Spanish Courses (SPAN)
SPAN 1001. Elementary Spanish I — 3 hrs.
For beginners. Not recommended for students who have had two or more years of Spanish in high school or the equivalent. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SPAN 1002. Elementary Spanish II — 3 hrs.
Continuation of SPAN 1001. Not recommended for students who have had three or more years of Spanish in high school or the equivalent. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1001 or equivalent. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SPAN 1003. Accelerated Elementary Spanish — 5 hrs.
Recommended for students who have had one year of Spanish in high school or the equivalent. Not recommended for students who have had two or more years of Spanish in high school. (Variable)
SPAN 2001. Intermediate Spanish I — 3 hrs.
Thorough review of essential Spanish grammar; enlarges vocabulary and augments the skills of listening, reading, writing, speaking, and cultural awareness. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1002 or SPAN 1003 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 2002. Intermediate Spanish II — 3 hrs.
Development of communication skills, culturally, orally, and in written form through selected readings, discussions, and exercises. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2001 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 2053. Spanish for Special Purposes: ___________ — 3 hrs.
Grammatical review and specialized vocabulary for practical professional situations; develops listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills; and provides a vehicle for cultural awareness. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2001 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3000. Teaching Spanish in the Elementary School — 3 hrs.
Foreign language teaching methodology for K-8, language development, instructional strategies for the elementary level, elementary foreign language classroom management and design for instruction. Field experience and class sessions. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3050/5050 or SPAN 3006 or equivalent. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): SPAN 2002 and consent of instructor. (Variable)
SPAN 3001. Advanced Writing — 3 hrs.
Analysis and practice in Spanish grammar and usage through writing and reading a variety of texts with attention to vocabulary enhancement and different communication strategies. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3002/5002. Advanced Spanish for Special Purposes: ____________ — 3 hrs.
Enhance speaking, writing, and cultural skills for particular professional or occupational situations. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2053 or SPAN 2002 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 3003. Advanced Conversation and Reading — 3 hrs.
Further development of oral fluency. Conversation on current issues. Extensive vocabulary enhancement through readings and multimedia materials. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2002 or equivalent. (Variable)
SPAN 3004. Introduction to Hispanic Literature — 3 hrs.
Selected major works of representative Hispanic authors. Application of language skills to literary analysis and introduction to critical theories. Recommended for non-teaching majors. Prerequisite(s): required Spanish language proficiency or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3006. Spanish for Heritage Speakers — 3 hrs.
Reading and writing-intensive Spanish course for heritage speakers of Spanish, including linguistic, literary and cultural content. Prerequisite(s): Students must hold an interview with a faculty member to ascertain their status as heritage speakers. (Variable)
SPAN 3007. Introduction to Translation — 3 hrs.
Basic considerations regarding theoretical and applied translation and role of contrastive grammar in translation. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3008. Introduction to Spanish Linguistics — 3 hrs.
Survey of the basic concepts of modern linguistics, as illustrated through Spanish phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3012. Survey of Spanish American Literature — 3 hrs.
Overview of Spanish American literature through works of representative authors of different periods and genres. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent. (Spring)
SPAN 3016. Translation for Spanish Heritage Speakers — 3 hrs.
Theory and practice of translation between English and Spanish with a focus on advanced vocabulary, cultural and grammatical topics appropriate for heritage speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3006 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)
SPAN 3018. Survey of Spanish Literature — 3 hrs.
Overview of Spanish literature through works of representative authors of different periods and genres. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent. (Fall)
SPAN 3020. Cultures and Civilization of Latin America — 3 hrs.
Cultures of Latin America as shaped by its geography, history, and pre-history; and as revealed in its arts, sports, traditions, languages, and economic, social, and political institutions. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. (Variable)
SPAN 3023. Cultures and Civilization of Spain — 3 hrs.
Spanish cultural heritage as shaped by geography and history, and as revealed in its arts, sports, traditions, languages, and economic, educational, social, and political institutions Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. (Variable)
SPAN 3027. Latinos in the United States — 3 hrs.
Cultural heritage of Latino communities in the United States, as shaped by geography and history; and as revealed through the arts, traditions, languages, and economic, educational, social, and political institutions. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. (Variable)
SPAN 3031. Topics in Spanish American Literature and Culture: — 3 hrs.
Movements, themes, and authors in Spanish narrative, poetry, essay, and drama; based on historical periods and cultural trends. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3012 or SPAN 3018. (Variable)
SPAN 3035. Topics in Literature and Culture of Spain: — 3 hrs.
Movements, themes, and authors in Spanish narrative, poetry, essay, and drama; based on historical periods and cultural trends. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3012 or SPAN 3018. (Variable)
SPAN 3050/5050. Written Communication — 3 hrs.
