Public Health Courses (PH)
PH 1000. Public Health Practicum — 1-3 hrs.
Professional development, experiential learning, and practical applications in Public Health. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 hours. (Variable)
PH 1101. Introduction to Public Health — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the public health activities concerned with the protection and care of the community; survey of the major specialties and populations of interest in the public health field; and exploration of ethical issues related to public health. (Fall and Spring)
PH 1410. Basic Nutrition — 3 hrs.
This course introduces the basic concepts of nutrition. The content includes the functions of the major nutrients and food sources of each, the principles of healthy eating, dietary intake evaluation, energy balance, weight control, nutrition and fitness, food safety, and how food choices can enhance health, performance, and reduce the risk of chronic disease will also be covered. (Variable)
PH 1610. Exploring Careers in Public Health — 2 hrs.
Exploring Careers in Public Health is a class designed to give students a better understanding of the various career paths in the field of Public Health. The focus will be hands-on experiences obtained through field trips, site visits, tours, volunteering, shadowing, observation hours, informational and networking interviews, and guest speakers. (Variable)
PH 2100. Behavior Change for Health Promotion — 3 hrs.
This course addresses the ways in which health behaviors are linked to the prevention of chronic and infectious diseases. Includes a focus on theory-driven behavior change strategies. Prerequisite(s): PH 1101. (Spring)
PH 2130. Epidemiology of Human Diseases — 3 hrs.
Introduction to descriptive and analytic epidemiology to measure the presence and impacts of human diseases and behaviors on communities and populations. (Fall)
PH 2160. Medical Terminology, Short Course — 2 hrs.
Basic terminology and abbreviations used in the medical field; including terms related to procedures, diagnoses, instrumentation, and medical specialties. Students needing NCTRC certification must take PH 2180. PH 2160 cannot be taken after earning credit in PH 2180. (Variable)
PH 2180. Medical Terminology — 3 hrs.
Comprehensive coverage of terminology and abbreviations used in the medical field; including terms related to procedures, diagnoses, instrumentation, and medical specialties. Course Includes pronunciation of terms and identification of spoken terms. (Variable)
PH 2420. Nutrition for Health Promotion — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the application of nutritional knowledge to promote healthy nutrition-related behavior for individuals and communities. Prerequisite(s): PH 1410. (Variable)
PH 2520. Maternal and Infant Health — 3 hrs.
Provides an overview of maternal and child health concepts, issues and trends. Topics covered include conception, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and public health, prevention, and epidemiological issues in maternal and infant health. (Spring)
PH 2530. Introduction to Women's Health — 3 hrs.
Survey of contemporary issues in women's health providing an understanding of women's personal health status, needs, and resources; awareness of women's health issues worldwide and the political, cultural, economic, and psychosocial factors which affect the health of women. (Fall)
PH 2540. Selected Topics in Women's Health — 3 hrs.
In-depth development and exploration of selected themes and topics in women's health. Focus on health issues that disproportionately affect women and examination of a variety of health issues in that context. (Variable)
PH 2620. Stress and Coping — 3 hrs.
Introduction to stress, the relationship between stress and disease, and strategies for coping with stress. (Variable)
PH 2630. Aging and Health — 3 hrs.
Introduction to aging and health concerns of older individuals, and to broader issues of aging, health, and society. Study of aging demographics, biomedical aspects of aging, and selected issues of health and aging. (Variable)
PH 3140/5140. Planning and Evaluating Public Health Programs — 3 hrs.
Investigation of the social, epidemiological, behavioral, educational, and administrative factors related to planning health programs and the procedures and methods for health program evaluation. Prerequisite(s): PH 1101; junior standing. (Spring)
PH 3150/5150. Implementing Public Health Programs — 3 hrs.
Methods, techniques, and resources used in the implementation of public health programs. Requires field-based work. Prerequisite(s): PH 1101; PH 3140/5140; junior standing. (Fall)
PH 3160. Community and Public Health — 3 hrs.
Examination of the major public health issues facing the U.S. and world population. Investigation of major public health initiatives, public policy, and ethical issues related to public health. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Same as CAP 3160) (Variable)
PH 3170. Public Health Career Readiness Seminar — 3 hrs.
Professional development oriented course which focuses on topics related to leadership, ethics, and professionalism in public health and health education careers, including codes of ethics, professional development, and skills needed for job-seeking and career readiness. Course requires resume development, mock interviews, and completion of professional certifications. This course is a prerequisite to PH 4180 Internship. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
PH 3240. Secondary School Health Education Methods — 2 hrs.
Examination of role of the teacher in planning, delivering, and evaluating middle and high school health education; introduction of instructional methods and materials and their use demonstrated and practiced. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): EDPSYCH 3148. (Variable)
PH 3250. Community and Public Health for School Health Educators — 3 hrs.
