2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music Ensembles Courses (MUS ENS)

Organization and Ensemble Credit: 1 semester hour of credit may be earned by a student who completes a semester in an approved ensemble. Ensembles may be repeated for credit. Maximum of 2 credits for organization and ensemble participation may be earned in any one semester. For students who have been awarded two or three music scholarships or are majoring in more than one instrument/voice, a maximum of 3 credits for organization and ensemble participation may be earned in any one semester (with approval from the Director of the School of Music). Maximum of 2 credits in Jazz Band I (except for B.A. Music, Jazz Specialization majors, who will fulfill the large ensemble requirement by taking 8 hours of large jazz ensembles - section 02, 03, or 04) or Chamber Singers may be counted by music majors toward departmental ensemble requirement (or electives for B.A. students). All music ensembles are open to any university student by audition.

Ensemble numbers are assigned as follows, based on the student's classification:


MUS ENS 1100. Chorus — 0-1 hrs.

Choral performance ensembles specializing in choral literature. (Concert Chorale, Chamber Singers, UNI Singers, Varsity Men's Glee Club, Cecilians, Cantorei). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 1120. Ensemble — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensembles specializing in literature appropriate to the instruments. (Chamber Wind Ensemble, Flute Choir, Kaji-Daiko-Taiko Ensemble, West African Drum Ensemble, Chamber Woodwind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, Horn Choir, Clarinet Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Laptop Ensemble, etc.). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Variable)

MUS ENS 1121. Chamber Music — 1 hr.

Chamber music ensemble (small ensemble without conductor - strings, winds, brass, percussion, or mixed). Prerequisite(s): instructor consent required. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 1150. Band — 0-1 hrs.

Band performance ensembles specializing in a range of concert literature appropriate to the ensemble. Wind Ensemble (Offered Fall and Spring); Symphonic Band (Offered Fall and Spring); Concert Band (Offered Spring): Marching Band (Offered Fall); Pep Band (Offered Spring with course meetings from late October to early March). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 1160. Jazz Band — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in jazz literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 1170. Orchestra — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in orchestral literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 1180. Marching Band — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in marching band literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall)

MUS ENS 1190. Opera — 0-1 hrs.

Vocal performance ensemble specializing in opera literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3100/5100. Chorus — 0-1 hrs.

(Concert Chorale, UNI Singers, Varsity Men's Glee Club, Cecilians, Cantorei.) 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3120/5120. Ensemble — 0-1 hrs.

(Chamber Wind Ensemble, Flute Choir, Kaji-Daiko-Taiko Ensemble, West African Drum Ensemble, Chamber Woodwind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, Horn Choir, Clarinet Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Laptop Ensemble, etc.). 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3121/5121. Chamber Music — 1 hr.

Chamber music ensemble (small ensemble without conductor - strings, winds, brass, percussion, or mixed). Prerequisite(s): instructor consent required; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS ENS 3150/5150. Band — 0-1 hrs.

Wind Ensemble (offered Fall and Spring); Symphonic Band (offered Fall and Spring); Concert Band (offered Spring); Marching Band (offered Fall); Pep Band (offered spring with course meetings from late October to early March. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3160/5160. Jazz Band — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in jazz literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3170/5170. Orchestra — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in orchestral literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS ENS 3180/5180. Marching Band — 0-1 hrs.

Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in marching band literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)

MUS ENS 3190/5190. Opera — 1 hr.

Vocal performance ensemble specializing in opera literature. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)