Science Education Courses (SCI ED)
SCI ED 1100. Inquiry into Earth and Space Science — 3 hrs.
Activity-based, inquiry-oriented introduction to fundamental concepts and processes in meteorology, astronomy, and geology. Course instruction is entirely lab based. (Fall and Spring)
SCI ED 1200. Inquiry into Life Science — 3 hrs.
Activity-based, inquiry-oriented introduction to fundamental concepts and processes in life science that includes ecology, evolution, cell biology, and human body systems. Course instruction is entirely lab based. (Fall and Spring)
SCI ED 1300. Inquiry into Physical Science — 3 hrs.
Activity-based, inquiry-oriented introduction to fundamental concepts and processes in physics and chemistry that includes energy, force and motion, waves, sound, light, and nature of matter. Course instruction is entirely lab based. (Fall and Spring)
SCI ED 2310. Investigating Physical Science Phenomena — 2 hrs.
Introduction to physical science concepts and models of effective teaching related to elementary school physical science through active investigation using available curricular resources. Course instruction is entirely lab based. Prerequisite(s): SCI ED 1300. (Even Falls)
SCI ED 3300/5300. Orientation to Science Teaching — 4 hrs.
Introduction to inquiry science teaching including instructional planning and strategies, assessment, and classroom management. Highlights issues and trends in science teaching. Discussion, 4 periods. Prerequisite(s): a major or minor in a science area; junior standing. (Spring)
SCI ED 3500/5500. Techniques for Science Teachers — 1-3 hrs.
Topics selected to assist science teachers in improving their teaching. These may include teaching or assessment strategies, laboratory techniques, specific science concepts, or examples of new curricula. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. Application to major requires advisor approval. May be repeated up to 7 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
SCI ED 4198. Independent Study.
SCI ED 4800/5800. Methods for Teaching Secondary Science or MTSS — 3 hrs.
Teaching approaches, instructional and assessment strategies, curricular and laboratory materials, national & state science education standards, and issues in secondary science. Field experiences in secondary school science classrooms. Discussion, 3 periods. Prerequisite(s): SCI ED 3300/5300; junior standing. (Fall)
SCI ED 6299. Research.
Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SCI ED 6400. Special Problems in Science Education — 1-3 hrs.
Problems selected according to needs of students. May be repeated for maximum of 6 credit hours. (Variable)
SCI ED 6500. Research Methods in Science Education — 4 hrs.
Introduction to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research used in science education. Emphasis on and critical analysis of primary literature. Application of literature review, research design, data analysis and writing styles to graduate projects. (Odd Falls)
SCI ED 6600. Developing Science Curricula — 2 hrs.
Analysis and design of science curricula with attention to K-12 national and state initiatives and standards. Seminar format, 2 hours/week. (Odd Springs)
SCI ED 6700. The History, Philosophy, and Nature of Science — 3 hrs.
Examination of the nature of science, major philosophical and historical developments of science, and their implications to the science classroom. Seminar format, 3 hours/week. (Even Summers)
SCI ED 6800. Teaching-Learning Models in Science Education — 2 hrs.
Study of learning theories from behaviorism to constructivism and how these theories are translated into science teaching practice through various teaching models. Seminar format, 2 hours/week. (Even Falls)
SCI ED 6900. Trends and Issues in Science Education — 3 hrs.
Major trends and issues in science education, focusing primarily from the 1950s to the present. Seminar format, 3 hours/week. (Odd Summers)