Methods of delivering instruction for Community and Public Health in the secondary classroom. Designed for in-service teachers seeking a health education endorsement. (Variable)
PH 3280. Sexuality Education for School Health Educators — 3 hrs.
Methods of delivering instruction for Sexuality Education in the secondary classroom. Designed for in-service teachers seeking a health education endorsement. (Variable)
PH 3290. Consumer Health for School Health Educators — 2 hrs.
Methods of delivering instruction for Consumer Health in the secondary classroom. Designed for in-service teachers seeking a health education endorsement. (Variable)
PH 3310/5310. Health Equity, Advocacy, and Policy — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the concepts of health equity, health disparities, and policies that impact health outcomes and health behaviors in the United States. Includes an overview of historical and current issues as well as discussion of how equity, advocacy, and policy can improve community wellbeing. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 3320/5320. Global Service Mission — 3 hrs.
The Global Service Mission is a hybrid practicum that provides guided opportunities for students to conduct a short-term volunteer service project in their local community, around the United States, or internationally with underserved populations for academic credit. Offered credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 3330. Health of Vulnerable Populations — 3 hrs.
Exploration of public health issues and problems faced by members of minority vulnerable populations. (Variable)
PH 3340. International Health — 3 hrs.
Exploration of widely-different disease patterns found between developed and developing countries, and investigation of the complex factors that contribute to poor community health status. Discussion of wellness strategies for populations in developing countries, as well as for minorities, immigrants, low income persons, and other underserved groups within the United States. (Variable)
PH 3640. Worksite Health Promotion — 3 hrs.
Models of delivery of health promotion, disease prevention, and occupational health/safety programs to employee populations. (Variable)
PH 3650. Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Health — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the concepts, theoretical basis, evidence-based analysis, and challenges and issues in integrative health and complementary and alternative medical practices (CAM). Prerequisite(s): junior standing. [Same as CAP 3152] (Variable)
PH 3660/5660. Public Health Theory — 3 hrs.
Selected learning and behavior change theories and ethical principles that serve as the foundation for effective public health, health promotion, and health education practice; emphasis on the practical application of these theories and principles in public health program delivery. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 3670. Health Care and the Consumer — 3 hrs.
Selection and use of health care products and services, alternative health care, health care insurance systems, consumer protection. (Variable)
PH 3686. Readings — 1-4 hrs.
Credit based on student's proposal; to be determined at time of registration. Written contract will determine appropriate work load under credit guidelines. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PH 3689. Seminar — 3 hrs.
Focus on issues in community health education and the transition from student role to health educator or health promotion specialist role. (Variable)
PH 3710. Environmental Health Science — 3 hrs.
Comprehensive survey of the interaction between human health and the quality and state of the natural environment. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
PH 3720. Environmental and Occupational Health Regulations — 3 hrs.
Overview of environmental and occupational safety laws applied to the practice of environmental science. Emphasis on application of the legislation with a focus on regulations. Includes major environmental laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 3730. Toxins and Health — 3 hrs.
This course introduces the basic principles of human toxicology for the environmental health sciences, including exposure assessment concepts, biomolecular and human biosystems impacts of toxicants. Detailed case studies of key toxins are used to examine the full absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination (ADME) cycle including discussions of limiting exposures and cutting edge topics in toxicology. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 4170. Internship Portfolio — 3 hrs.
Internship Portfolio compliments the internship requirement preparing students for future employment in public health organizations. Focus on effective delivery of public health messages through a variety of communication strategies. Written report and oral presentation required after the completion of internship. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; consent of Internship Coordinator. Corequisite(s): PH 4180. (Spring and Summer)
PH 4180. Internship — 1-12 hrs.
1 - 12 hrs. Experience in area of student's career objectives. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): PH 3170 or HRCS 4000; senior standing; consent of Internship Coordinator. CPR, First Aid, OSHA and Mandatory Reporting certificates required. Corequisite(s): PH 4170. (Spring and Summer)
PH 4663/5663. Human Diseases — 3 hrs.
Systemic approach to study of human diseases emphasizing common physical disorders impacting humans while contrasting normal physiology with the pathophysiology of the conditions. Current trends in diagnosis and treatment, along with preventive and wellness measures, are stressed. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
PH 6245. Internship in Health Education — 2-6 hrs.
Health program experience with agencies other than the college or university. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite(s): consent of Health Promotion and Education Graduate Coordinator. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PH 6285. Readings — 1-4 hrs.
May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PH 6289. Seminar — 1 hr.
May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. (Variable)
PH 6297. Practicum — 2-3 hrs.
May be repeated for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PH 6390. Philosophy and Ethics of Public Health and Health Promotion — 3 hrs.
Analysis of philosophical foundations and ethical principles related to public health, health promotion, and health education practice. (Variable)