2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music Education and Methods Courses (MUS ED)


MUS ED 1100. Instrumental Techniques — 1 hr.

Areas: Woodwinds I, Woodwinds II, high brass, low brass, high strings, low strings, percussion, and harp. Emphasis on pedagogy relevant to the elementary or beginning student musician. One hour credit for each area. Areas may not be repeated for additional credit. (Variable)

MUS ED 1500. Introduction to Music Education — 2 hrs.

Overview of music education methodologies, philosophies, and techniques, including computer-based music instruction (CBMI). Techniques for audio and video recording of music ensembles. Prerequisite(s): accepted into Bachelor of Music-Music Education degree program or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ED 1750. Guitar in the Classroom — 2 hrs.

Emphasizes accompanimental skills, fingerstyle and pickstyle, and scale/chord foundations in the keys most used for guitar; basic classical guitar technique is used in reading standard notation within the first four frets (first position). Learned repertoire includes traditional roots music (folk and blues) as well as popular styles. (Variable)

MUS ED 3010. Performing Arts Management Internship — 1-3 hrs.

Students gain practical experience working in an arts organization. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Performing Arts Management Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3020. Music Technology Internship — 1 hr.

Students gain practical experience working for an organization in which musical technology is a significant part of the services it offers. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Technology Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3030. Internship in String Pedagogy — 1 hr.

Students will complete internships in UNI Suzuki Program and Price Lab School, or School of Music non-major string students. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music String Pedagogy Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3160. Popular Music Methods — 3 hrs.

Popular Music Methods provides skills to teach popular music in a classroom setting. Students learn the pedagogical approaches to teaching popular music as well as basic skills on popular musical instruments (guitar, bass, drumset, keyboard, ukulele, turntable). Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ED 3300/5300. Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology — 2 hrs.

Techniques of diagnosing and discussing vocal problems as related to the singing voice, and a survey of pedagogic materials. Actual teaching experience under supervision. Prerequisite(s): music major; junior standing. (Spring)

MUS ED 3380/5380. Instrumental Pedagogy — 2 hrs.

Topics vary depending upon instrument and instructor. Advanced techniques of solving physiological and psychological problems of performance. May be repeated with advisor approval. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1100 or teaching experience; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3410. Elementary/General Music Methods — 3 hrs.

Objectives and materials for and methods of teaching general music in public schools. Emphasis on contemporary approaches: Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze, Integrated Arts, and other methodologies. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2180; MUS THEO 2280; junior standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)

MUS ED 3450/5450. Developments and Trends in Music Education — 3 hrs.

Evolving issues important to music educators. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3480/5480. Piano Pedagogy: Elementary — 2 hrs.

Methods and materials related to the teaching of the elementary piano student, including psychological and technical development. Addresses business aspects. Observations of teaching required. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3495/5495. Music Learning and Motivation — 2 hrs.

Exploration of theories and concepts in music learning and pedagogy, including achievement goals, motivation, implementation and assessment. Students will gain knowledge of how to influence students' motivation and intervention strategies to create meaningful lessons. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 3640. Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band — 1 hr.

Jazz band methods and pedagogy for lessons and ensembles in the K-12 setting. Emphasis on rehearsal techniques and materials. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Spring)

MUS ED 3650. Choral Methods and Materials — 2 hrs.

Organization and development of public school choral organizations. Emphasis on rehearsal techniques, vocal production and blend, and materials suitable for choral ensembles. Evaluation techniques appropriate to school music setting. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing or consent of instructor. Corequisite(s): MUS ED 3660. (Variable)

MUS ED 3660. Field Experience in Music Education — 1 hr.

Level III field experience in music education (25 hours). Prerequisite(s): Completion of Level II Field Experience, MUS ED 1500 (with a grade of C or higher), MUS TECH 1210 (with a grade of C or higher)or corequisite MUS TECH 1220, acceptance into Teacher Education Program. (Fall)

MUS ED 3670. Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors — 1 hr.