Topics taken from daily life; compositions written and corrected in the classroom; grammar review, and Spanish letter writing. Offered only in conjunction with the Spanish institutes abroad. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SPAN 3051/5051. Advanced Oral Communication — 3 hrs.
Topics of Spanish daily life; emphasis on idioms typical of that linguistic community. Offered only in conjunction with the Spanish institutes abroad. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SPAN 3052/5052. Contemporary Hispanic Culture — 3-5 hrs.
Contemporary Hispanic culture as it reflects and relates to its history and pre-history and current environment; emphasis on literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, and folk music. Offered only in conjunction with the Spanish institutes abroad. May be repeated for maximum of 5 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
SPAN 4041/5041. Hispanic Cultures: Film and Multimedia — 3 hrs.
Development of language, cultural and critical skills through Spanish language media (e.g., print, radio, television, film, and computer-based communications). Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3020 or SPAN 3023 or SPAN 3027 or SPAN 3052/5052 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4043/5043. Pronunciation and Oral Proficiency — 3 hrs.
Practice in pronunciation with focus on oral proficiency. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3008 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4045/5045. Translation — 3 hrs.
Journalistic and technical translation using varied textual materials (public media, scholarly, and professional texts), from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. May be repeated once. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3007; SPAN 3016 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4046/5046. Topics in Language and Culture: ________________ — 3 hrs.
Special topics and aspects of the discipline. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3020 or SPAN 3023 or SPAN 3027 or SPAN 3052/5052 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4047/5047. Structure of Spanish — 3 hrs.
Study of Spanish syntax using current linguistic theories. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3008 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4062/5062. Spanish American Literature: ____________ — 3 hrs.
Study of Spanish American literature by genre, period, theme, or author. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4063/5063. Peninsular Literature: _______________ — 3 hrs.
Study of Peninsular literature by genre, period, theme, or author. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4064/5064. Hispanic Literature: ________________ — 3 hrs.
Combined study of Peninsular Spanish and Spanish American literature by genre, period, theme, or author. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4066/5066. Topics in Literature and Culture: _____________ — 3 hrs.
Perspectives on interrelationship of Spanish and/or Spanish American and/or U.S. Latino/Chicano literature and culture, based on historical periods, movements, themes, genres, and authors. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3004 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)
SPAN 4091. Practicum in Teaching Spanish — 3 hrs.
Participants acquire knowledge of foreign language methodologies through practical applications, including lesson planning, class observations, materials development, and technology integration. Required for students in second language acquisition and foreign-language teacher education programs. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3001 or SPAN 3006 or SPAN 3050/5050 or equivalent. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): LANG 4740/5740. (Fall or Spring)
SPAN 6001. Literature and Critical Theory — 2-3 hrs.
Critical theory application to the study of literature of Spanish-speaking peoples, literary genres, and techniques, using intensive readings, lectures, and student reports. Primarily for students planning to take the M.A. comprehensives in Spanish. (Variable)
SPAN 6021. Hispanic Culture and Literature: ____________ — 2-3 hrs.
Investigation into Hispanic cultures and civilizations as a product of their history and current environment. May be repeated for credit on different topics. (Variable)
SPAN 6031. Cervantes — 3 hrs.
Intensive study of Don Quijote. (Variable)
SPAN 6035. Golden Age Literature — 2-3 hrs.
Outstanding literary works of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. (Variable)
SPAN 6040. Analysis of Spanish — 2-3 hrs.
Advanced study of current syntactic theories applied to topics relevant to Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3008 or consent of instructor. (Variable)
SPAN 6041. Old Spanish — 2-3 hrs.
Literary and linguistic study of selected early works. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3008 or consent of instructor. (Variable)
SPAN 6045. Translation Techniques — 2-3 hrs.
Contemporary theories and strategies in translation. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4045/5045 or equivalent translation skills. (Variable)
SPAN 6052. Topics in Language and Culture: ________ — 1-3 hrs.
Study of linguistic, geographic, socioeconomic, historico-political aspects of contemporary Hispanic societies, as reflected in art, folklore, and culture. May be repeated on different topic. (Variable)
SPAN 6060. Spanish American Literature: __________________ — 2-3 hrs.
Study of Spanish American literature by genre, period, theme, and/or author. May be repeated on different topic. (Variable)
SPAN 6061. Spanish Literature: ___________ — 2-3 hrs.
Study of Spanish literature by period, theme, and/or author. May be repeated on different topic. (Variable)
SPAN 6062. Comparative Hispanic Literatures: _______________ — 3 hrs.
Comparative analysis of Spanish and Spanish American literature thematically, structurally, and/or stylistically. (Variable)
SPAN 6289. Seminar: ____________________ — 2-3 hrs.
Various topics offered in areas of literature, culture, and language. Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated on different topic. (Variable)