2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Social Science Education Courses (SOCSCIED)


SOCSCIED 2190. Introduction to Teaching Social Studies — 1 hr.

Acquaints students with basic secondary social studies instructional methods. Introduces fundamentals of lesson planning, including using standards, benchmarks, and curricula as well as varied active learning and classroom management strategies. Students prepare for seeking employment by beginning to write teaching philosophies and building professional portfolios. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): sophomore standing; consent of Social Science Education Coordinator. (Fall and Spring)

SOCSCIED 4190. Methods of Teaching Social Studies — 3 hrs.

Basic teaching methods class designed for future social studies teachers to understand effective instructional techniques and strategies. Emphasis will be placed on lesson plan development, effective instruction, and perspectives of teaching in changing environments. Examination and evaluation of current curricular materials, curriculum development, and appropriate assessment strategies. Ordinarily taken the semester immediately preceding student teaching. Prerequisite(s): SOCSCIED 2190; consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)