TESOL/Applied Linguistics Courses (TESOL)
TESOL 2015. Language Today — 3 hrs.
Examination of linguistic diversity within the U.S. with a focus on how language use is related to personal and group identity. (Fall)
TESOL 2310. Modern English Grammar and Usage — 3 hrs.
An examination of modern English grammar covering structural basics and discussions of form, meaning, and use related to oral and written language. (Variable)
TESOL 3110. The Structure of English — 3 hrs.
Linguistic analysis of phonology, syntax, and semantics in modern American English; study of language development and regional and social variation. No credit if prior credit in TESOL 4120/5120. (Fall and Spring)
TESOL 3550. Constructing Cross-Cultural Bridges — 3 hrs.
Within a Study Abroad experience, exploring multiple components of a specific culture firsthand; attention to the interrelationships among various cultural components such as history, religion, social values and practices, community organization, and language; course activities and requirements designed to increase intercultural understanding and effective interactions among individuals across different cultures. (Same as LANG 2020) (Summer)
TESOL 3565. Intercultural Perspectives — 3 hrs.
An interdisciplinary approach for understanding intercultural perspectives and developing effective intercultural skills for meeting the challenges of today's interconnectedness of societies and cultures both locally and globally. (Same as CAP 3165 and GER 3334) (Variable)
TESOL 3710. Content Area Strategies for English Language Learners — 3 hrs.
Insights from linguistics and second language acquisition applied to teaching emergent bilingual students in content area classes; for prospective and current teachers of content area subjects (i.e., English). (Variable)
TESOL 4120/5120. Introduction to Linguistics — 3 hrs.
Overview of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in a variety of languages; includes study of development in first and second languages as well as study of regional and social variation. Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of TESOL major advisor. (Fall and Spring)
TESOL 4140/5140. History of the English Language — 3 hrs.
Developmental survey of the English language from its beginnings to the present as a product of linguistic change and variation, political history, and social attitude. Prerequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110; junior standing. (Variable)
TESOL 4198. Independent Study.
(Fall and Spring)
TESOL 4340/5340. English Grammar: Form and Function — 3 hrs.
Investigation of the grammatical system of English; focus on form as well as function. Strategies for analysis and teaching grammatical forms and functions. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110. (Variable)
TESOL 4350/5350. Phonetics, Phonology, and Language Teaching — 3 hrs.
This course offers an introduction to basic aspects of phonetics, phonology, and second language speech development, and their pedagogical application to teaching English pronunciation. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110. (Variable)
TESOL 4510/5510. Language Development — 3 hrs.
Study of contemporary theory and research in first and second language acquisition with applications for teaching English to non-native speakers. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
TESOL 4520/5520. Cultural Aspects of Language and Language Teaching — 3 hrs.
Investigation of the relationship between language and culture and the interactions among language, social institutions, cultural beliefs, and individual behavior. Applications for teaching and learning language in use in real life contexts. Prerequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110; junior standing. (Variable)
TESOL 4540/5540. Sociolinguistics — 3 hrs.
Study of language and society, including language variation associated with such factors as geography, socioeconomic class, and gender. Prerequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110; junior standing. (Variable)
TESOL 4720/5720. Bilingualism and Bilingual Education — 3 hrs.
Trends in bilingual education and current approaches to meeting the needs of emergent bilingual learners. Topics include theories, policies, and classroom practices related to bilingualism in education. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): TESOL 4120/5120 or TESOL 3110. (Variable)
TESOL 4760/5760. Language Teaching Methods ll — 3 hrs.
Pedagogical principles and practical guidelines for developing effective teaching practice including adaptations for varied cultural contexts. Topics include: language acquisition, the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), lesson planning, design and adaptation of instructional materials, and curriculum development. Prerequisite(s): TESOL 3110 or TESOL 4120/5120; junior standing. (Spring)
TESOL 4770. Undergraduate TESOL Practicum — 3 hrs.
Observation and practice teaching in elementary and secondary ESL classrooms. Emphasis on educational program models present in U.S. schools and on best practices in meeting the needs of English Language Learners in these environments. Attention to the requisites and realities of teaching within the State of Iowa, including assessment, reporting, and standards. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): LANG 4740/5740 or TESOL 4760/5760. (Fall)
TESOL 6100. Introduction to Graduate Study in TESOL/Applied Linguistics — 3 hrs.
Introduction to sources, tools, and techniques in graduate-level study and research in TESOL and language sciences. (Fall)
TESOL 6289. Seminar in Language — 3 hrs.
Topic listed in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for credit on different topics. (Fall and Spring)
TESOL 6297. TESOL Practicum.
Graduate-level student teaching of English as a second language. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
TESOL 6510. Second Language Acquisition — 3 hrs.
Historical background and methodology of second language acquisition research; current theories of acquisition and learning; role of individual and societal variables in language learning. (Variable)
TESOL 6740. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) — 3 hrs.
Exploration of purposes, applications, and roles of computers in language learning and language testing; application to skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Use of Internet resources and tools. (Variable)
TESOL 6760. Language Testing — 3 hrs.
Examination of basic approaches and techniques for constructing and interpreting language tests. (Variable)