2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Physics Courses (PHYSICS)


PHYSICS 1000. Physics in Everyday Life — 3 hrs.

Basic laws and concepts of physics introduced and demonstrated through operation of everyday devices and systems. Emphasis on understanding physical principles behind working of modern technologies and interplay between science and technology. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 1010. Physics in Everyday Life Laboratory — 1 hr.

Laboratory activities involving energy, temperature and heat, waves and sound, electricity and magnetism, light and color; and the atomic and nuclear structure of matter. Emphasis on observation, interpretation, and conceptual understanding of physical phenomena. Lab, 2 periods. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): PHYSICS 1000 or consent of department head. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 1100. First-Year Projects in Physics — 1 hr.

An introduction to the basic elements of physics research and applications. Students will complete a series of projects designed to integrate theory, measurement and computation to create instruments and devices that interact with the physical world. In doing so, students will learn how to create and control electro-mechanical devices and gain experience in techniques used in both industry and research. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): PHYSICS 1701, or the consent of the department head. (Fall)

PHYSICS 1511. General Physics I — 4 hrs.

Algebra-based introductory course covering Newtonian mechanics, gravitation, and thermal physics. Emphasis on conceptual understanding of physical principles through group investigations and lab activities. Discussion/lab, 5 periods. Prerequisite(s): satisfactory ALEKS score or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 1512. General Physics II — 4 hrs.

Algebra-based introductory course covering electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Emphasis on conceptual understanding of physical principles through group investigations and lab activities. Discussion/lab, 5 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 1701. Physics I for Science and Engineering — 4 hrs.

Calculus-based introductory course covering Newtonian mechanics, gravitation, and thermal physics. Lab activities. Discussion/lab, 5 periods. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): satisfactory mathematical preparation for calculus. (Fall)

PHYSICS 1702. Physics II for Science and Engineering — 4 hrs.

Calculus-based introductory course covering electricity, magnetism, and optics. Lab activities. Discussion/lab, 5 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 (minimum grade of B) or PHYSICS 1701. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MATH 1421. (Spring)

PHYSICS 2300. Physics III: Theory and Simulation — 3 hrs.

Calculus-based course covering the more advanced topics in introductory physics. Emphasis on developing analytical and computational skills needed to study physics at a more advanced level. Topics include Newtonian mechanics and applications, Maxwell's equations and applications. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1702. (Fall)

PHYSICS 2700. Mathematical Methods of Physics & Engineering — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the mathematical methods used in upper-level Physics and Engineering courses, illustrated with applications from different areas of physics and engineering. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1420; MATH 1421; PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1702. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MATH 2422. (Spring)

PHYSICS 3000. Undergraduate Research in Physics — 1-6 hrs.

Research activities under direct supervision of sponsoring staff members or at a national laboratory. Should normally be taken after the first year of the major. Successful completion of the research experience requires both a written and oral report. Prerequisite(s): minimum overall 2.50 GPA; consent of department. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 3030. Robotics and Sensors — 3 hrs.

Students will build their own autonomous robot. Students will learn and apply basic electronics, programming, physics concepts to develop their robot and create an interactive presentation on their creation. These robotics concepts will also be applied to important issues for industry and sustainability in the areas of automation, energy, and transportation. Lecture 1 period, Lab, 3 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 and PHYSICS 1512, or PHYSICS 1701 and PHYSICS 1702, or TECH 1037 or CS 1510. Other interested students with some experience in coding and/or electronics experience are encouraged to contact the instructor. (Variable)

PHYSICS 3100. Introduction to Quantum Computing — 3 hrs.

Basic concepts underlying quantum information science and quantum computing are introduced and discussed. Topics include quantum state vector notation, quantum states and operations, qubits, entanglement, quantum gates and circuits, and quantum algorithms. Implementations of quantum computers will also be briefly discussed. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701 or CS 1510 or ECON 2090 or departmental consent. (Fall)

PHYSICS 3179. Cooperative Education.

Applied physics internship under PHYSICS 3179 should be taken during the junior or senior year. If unable to do so, the internship may be done under PHYSICS 3500 with consent of department. Successful completion of either PHYSICS 3179 or PHYSICS 3500 requires both a written and an oral report. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 3500. Internship in Applied Physics — 1-3 hrs.

Departmentally approved work in applied physics (at an industrial, medical, or government laboratory) followed by oral and written reports given on completed work. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): minimum overall 2.50 GPA; consent of department. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 3700. Physics Seminar — 1 hr.

