2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Management Courses (MGMT)


MGMT 2032. Business Application Development I — 3 hrs.

Introduction to developing business applications using a modern business programming language. Emphasis on the fundamentals of the application development process, programming logic and logical structures, programming language syntax, program testing, and documentation. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2080. (Fall)

MGMT 2034. Business Application Development II — 3 hrs.

In-depth exploration of developing business applications using a modern business programming language. Various features of the language are introduced to solve an array of business problems through programming projects. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2080. (Spring)

MGMT 2036. Business Analytics Fundamentals — 3 hrs.

Provide the fundamental concepts and methods needed to understand the role of business analytics in organizations. Learn how to apply basic business analytics methods as well as how to use different techniques to visualize various types of data to aid in decision making. Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of communication and alignment around concepts that are required for effective data presentation. Allow for project-based opportunities to identify, understand, analyze, prepare, and present effective visualizations. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032. (Spring)

MGMT 2080. Introduction to Information Systems — 3 hrs.

Introduction to management information systems. Includes introduction to hardware and data communication technology, software and data management, and business applications of the technology. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 2113. Business Communication — 3 hrs.

Application of business communication principles. Students will study and practice writing common business documents, presenting information, and working with others. Includes the study of non-verbal and interpersonal skills in the workplace as well as the use of email, social media, video-conferencing and other technology to effectively communicate to their audience. (Variable)

MGMT 3100. Legal and Social Environment of Business — 3 hrs.

Introduction to law. Contracts, torts, business ethics, government regulation of business; includes administrative, antitrust, discrimination, international, and product liability law. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 3101. Business Law — 3 hrs.

Study of the common law of contracts and Article II of the Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3112. Systems Analysis and Design — 3 hrs.

The Systems Development Life Cycle: understanding SDLC phases and applying the tools of systems analysis through a course project. Includes project management, requirements definition, process and data modeling, user interface design, testing, conversion, and implementation. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; junior standing. (Spring)

MGMT 3120. Database Management and Theory — 3 hrs.

Study of database theory and design and strategic management of data and databases, relational models and normalization, Structured Query Language, and the use of a relational database. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2034 or MGMT 2036; MGMT 2080; junior standing. (Fall)

MGMT 3121. Advanced Business Analytics — 3 hrs.

Study of concepts, tools, and techniques for identifying business insights and the likelihood of future outcomes from data, including but not limited to classification, rule induction, pattern recognition, clustering methods and predictive analytics. Includes an introduction to prescriptive analytics utilizing optimization and simulation techniques. A hands-on approach using an appropriate programming language and associated software. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2036. (Fall)

MGMT 3122. Business Intelligence — 3 hrs.

Business intelligence (BI) is a term describing a broad category of applications, technologies, architectures and processes for gathering, storing, accessing and analyzing data to provide business users with timely information to enable better insights into evidence-based decision making. BI is based on techniques for data decision capture, cleansing, validation, warehousing and analytics to help decision makers improve decision outcomes. This course builds the foundations for evidence-based managerial decision making and provides understanding of the concepts of managing data resources and the development of business intelligence capabilities using data visualization, data mining, analytical processing and other advanced BI topics. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3120. (Spring)

MGMT 3125. Information Systems Development Projects — 3 hrs.

Apply a software development methodology to develop a working information system application for a client. Emphasis on iteratively determining requirements, developing, and testing. Includes client relationship, team work, project management, and user training. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2034; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3112; MGMT 3120; junior standing. (Spring)

MGMT 3126. Business Analytics Projects — 3 hrs.

Using an agile, action learning approach, this course provides a hands-on analytics team project experience. Students apply business analytics concepts and skills to a real-world problem and prepare a consulting report and presentation. While gaining first-hand experience with business analytics, students are also adding value to a client organization by completing an applied project. Emphasis on iteratively determining requirements, data gathering, analysis, and reporting. Includes client relationship, team work, project management, and presentation skills. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2036; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3120; MGMT 3121; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MGMT 3122. (Spring)

MGMT 3127. Decision Support, Analytics and Business Intelligence — 3 hrs.

Study of decision support applications. Topics include decision making, modeling, and support; DSS development tools with particular emphasis on spreadsheet applications; and organizational and social implications of decision support systems. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2034; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3112; junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3128. Business Application Development III — 3 hrs.

Study of advanced development tools and concepts, including markup languages, scripting languages, and/or Object Oriented Programming. Completion of projects. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2034; MGMT 2080; junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3140. Information Systems Management — 3 hrs.

