories in the systematic instructional design process. (Variable)