Teaching Courses (TEACHING)
TEACHING 2020. Introduction to Teaching: Exploring Options — 1 hr.
Offered on credit/no credit basis only. This course is intended for students who are thinking about becoming a teacher but need help deciding whether to pursue the teaching program. The course will focus on the roles and responsibilities of schools and teachers, the expectations and requirements of the teaching profession, and current issues in the field. It provides 10 hours of direct and indirect experiences with PK-12 students in area schools to allow for reflection, self-assessment, and informed decision-making regarding entry into the teacher education program and profession of teaching. Students will gain feedback from K12 teachers and their professor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
TEACHING 3177. Collaborative Partnerships for Educators — 3 hrs.
Students will examine the role of collaboration in creating a favorable learning environment for all students. Emphasis will be on understanding self, students, and educational stakeholders while building skills to create effective partnerships for student learning. Students will develop the awareness of the complexities and ethics involved with accessing, interpreting and using data and resources within a collaborative educational setting. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
TEACHING 3500. Effective Teaching through Differentiation, Technology and Assessment — 3 hrs.
An examination of three important components of quality instruction. Namely, differentiation, technology and assessment. The course will make connections across and within all three topics with the goal of helping students to become more comfortable with using these topics in instructional settings. (Fall and Spring)
TEACHING 4170/5170. Human Relations: Awareness and Application — 3 hrs.
Development of awareness of various societal subgroups, recognizing and dealing with dehumanizing biases, and learning to relate effective to various groups in order to foster respect for human diversity. Emphasis on self-awareness in human relations issues and how this awareness can be translated into positive relationships with others and integrated into one's professional responsibilities. Prerequisite(s): full admission into teacher education; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
TEACHING 5178. Advanced Collaborative Partnerships for Educators — 3 hrs.
Students will examine the role of collaboration in creating a favorable learning environment for all students. Emphasis will be on understanding self, students, and educational stakeholders while building skills to create effective partnerships for student learning. Students will develop the awareness of the complexities and ethics involved with accessing, interpreting and using data and resources within a collaborative educational setting. (Fall, Spring, Summer)