2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs Courses (POSTSEC)


POSTSEC 3000. Exploring College Resources and the Student Affairs Profession — 1 hr.

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of resources across campus. This course will introduce undergraduate students to the field of student affairs in the context of higher education. Course will include both instruction and hands-on learning opportunities. (Fall and Spring)

POSTSEC 3161. Undergraduate Internship in Student Affairs — 1-3 hrs.

Supervised experience in a postsecondary setting. Course is intended to be as a follow up to the Exploring the Student Affairs Profession course. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): POSTSEC 3000. (Spring)

POSTSEC 6220. Leading and Advising — 3 hrs.

Provides an overview and skill development in the areas of Leadership and Advising. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6250. Teaching in College — 3 hrs.

Examination of issues and problems in college teaching including roles of the college teacher, factors affecting teaching and learning environment, learning theory, course planning, and teaching strategies. (Spring and Summer)

POSTSEC 6256. The Two-Year College — 3 hrs.

Provides an understanding of the mission, governance, operation, and student and faculty issues unique to the two-year college in the United States, with particular attention to Iowa. (Spring and Summer)

POSTSEC 6260. History of U.S. Higher Education — 3 hrs.

Overview of the historical development, issues, philosophies, and cultural backgrounds of higher education in America. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6264. Values, Philosophies and History of Student Affairs — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the field of college/university student services with applications of theory to practice, and including elements of history. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6265. Organizational and Personal Foundations for Student Affairs — 3 hrs.

This course will serve as a follow up to the Values, Philosophies and History of Student Affairs course. Topics covered include the administration of student affairs, history of student affairs and central concepts to the student affairs profession. (Spring)

POSTSEC 6268. Social Justice and Inclusion in Higher Education — 3 hrs.

The student affairs profession maintains a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion. This course will engage learners (both the student and instructor) in the critical reflection and analysis of multicultural theory and social justice advocacy in higher education, with the intent to further integrate them into our research and practice. Moreover, this course aims to equip learners with the skills to bring about positive social change on their campuses, while attending to the needs of the learning community with complex social identities. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6270. College Student Development — 3 hrs.

Addresses student development theories (moral, ethical, intellectual, and psychosocial), and their application in student affairs settings. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6273. Research and Assessment — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the basic research literacy necessary for student affairs profession. Prerequisite(s): admission to Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs program. (Fall)

POSTSEC 6274. Higher Education Law — 3 hrs.

Discusses Federal, State and local law and its impact on higher education. (Spring)

POSTSEC 6275. Professional Helping in College Student Affairs — 3 hrs.

Provides an overview of helping skills needed in the student affairs profession. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Spring)

POSTSEC 6289. Seminar in Postsecondary Education: Current Issues in Student Affairs — 3 hrs.

Provides preparation for work in the student affairs profession, including providing instruction on preparation of the final portfolio presentation. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Spring)

POSTSEC 6291. Internship in Postsecondary Education — 1-6 hrs.

Supervised substantive experience in a postsecondary setting. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours. (Variable)

POSTSEC 6299. Research.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)

POSTSEC 7274. Doctoral Higher Education Law — 3 hrs.

Discusses Federal, State, and local law from an administrative level perspective. Includes impact on higher education at both the institutional and general field level. (Spring)

POSTSEC 7311. Educational Leadership and Systems Change — 3 hrs.

Examination of knowledge base for both change and leadership. Emphasis on understanding how change factors and leadership styles interact to influence receptiveness to and acceptance of change. Prerequisite(s): doctoral status or consent of college. (Same as EDLEAD 7311) (Variable)

POSTSEC 7372. College Effects on Students — 3 hrs.

Reviews the research on the effects of higher education on students. Prerequisite(s): admission to the M.A. Postsecondary Education: Student Affairs program or admission to the Doctor of Education. (Variable)

POSTSEC 7373. Administration and Finance in Higher Education — 3 hrs.

This course is designed to provide information in the areas of administration and finance in higher education. (Variable)

POSTSEC 7374. Organizational Processes and Communication in Higher Education — 3 hrs.

This course is designed to provide information in the areas of organizational processes and communication in higher education. (Variable)

POSTSEC 7389. Seminar in Postsecondary Education.

Special topics as indicated in the schedule of classes. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Variable)

POSTSEC 7397. Practicum: Postsecondary Education — 1-3 hrs.

Advanced orientation and experience for Student Affairs majors in a professional setting. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Variable)