Technology Engineering Education Courses (TECH TEE)
TECH TEE 1000. Introduction to Technology and Engineering Education — 3 hrs.
Evolution, philosophy and contemporary approaches in technology and engineering education. Examination of career opportunities and curriculum design. This course will explore the historical and philosophical background, contemporary approaches, trends, and the role of technology and engineering education, as well as Career and Technical education in the total school curriculum. The course will specifically explore what it means to be a professional educator and will specifically look at the role of engineering design and innovation in a STEM curriculum as well as developing curriculum for Technology and Engineering and CTE Classrooms. (Fall)
TECH TEE 2020. Transportation Technology — 3 hrs.
Students will develop the requisite skills to build solutions to transportation challenges provided in class; as well as perform small engine repair and/or rebuild. (Variable)
TECH TEE 3100/5100. Technology and Engineering Education Curriculum Planning — 3 hrs.
Development of programs and courses for technology and engineering education and related fields including content decision-making, delivery strategies, and student/program evaluation. Prerequisite(s): TECH 1019 or TECH TEE 1000; junior standing. (Spring)
TECH TEE 3150/5150. Technology & Engineering Education Lab Management — 3 hrs.
Design of safe and effective facilities for technology and engineering education and related fields, facility and classroom management, and development of a safety program. Prerequisite(s): TECH TEE 1000; junior standing. (Spring)
TECH TEE 4100. Technology and Engineering Education Level 3 Teaching Experience — 1 hr.
Students in the TEE program are required to complete 4 levels of teaching experiences. This is the level 3 experience. Students are expected to complete a number of hours of observation as well as delivering some content in the classroom under the supervision of the cooperating teacher. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Corequisite(s): TECH TEE 4200/5200. (Fall)
TECH TEE 4200/5200. Technology and Engineering Education Methods — 2 hrs.
Methods of teaching in technology and engineering education and related fields, including group and individualized strategies. This class must be completed with a minimum grade of C prior to student teaching. This course helps fulfill a core requirement for undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Technology Education Program and the Bachelor of Science in Technology and Engineering Education Program at UNI; as well as the methods requirement for the BOEE CTE Authorization. Prerequisite(s): TECH TEE 1000; junior standing. (Fall)
TECH TEE 4300/5300. Career and Technical Education Methods — 2 hrs.
Methods of teaching in career and technical education and related fields, including group and individualized instructional strategies. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Summer)