Seminar course covering aspects important for life after graduation. Participation in physics colloquia; oral report on research topic or internship, drafting resume/CV, interview, perform job and graduate school search. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 4100/5100. (Fall)

PHYSICS 4050/5050. Optical Science — 3 hrs.

An introduction to optics and applied optics. Topics include: geometric optics, wave optics, quantum optics, and introductions to lasers and optical spectroscopy. Discussion, 2 periods; lab, 2 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; junior standing or consent of department head. (Even Falls)

PHYSICS 4060/5060. Mechanics for Physics Education — 3 hrs.

Experiences in motion, force, energy, and momentum using physics education curricular resources with emphasis on practices aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The course is designed for current and future middle-level and secondary science teachers. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701 or permission of the instructor; junior standing. (Variable)

PHYSICS 4070/5070. Electricity and Magnetism for Physics Education — 3 hrs.

Experiences in waves, electricity, magnetism, and light using physics education curricular resources with emphasis on practices aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The course is designed for current and future middle-level and secondary science teachers. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702 or permission of the instructor; junior standing. (Variable)

PHYSICS 4080/5080. Resources for Teaching Physics — 2 hrs.

A physics course that focuses on topics recommended for high school physics programs, with an emphasis on various physics education resources in the context of science education initiatives. This course is designed for both current science teachers and science education undergraduates. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4100/5100. Modern Physics — 4 hrs.

Special relativity; quantum phenomena; wave-particle duality; atomic and nuclear structure; properties of solids, interaction of radiation with matter; and elementary particles. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4110/5110. Modern Physics Laboratory — 2 hrs.

Experiments on interactions of photons and electrons; mass and charge of electrons; atomic spectroscopy; nuclear detection and spectroscopy; spin resonance; and properties of solids. Requires detailed lab reports, including error analysis. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): PHYSICS 4100/5100. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4160/5160. Data Visualization, Modeling and Simulation — 3 hrs.

This course focuses on the theory and practice of designing effective visualizations of various data sets, processing images, modeling and finding patterns in these data sets. The course covers visualization toolkits, scientific visualization, medical visualization, and information visualization. Topics include image processing techniques and the associated toolboxes, methods to visualize and analyze the evolution of data sets including images, and finding predictive models and simulation methods that can generate and explain data. Prerequisite(s): CS 1510; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4200/5200. Nanoscience — 3 hrs.

Study of nanoscale materials and processes, with emphasis on the preparation and characterization of materials with nanometer scale dimensions; investigation of how nanoscale dimensions produce unique chemical and physical properties; nanoscale microscopy and spectroscopic methods of investigation. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1110 and CHEM 1120 (or CHEM 1130); PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. [Same as CHEM 4200/5200] (Fall)

PHYSICS 4210/5210. Nanotechnology — 3 hrs.

Study of nanoscale materials and processes, with emphasis on the current and potential future applications of materials with distinctive properties due to their nanometer scale dimensions; nanoporous materials; discussion of the broader implications of nanotechnology in areas such as government policy, occupational safety and medical technology. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1110 and CHEM 1120 (or CHEM 1130); PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. [Same as CHEM 4210/5210] (Odd Springs)

PHYSICS 4290/5290. Project Lead The Way: Digital Electronics — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the theory and applications of analog and digital electronics utilizing the Digital Electronics curriculum from the nationally certified Project Lead The Way (PLTW) curriculum. Especially intended for science and technology K-12 education majors to become certified PLTW teachers of this course. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1400 or PHYSICS 1701; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4300/5300. Introduction to Electronics — 4 hrs.

Introduction to DC and AC circuits; electrical measurements, circuit theory and circuit simulation; analog and digital circuits; energy generation and efficiency. Discussion, 2 periods; lab, 4 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; MATH 1421; junior standing. (Fall)

PHYSICS 4310/5310. Physical Computing — 4 hrs.

Introduction to computer interfacing, instrument control, and data acquisition. Utilization of industry standard software and microcontrollers to acquire and process data, process signals, and perform feedback control of physical systems. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 and PHYSICS 1512, or PHYSICS 1701 and PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. (Odd Springs)

PHYSICS 4450/5450. Laboratory Projects — 1-3 hrs.

Experimental activities to meet individual needs and interests not normally included in other courses. Maximum of 3 hours may be applied to a physics major or minor. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of department. (Fall and Spring)

PHYSICS 4500/5500. Biological Physics — 3 hrs.

