2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Measurement and Research Courses (MEASRES)


MEASRES 3150. Classroom Assessment — 2 hrs.

This course is an introduction to the purposes and development of classroom assessment with a focus on diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment. Additional course topics include assessment ethics, standards of quality in assessment, communication of assessment data, the use of assessment data to make instructional decisions, and standardized assessment. Physical Education majors may substitute KINES 3174 for MEASRES 3150. Early Childhood Education majors and Music Education majors will be waived from MEASRES 3150. Prerequisite(s): EDPSYCH 2030. Registration requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program. Must have a cumulative 2.50 GPA or higher to enroll in this course. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): EDPSYCH 3148. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MEASRES 3510. Assessment for Learning — 3 hrs.

This course will focus on the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework and the knowledge and skills needed to use data to inform instruction. Students will learn to design, adapt, or select appropriate assessments to match learning goals, analyze the assessment results, and use the results to plan appropriate instruction for both individual and groups of students across various populations. The use of technology to support data analysis, as well as instruction and/or intervention planning and implementation will also be discussed. (Fall and Spring)

MEASRES 4181/5181. Educational Evaluation in Teaching — 3 hrs.

Principles of measurement and evaluation in the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools. Test construction techniques for written tests and performance tests, with norm-referenced and criterion-referenced interpretations; uses of teacher-made instruments and standardized tests. Prerequisite(s): EDPSYCH 3148; MEASRES 3150 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

MEASRES 6205. Educational Research — 3 hrs.

An introduction to research methods relevant to educational research with an emphasis on how these methods address the challenges of conducting research in applied settings such as schools. Course content includes a survey of major types of research designs (both quantitative and qualitative) and their associated approaches for minimizing bias, establishing validity, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. A primary goal of this course is to equip students with an understanding of basic concepts and tools so they can systematically locate, efficiently read and critically evaluate empirical research studies. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MEASRES 6250. Descriptive Educational Research — 3 hrs.

Examination of theoretical and practical aspects of survey research including sampling, instrumental design and administration, and application of computer techniques to the analysis of survey information. Prerequisite(s): MEASRES 6205. (Variable)

MEASRES 6260. Monitoring Progress in Individuals and Groups — 3 hrs.

Examination of models, data collection methods, analysis, and report preparation for educational single-case, small group, and program evaluations. Attention to application of intervention evaluation in school settings. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School Psychology Ed.S. Program. (Fall)

MEASRES 6270. Educational Program Evaluation — 3 hrs.

Examination of models, data-gathering methods, analysis, and report preparation for educational program evaluation; attention to application of evaluation research to specific school and non-school settings. Prerequisite(s): MEASRES 6205. (Variable)

MEASRES 6281. Statistics and Measurement — 3 hrs.

Application of statistical principles to research in school psychology. Topics selected from correlational analysis; reliability and validity; analysis of variance; sampling; chi-square, t, and F distributions. Emphasis on statistical inference and basic measurement principles. (Summer)

MEASRES 6282. Individual Intellectual Assessment — 4 hrs.

Administration, scoring, and interpretation of widely used scales of intelligence. Consideration of cognitive assessment issues, including conceptualizations of intelligence, racial and ethnic bias, and applications in school settings. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MAE in Educational Psychology with Context and Techniques of Assessment Emphasis program (School Psychology program). (Fall)

MEASRES 6283. Academic Assessment and Intervention — 4 hrs.

Ecological approach to academic assessment and intervention; discussion of curriculum-based and standardized measures, ethical considerations and measurement principles; and introduction to academic interventions. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MAE in Educational Psychology with Context and Techniques of Assessment Emphasis program (School Psychology program). (Spring)

MEASRES 6284. Psychosocial Assessment — 4 hrs.

Assessment of socio-emotional development of individual students, including interpretation and dissemination of results; ethical considerations and measurement principles. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Ed.S. in School Psychology program. (Fall)

MEASRES 6285. Readings.


MEASRES 6287. Early Childhood Assessment and Intervention — 3 hrs.

In-depth study of the young child, birth through age 8, with a focus on development, assessment, intervention, and mental health. Prerequisite(s): admission to the Ed.S. program in School Psychology or instructor permission. (Spring)

MEASRES 6289. Seminar in Evaluation and Research.


MEASRES 6299. Research.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

MEASRES 7310. Advanced Qualitative Methods in Educational Research — 3 hrs.

Seminar-style course to increase understanding of qualitative research approaches. Focus on mentoring of dissertation projects. Prerequisite(s): INTDEPED 7303; INTDEPED 7314; INTDEPED 7316. (Variable)

MEASRES 7330. Advanced Quantitative Research in Education — 3 hrs.

Seminar-style course intended to increase understanding of and ability to carry out quantitative research approaches. Focus on mentoring dissertation projects. Prerequisite(s): INTDEPED 7303, INTDEPED 7314, INTDEPED 7316, INTDEPED 7389. (Variable)