2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Professional Science Master's Courses (PSM)


PSM 6100. Business Management for Science Professionals — 3 hrs.

Designed to provide science professionals with a strong foundation of critical business knowledge and skills, including strategic management, accounting, legal issues, personnel management, and communication styles and formats. Prerequisite(s): PSM 6289. (Fall and Spring)

PSM 6289. Professional Science Master's Seminar — 1 hr.

Weekly seminar for Professional Science Master's students which alternates student presentations with discussions between students and company representatives. Presentations are on select industries or corporations, one presentation every other seminar session. Alternate weeks are devoted to discussions with representatives of the selected companies. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): admittance to the P.S.M. graduate program. (Fall and Spring)

PSM 6300. Team-Based Problem Solving — 3 hrs.

For P.S.M. Biotechnology and P.S.M. Ecosystem Management students. Discussion and/or lab, 5 periods. Prerequisite(s): PSM 6289; minimum of 6 hours completed in a P.S.M. degree program. (Fall and Spring)

PSM 6950. Professional Science Master's Internship — 1-6 hrs.

Supervised work experience for Professional Science Master's students. Students will receive appropriate industrial/corporate training in their specific field of expertise. Prerequisite(s): enrolled in P.S.M. program and consent of appropriate department head. (Fall and Spring)