2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music Techniques Courses (MUS TECH)


MUS TECH 1100. Double Reed Making Techniques — 1 hr.

Instruction in the techniques of making and adjusting bassoon, oboe, and English horn reeds. Section 01 for bassoon player; Section 02 for oboe/English horn players. May be repeated for credit. (For freshmen/sophomores.) (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 1170. Conducting I--Instrumental — 2 hrs.

Beginner training in instrumental conducting. Required of all instrumental music majors on teaching program. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Fall)

MUS TECH 1180. Conducting I--Choral — 2 hrs.

Beginner training in choral conducting and rehearsal techniques. Required on the teaching degree for voice majors. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Fall)

MUS TECH 1210. Conducting II--Instrumental — 3 hrs.

Advanced training in instrumental conducting with emphasis on orchestral and band scores and literature for small and large ensembles. Required of all instrumental music majors on teaching program. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1170 (minimum grade of C). (Spring)

MUS TECH 1220. Conducting II--Choral — 3 hrs.

Training in choral conducting, rehearsal techniques, performance practices, and choral materials. Required on the teaching degree for voice majors and those keyboard majors who do not take MUS TECH 1210. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1180 (minimum grade of C). (Spring)

MUS TECH 1300. Diction for Singers I — 1 hr.

An introductory study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, its application to English and Italian lyric diction for singing, and a survey of relevant recordings. Prerequisite(s): enrollment as a music major. (Fall)

MUS TECH 1310. Diction for Singers II — 1 hr.

A continuation in the study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, its application to German and French lyric diction for singing, and a survey of relevant recordings. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1300. (Spring)

MUS TECH 1450. Vocal Coaching — 1-2 hrs.

Exploration of style, interpretation and lyric diction in the singer's repertoire. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; consent of instructor; enrolled as music major. (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 1500. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz theory, including ear-training and keyboard skills; preparation for jazz improvisation classes. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110 or consent of instructor. (Spring)

MUS TECH 1530. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists. Prerequisite(s): For freshmen/sophomores: consent of instructor. (Fall)

MUS TECH 1550. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz improvisation - intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): For freshmen/sophomores: MUS TECH 1500; MUS TECH 1530; or consent of instructor. (Fall)

MUS TECH 1600. Opera Performance I — 1 hr.

Lab course exploring movement, imagination, and the relationship between words and music. A wide variety of acting exercises (improvisation, movement work, etc.) are used to deepen the understanding of and proficiency in performing art songs, arias, and music theatre numbers. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): ability to read and process music. (Variable)

MUS TECH 3100/5100. Double Reed Making Techniques — 1 hr.

Instruction in the techniques of making and adjusting bassoon, oboe, and English horn reeds. Section 01 for bassoon player; section 02 for oboe/English horn players. May be repeated for credit. For juniors/seniors/graduates. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 3130/5130. Arts Entrepreneurship I — 3 hrs.

Overview of topics, tools and techniques necessary for successful pursuit of a management career in visual and performing arts. Focus areas including leadership, organizational dynamics and career planning. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Even Falls)

MUS TECH 3140/5140. Arts Entrepreneurship II — 3 hrs.

Emphasis on understanding of copyright, publicity rights, trademarks, finance, labor law, and First Amendment rights. Practical exercises in negotiation, contract development, budgeting and business plan creation. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 3130/5130; junior standing. (Odd Falls)

MUS TECH 3210/5210. Conducting III--Instrumental — 2 hrs.

Techniques of conducting band and orchestral works; score study and analysis of major works representing all style periods. Class work includes conducting major works in rehearsal. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1210; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS TECH 3250/5250. Alexander Technique for Musicians — 2 hrs.

Introduction to the principles of Alexander Technique and its application to music study and performance. Alexander Technique is a way of working to improve ease of movement, develop greater poise and confidence in performance of various activities, and preventing or recovering from injury. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)

MUS TECH 3350/5350. Accompanying — 1 hr.

The art of accompanying, both vocal and instrumental literature. Practical experience as accompanist for student soloists in public performance. May be taken twice for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): for undergraduates: MUS APPL 1460, MUS APPL 3460/5460, or consent of instructor. For graduates: MUS APPL 1460, MUS APPL 3460/5460, MUS APPL 6460, or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 3450/5450. Vocal Coaching — 1-2 hrs.

Exploration of style, interpretation and lyric diction in the singer's repertoire. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor; enrolled as music major. (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 3500/5500. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz theory, including ear-training and keyboard skills; preparation for improvisation. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. For juniors/seniors and graduate students. (Spring)

MUS TECH 3530/5530. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Fall)

MUS TECH 3550/5550. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II — 1 hr.

Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists - intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; MUS TECH 3500/5500; MUS TECH 3530/5530; or consent of instructor. (Fall)

MUS TECH 3610/5610. Opera Performance II — 2 hrs.

Advanced study of operatic material exploring emotional and psychological construction of a character and developing performing skills to create and sustain a role. Audition required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1600 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS TECH 4130. Senior Project, Performing Arts Management.

0 hrs. Student will develop and complete a comprehensive Performing Arts Management project approved by the instructor. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Performing Arts Management Specialization; senior standing. (Variable)

MUS TECH 6230. Advanced Vocal Performance — 1 hr.

Performance seminar focusing on advanced performance issues in vocal literature, including interpretation, and presentation. Required each semester in residence for all graduate voice students. Prerequisite(s): admission to M.M. in Voice or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS TECH 6285. Readings.

May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS TECH 6286. Studies in __________.

May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS TECH 6299. Research.

Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)