Methods of teaching singing; attention to vocal pedagogy, diction, and appropriate choral repertoire for elementary and secondary choral ensembles. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Instrumental Music Education program, MUS ED 1500 (with grade of C or higher). (Spring)

MUS ED 3680. Instrumental Methods for Choral Majors — 1 hr.

Introduction to wind, percussion, and string instruments; attention to instrumental methods, pedagogy and appropriate literature. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Choral/General Music Ed. program; MUS ED 1500 (with grade of C or higher). (Spring)

MUS ED 3970/5970. Instrumental Upkeep and Repair — 2 hrs.

Areas: woodwinds, strings, brass, and percussion. Laboratory course with practical projects undertaken. Offered for instrumental majors. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ED 4161. Instrumental Methods: Strings — 1 hr.

String methods and pedagogy for lessons and ensembles in a K-12 setting. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1100 section 06 or 07; MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Spring)

MUS ED 4162. Instrumental Methods: Marching Band — 1 hr.

Fundamentals training, music selection and arranging, administrative approaches, and drill charting for school marching bands. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Fall)

MUS ED 6210. Research Methodology in Music Education — 3 hrs.

Introduction to various research methodologies used in music education. Required of graduate Music Education majors. (Variable)

MUS ED 6285. Readings — 1-3 hrs.

Readings in Piano Pedagogy - 1-2 hrs. Independent readings from a selected list as approved by piano pedagogy instructor and department head. May be repeated on the same or different topics.
Readings in Music Education - 1-3 hrs. Readings in music education not normally covered in other courses. May be repeated on the same or different topics. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Variable)

MUS ED 6286. Studies in ___________.

May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS ED 6299. Research.

Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

MUS ED 6300. Foundations of Music Education — 3 hrs.

Examination of the foundations and underlying principles of music education. (Variable)

MUS ED 6500. Projects in Music Education — 1-3 hrs.

Students electing the non-thesis option will enroll in this course upon completion of course work. Course content consists of writing a final research paper. Students must enroll in this course continuously until the final research project has been completed. (Variable)

MUS ED 6520. Jazz Pedagogy — 2 hrs.

Methods and materials related to teaching of jazz, including jazz ensemble rehearsal techniques, improvisation, jazz theory, and listening techniques. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)

MUS ED 6550. School Music Administration and Classroom Management — 3 hrs.

Philosophy, management, and public relations techniques and procedures associated with administration of elementary and secondary music programs. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)

MUS ED 6570. Piano Pedagogy: Intermediate — 2 hrs.

Methods and materials related to teaching of the intermediate piano student including psychological development, repertory, technique, the transfer student, and use of technology. Specific techniques related to teaching concept of artistry addressed. Observation of teaching required. (Variable)

MUS ED 6580. Piano Pedagogy: Group and Adult — 2 hrs.

Materials and instructional techniques related to use of electronic piano lab, teaching of groups/class piano, and teaching adults. Exploration of curriculum planning and the benefits of group instruction in independent studio, public school, and university. (Variable)

MUS ED 6600. Piano Pedagogy: Internship — 1 hr.

Piano teaching assignments, determined in consultation with supervisor. Students in M.M. Piano Performance and Pedagogy program must enroll in two separate 1-hour internships. Corequisite(s): MUS ED 3480/5480, MUS ED 3495/5495, MUS ED 6570, or MUS ED 6580. (Variable)

MUS ED 6820. Seminar: Music Learning and Behavior — 3 hrs.

Exploration of behavioral, cognitive, and developmental theories affecting music teaching and learning. Required of graduate Music Education majors. (Variable)

MUS ED 6870. Measurement and Evaluation in Music — 3 hrs.

Study of the measurement and evaluation techniques for music aptitude and achievement. Emphasis on developing teacher-made tests and available standardized music tests. (Variable)