Professional approaches to managing an organization's Information Systems. Development of effective IS policies and procedures; examination of existing and emerging technological and business strategies and issues. Emphasis on evaluation and communication skills. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2032; MGMT 2034; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3112; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MGMT 3120. (Fall)

MGMT 3145. Information Systems Applications — 3 hrs.

Understanding current uses of information systems and technology to support organizational goals; the impact of information systems on the organization. Emphasis on design and development of personal productivity tool applications. May not be taken for credit by MIS majors. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 2080 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3153. Organizational Management — 3 hrs.

Study of contemporary organizational concepts and issues and their practical implications for managerial behavior. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3154. Operations Management — 3 hrs.

Principles of management of productive processes in both manufacturing and service industries. Topics include organizational structure, product selection, process design, capacity and location management, quality management, forecasting, inventory management, and job design. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; MGMT 2080; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1011; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 3155. Human Resource Management — 3 hrs.

Provides an overview of the processes and practices involved in recruiting and managing critical human resources. Educates a manager about essential HRM competencies needed for today's organizations. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965. (Spring)

MGMT 3161. Supply Chain and Purchasing — 3 hrs.

Examination of the integrative management process of purchasing, producing, supplying, and distributing goods and services. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3154; MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011; junior standing. (Fall)

MGMT 3163. Creative Problem Solving — 3 hrs.

Effective thinking about organizational problems. Topics include critical thinking; problem identification, definition, and analysis; alternative generation and evaluation; negotiation; and design. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 3166. Six Sigma and Lean Consulting Methodology — 3 hrs.

Students will gain an understanding of the Six Sigma methodology and the ability to apply it within an industrial organization, specifically students will obtain: The ability to determine what is important so that they can define the improvement opportunity, to measure process performance in order to understand how the organization is performing, to quantitatively analyze improvement opportunities in order to understand root causes, to generate improvement alternatives / solutions in order to determine what needs to be implemented, and to control / monitor the solution implementation through lean consulting, in order to guarantee that the performance improvements are realized. Prerequisite(s): ECON 1011; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3167. Global Supply Chain Management — 3 hrs.

This course aims to develop an understanding of key devices of supply chain performance and their interrelationship with firm strategy. Special emphasis is given to understanding regional, national, and subnational attributes necessary to develop solutions for a variety of global supply chain problems. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3154; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; MGMT 2080; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1011; junior standing. (Spring)

MGMT 3168. Supply Chain Modeling and Analytics — 3 hrs.

This course introduces students to decision support models that are most frequently used in supply chain applications. The specific topics will include: 1) The role of decision support tools in dealing with a spectrum of supply chain problems; 2) Effective communication of suggested solutions; and 3) Specific models and techniques planning, material requirement planning, inventory management, transportation, supply network design, quality management, and sourcing decisions. Use of basic and advanced spreadsheet modeling tools. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; MKTG 2110; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3154; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 1011; ECON 2090; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; junior standing. (Fall)

MGMT 3169. Management of Service Operations — 3 hrs.

Managing services, especially the operation's activity in service firms. Includes determining the service package, forecasting service demand, managing demand, capacity analysis and management, scheduling, cost control, service quality, and human resource management. Standardization, franchising, and service automation addressed. Prerequisite(s): ECON 1011 and ECON 2090; admittance to Wilson College of Business; junior standing. (Variable)

MGMT 3170. Special Problems — 1-3 hrs.

Credit determined at registration. Student will choose one of the following areas: 1. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 3179. Cooperative Education — 1-3 hrs.

Compensated work experience in conjunction with an academic project conducted under faculty guidance. For majors only. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): 2.70 cumulative UNI GPA; junior standing; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 3183. Leadership Skills — 3 hrs.

Foundations of leadership. Skill development through case analyses, role plays, and experiential learning. Assessment/development of leadership competencies. Team building, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; junior standing. (Spring)

MGMT 3185. Project Management — 3 hrs.

Development of leadership skills through management of organizational projects from selection to implementation. Includes management of project cost, quality, schedule, scope, risk, and communications. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 3189/5189. International Management — 3 hrs.

Problems of organizing, financing, and operating multinational enterprises, and impact of multinational business upon a world economy. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 3905/5905. Employment and Labor Law — 3 hrs.

Legal and practical examination of employee selection, dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, labor relations and associated human resource management issues. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3100 or MGMT 3101 or equivalent; junior standing. (Fall)

MGMT 3965/5965. Organizational Behavior — 3 hrs.