This course employs a quantitative approach to studying living systems. Several concepts used in biological systems will be studied, including thermodynamics, electrodynamics, kinetics, and statistical mechanics. The mathematical and computational techniques required to tackle these problems quantitatively will be developed as needed. Students will also study and present from real research papers to integrate what they learn in class with how these ideas are implemented in the real world. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; junior standing. (Even Falls)

PHYSICS 4600/5600. Classical Mechanics — 4 hrs.

Vectors and kinematics; force and motion; work and energy; Lagrange's equations; gravity; oscillations; rigid-body motion; and accelerated reference frames. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1420; MATH 1421; PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1702; PHYSICS 2300; PHYSICS 2700; junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MATH 2422. (Fall)

PHYSICS 4650/5650. The Science of Energy Sources — 3 hrs.

Basic physical principles underlying a variety of current global energy sources. The science and technology of energy generation from fossil fuels, the sun, wind, and atomic nuclei. Energy storage mechanisms will also be discussed. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1511 or PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1512 or PHYSICS 1702; or departmental consent. (Odd Falls)

PHYSICS 4700/5700. Electrodynamics — 4 hrs.

General principles of Classical Electrodynamics: Electrostatics, Electric Current, Electric and Magnetic Fields in Vacuum, Electromagnetic Induction, Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields in Matter, Types of Materials (Dielectrics, Conductors, Magnetic Materials). Phenomena will be explored through theoretical investigations supplemented with computational simulations and experiments. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2422; PHYSICS 2300; PHYSICS 2700; junior standing. (Odd Falls)

PHYSICS 4750/5750. Physics of Modern Materials — 3 hrs.

Structural, thermal, and electronic properties of materials; applications to modern devices. Discussion, 2 periods; lab, 2 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1702; MATH 2422; junior standing. (Even Falls)

PHYSICS 4760/5760. Computational Materials Science — 3 hrs.

The goal of this course is to introduce students to the basic methods used in computational modeling of materials, such as density functional theory and molecular dynamics, as well as to select topics of materials science. Students will perform computer simulations of various materials properties using software packages such as VASP, Quantum Espresso and LAMMPS. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1421; PHYSICS 1702; PHYSICS 4900/5900 or CHEM 4420/5420; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4800/5800. Quantum Mechanics — 4 hrs.

Solution of Schrodinger equation for several systems: spin and angular momentum; identical particles; perturbation theory; WKB approximation; and scattering. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 2700; PHYSICS 4100/5100; PHYSICS 4600/5600; junior standing. (Even Springs)

PHYSICS 4860/5860. Computational Physics — 3 hrs.

Computer simulations and numerical solutions of behaviors of important physical systems, emphasizing those that are very difficult or impossible to analyze by traditional means, for example, nonlinear oscillators or phase transitions in the Ising Model. Discussion, 2 periods; lab, 2 periods. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 2300; PHYSICS 2700; PHYSICS 4100/5100; PHYSICS 4600/5600; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4900/5900. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics — 4 hrs.

General principles of classical thermodynamics and applications (e.g., to first-order phase transitions); general principles of statistical mechanics and applications (e.g., to the classical ideal gas). Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 1701; PHYSICS 1702; PHYSICS 2700 or MATH 3425/5425; junior standing. (Spring)

PHYSICS 4950/5950. Readings in Physics — 1-3 hrs.

Readings/problems in areas of physics (or related interdisciplinary areas) not normally covered in other courses. Maximum of 3 hours may be applied to a physics major or minor. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of department. (Variable)

PHYSICS 4990. Senior Thesis — 1 hr.

Senior Thesis. Open only to students pursuing the B.S. Physics Honors Research Emphasis or the B.A. Physics-Teaching Honors Research Emphasis. Prerequisite(s): consent of the department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

PHYSICS 6100. Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems — 3 hrs.

Computer simulation and visualization of physical systems. Students will code, debug, and run basic simulations in C++ as well as more sophisticated simulations with other tools, including parallel computing. Prerequisite(s): CS 1160 and PHYSICS 4860/5860, or MATH 3440/5440 and CS 1160, or consent of instructor. (Variable)

PHYSICS 6299. Research.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

PHYSICS 6300. Computer Interfacing and Signal Processing — 3 hrs.

Introduction to computer interfacing, instrument control, and data acquisition. Discussion of digital signal processing and utilization of industry-standard software platforms in laboratory activities. Prerequisite(s): PHYSICS 2300; PHYSICS 4300/5300. (Variable)

PHYSICS 6500. Special Problems in Physics — 1-6 hrs.

Credit determined at registration. Problems selected according to needs of students. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)