2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Product Innovation Courses (PRODINNO)


PRODINNO 1000. People, Culture, and Industry — 3 hrs.

An introduction to the product design industry, with a focus on understanding the cultural, social, economic and sustainability issues. The class includes projects focused on the role of innovative ideas within the industry, exploring the impact on human experience, and following contemporary trends. (Variable)

PRODINNO 2000. Quality Assurance — 3 hrs.

Learn about design materials. Discuss material performance expectations and methods through physical lab testing. (Variable)

PRODINNO 3000. Branding Strategies for the Industry — 3 hrs.

Application of sociology, anthropology and psychological concepts and theories to branding strategies. Includes modules focused on theories underlying and the application of sustainability principles. The culminating project for each student is an empowerment brand. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): PRODINNO 1000. (Variable)

PRODINNO 4000. Product Development — 3 hrs.

Application of product development concepts and procedures for planning, developing, sourcing, and producing product lines for identified target markets based on market research. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): INTDSGN 1001. (Variable)

PRODINNO 4184/5184. Topics in Product Innovation — 1-3 hrs.

Selected topics relating to current issues in product innovation. Topics to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)