A systematic study of micro-level theoretical concepts and their strategic and practical implications for understanding, analyzing, and predicting individual and group behavior. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 3966/5966. Staffing and Employee Development — 3 hrs.

Assessing staffing needs as part of strategic planning; maintaining appropriate staffing levels; designing and implementing training and development programs. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3155; MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; junior standing. (Fall)

MGMT 3968/5968. Compensation and Performance Management Systems — 3 hrs.

Examination of the total compensation and performance management systems at multiple levels. Key topics include wage determination, salary structures, total rewards, benefits, performance assessment, performance management, and performance improvement. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3155; MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; junior standing. (Spring)

MGMT 3969/5969. Management Internship — 1-3 hrs.

Uncompensated work experience in conjunction with an academic project conducted under faculty guidance. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): 2.70 cumulative UNI GPA; junior standing; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 3974/5974. Business, Ethics, and Society — 3 hrs.

Application of ethical principles and analytic methods to managerial decision-making and contemporary issues in business. Examination of the roles business does and should play in society. Specific topics will vary, in accordance with current events. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3100 or 3 hours in Philosophy (PHIL XXXX) or 3 hours in Religious Studies (RELS XXXX); junior standing. [Same as PHIL 3974/5974 and RELS 3974/5974] (Fall and Variable Springs)

MGMT 3984/5984. Dynamics of Negotiations — 3 hrs.

Study of one-on-one and group deal-making processes of negotiation and conflict management skills as practiced in different settings faced by future leaders and managers. Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MGMT 4175. Strategic Management — 3 hrs.

Study of strategy formulation and implementation processes. Focus on the application of integrative approaches to management through case analysis. For senior business majors. Prerequisite(s): completion of all other courses in the "business core"; ACCT 2120; ACCT 2130; MKTG 2110; MGMT 2080; MGMT 3100; MGMT 3154; MGMT 3153 or MGMT 3965/5965; FIN 3130/5130; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1041; ECON 1051; ECON 1011; senior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 6249. Management Information Systems Concepts — 3 hrs.

Provides students with knowledge of the role of information systems within an organization; systems, information and decision theory; information systems applications including decision support; and systems evaluation and selection. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6250. Business Strategy — 3 hrs.

Analysis of business environment, and the strategic response. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6252. Information Systems & Data Visualization — 3 hrs.

This course provides students with knowledge of the role of information systems within an organization and how information systems can be used to support decision-making. Students will learn to identify, access, and prepare data for visualization based on best practices and create dashboards and data stories that effectively communicate data insights to aid in operational and strategic decision-making processes. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA director/program coordinator. (Spring and Variable Falls)

MGMT 6254. Business Intelligence — 3 hrs.

This course provides a broad overview of business intelligence and data management techniques, including data management/data governance strategies, data mining and other business/data analytics techniques, and business intelligence approaches. The primary emphasis will be on the managerial perspective, focusing on how you can design, implement, and leverage business intelligence systems and strategies in a management role. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA director/program coordinator. (Summer)

MGMT 6260. Leading People, Driving Success: Leadership and HR Management — 3 hrs.

This course will use principles of organizational behavior applied to managerial practices and human resource management to show how effective leadership in managing people can drive overall success for employees and organizations. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Coordinator or MBA Program Manager. (Variable)

MGMT 6262. Cross-Functional Operations — 3 hrs.

Analysis and design of business operational decisions in complex production and service environments. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6266. Innovative Thinking & Creative Problem Solving — 3 hrs.

This course explores the essential skills and mindset needed to drive innovation in the business world. Students will learn strategies to foster creativity, generate novel ideas, and solve complex problems. This course equips students with the tools and techniques to think innovatively and tackle business challenges with a fresh perspective. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA director/program coordinator. (Spring and Variable Falls)

MGMT 6272. Research and Analysis for Management Decisions — 3 hrs.

Study of the tools and techniques for business research and data analysis. Emphasis on applying the tools and techniques to determine, define, and solve complex business problems and improve managerial decision making. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6276. Business Capstone Experience — 1 hr.

Analyze, solve, and present a solution to a complex, interdisciplinary business problem. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6278. Consulting Capstone Experience — 1 hr.

Acting as a member of a consulting team, analyze an organization's business situation and recommend a course of action. Prerequisite(s): GPA of 3.2 or higher or consent of MBA Director. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): Consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MGMT 6285. Individual Readings — 1-3 hrs.

Directed readings and reports. May be repeated for maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MGMT 6299. Research — 1-6 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)