2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Military Science Courses (MIL SCI)

Basic Courses - MIL SCI 1091 through MIL SCI 1098
Advanced Courses - MIL SCI 3116 through MIL SCI 3192


MIL SCI 1090. Military Science Fitness Training — 1-3 hrs.

This course is designed to use basic military training skills and instruction to develop confidence, leadership, and physical fitness. The team approach is utilized in the instruction and application of Army physical fitness requirements. Students will learn various Army physical fitness techniques as well as how to conduct physical fitness sessions. Full participation in all events will be determined based on students physical and medical eligibility. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. (Fall and Spring)

MIL SCI 1091. Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking — 1 hr.

Introduces students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership in the military. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession. Discussion, 1 hr./wk., lab arranged, plus 1 field trip. (Fall)

MIL SCI 1092. Introduction to the Profession of Arms — 1 hr.

Overviews leadership fundamentals for the military profession such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback and using effective writing skills. Students explore dimensions of military leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Discussion, 1 hr./wk., lab arranged, plus 1 field trip. (Spring)

MIL SCI 1093. Leadership and Decision Making — 2 hrs.

Explores the dimensions of creative and innovative military leadership strategies and styles by studying historical case studies and engaging in interactive student exercises. Students practice aspects of personal motivation and team building in the context of planning, executing, and assessing team exercises. Discussion, 2 hrs./wk., lab arranged, plus 1 field trip. (Fall)

MIL SCI 1094. Army Doctrine and Team Development — 2 hrs.

Examines the challenges of leading in complex contemporary military operational environments. Dimensions of the cross-cultural challenges of military leadership in a constantly changing world are highlighted and applied to practical leadership tasks and situations. Discussion 2 hrs./wk., lab arranged, plus 1 field trip. (Spring)

MIL SCI 1095. Military Survival Skills — 2 hrs.

Basic military survival principles are discussed in class and demonstrated during a Survival Weekend. Concepts taught are: shelter building, water and food gathering, land navigation, first aid, and rescue signaling. Discussion, 1 hr./wk.; lab, 1 hr./wk., plus 1 field trip. (Fall and Spring)

MIL SCI 1098. Military Science Leadership Practicum — 4-6 hrs.

A five-week summer program at Fort Knox, Kentucky, designed to provide leadership experiences to sophomores. Successful completion will qualify students to enroll in the ROTC Advanced Course. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Summer)

MIL SCI 3116. Platoon Operations — 3 hrs.

Challenges students to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Students receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions. Based on such feedback, as well as their own self-evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. Discussion, 3 hrs./wk.; lab, 1 hr./wk. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Fall)

MIL SCI 3117. Applied Leadership in Platoon Operations — 3 hrs.

Uses increasingly intense situational leadership challenges to build cadet awareness and skills in leading tactical operations up to platoon level. Students review aspects of combat, stability and support operations. They also conduct military briefings and develop proficiency in garrison operation orders. Discussion, 3 hrs./wk.; lab, 1 hr./wk. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Spring)

MIL SCI 3118. Mission Command and the Army Profession — 3 hrs.

Develops student proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and providing performance feedback to subordinates. Students assess risk, make ethical decisions, and lead fellow ROTC students. Lessons on military justice and personnel processes prepare cadets to make the transition to Army officers. Discussion, 3 hrs./wk.; lab, 1 hr./wk. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Fall)

MIL SCI 3119. Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer — 3 hrs.

Explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment (COE). Students examine differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. They also explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians on the battlefield, and host national support. Discussion, 3 hrs./wk.; lab, 1 hr./wk. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Spring)

MIL SCI 3189. Leadership Lecture — 1-6 hrs.

Lecture and selected readings based on basic and advanced leadership principles and practices. Applicable to all majors and courses of study. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MIL SCI 3190. America's Military Past — 3 hrs.

Course is open to all students, however, it is an Army requirement. This course will furnish ROTC Cadets with the methodological tools and materials needed to gain a more detailed understanding of American Military History and to put together a major research paper. "CLASS" will emphasize basic research skills: understanding historiographical debates within a military framework, developing effective note taking, outlining techniques, picking a feasible research topic finding useful primary sources and drawing inferences from them, examining American military campaigns and leaders in order to complete a battle analysis, and short research assignments. (Fall and Spring)

MIL SCI 3192. Leadership Practicum — 4-6 hrs.

A five-week summer program at Fort Knox, Kentucky, designed to provide leadership development and opportunities for students participating in the Advanced Course. Prerequisite(s): departmental approval. (Summer)

MIL SCI 3195. Firearms Awareness and Safety — 3 hrs.

This course is instructed with the "hands on" approach to develop a sense of awareness and understanding with firearms in order to develop confidence in firearms handling and training. Students will earn an Iowa Hunter Education Certificate and the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting certificate (upon successful completion of requirements) and will have a general understanding on the right to carry a firearm. (Fall and Spring)