2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Politics, General Courses (POL GEN)


POL GEN 1020. Political Problems in the U.S.: (topic) — 3 hrs.

This course addresses topical political problems in the U.S. with a focus on problems related to human differences and diversity. Examples of topics may include wealth and income inequality, inequities in the criminal justice system, disparities in education policy, or the partisan divide. As part of addressing these problems, the course also covers different theoretical perspectives for thinking about politics, and supports students in developing skills for critically assessing information sources. Offered on specific topics listed in the Schedule of Classes. May not be repeated on different topics. (Fall and Spring)

POL GEN 1041. Global Challenges: (Topic) — 3 hrs.

This course will help students investigate the effect of politics and power by studying how people around the world respond to political problems. Students will learn about political science concepts related to government rules and institutions, political behavior and social movements, public policy, ideas and ideology, or others and apply them to current political problems that people are wrestling with around the world. May not be repeated on different topics. (Fall and Spring)

POL GEN 1060. B.S. Detection — 3 hrs.

This course seeks to give students the tools to understand what is happening in the world and decide what they should do about it. It is not about what to think, but about how to think. We often talk about critical thinking but what, exactly, does that mean? This course will help students learn to slow down and critically analyze information to help them improve their understanding of current events and develop the habits of mind that contribute to a life of active citizenship. (Fall)

POL GEN 2010. Analyzing Politics — 3 hrs.

Political issues can be divisive, but it is necessary to develop the skills and habits of rigorous analysis in order to understand the political phenomena around us. Students will explore various approaches to the scientific study of politics. (Fall and Spring)

POL GEN 3111. Politics and Statistics — 3 hrs.

Political science is, by definition, a science and as such is based on empirical research. The purpose of this course is to give students the necessary tools to study politics using quantitative methodology. Emphasis will be placed on the use of quantitative estimation techniques commonly used by political scientists. (Fall)

POL GEN 3181. Internship in Politics — 3-8 hrs.

Student serves as intern with government official or in public or private agency: (1) Federal; (2) State; (3) Local; (4) Intergovernmental; (5) Legal; (6) Interest Group; (7) International; and (8) Electoral. Prerequisite(s): POL GEN 2010; 15 hours of political science; Political Science, Political Communication, or Public Administration major; junior standing and consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

POL GEN 3184. Senior Seminar in Political Science — 3 hrs.

Examination of specific topics through application of theories and methods of political science analysis. Research papers required. Prerequisite(s): 24 credit hours of Political Science. (Fall and Spring)

POL GEN 4175/5175. Women in Politics — 3 hrs.

Theoretical, historical, and empirical studies of the role of women as political actors, policy issues affecting women, and the role of gender in shaping political attitudes and perceptions, with particular emphasis on the U.S. experience. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

POL GEN 4189/5189. Readings in Political Science — 1-3 hrs.

May be repeated only with consent of department. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours in political science; junior standing; consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

POL GEN 4198. Independent Study.

(Fall, Spring, Summer)