Textiles and Apparel Courses (TEXDSGN)
TEXDSGN 1002. Textile Science — 3 hrs.
Fundamentals of textiles as related to the production, sale, and use of apparel, interiors, and other products. Laboratory experiences related to the identification of fibers, yarns, and fabrics. (Fall and Spring)
TEXDSGN 1003. Creative Textile and Apparel Design Foundations — 3 hrs.
Investigation of elements and principles of design as they apply to textiles and apparel. (Fall)
TEXDSGN 2004. EuroAmerican Fashion Design History — 3 hrs.
Euro-American Apparel Design History from the Greek period to the end of the twentieth century. (Variable)
TEXDSGN 2005. Fashion Event Planning and Digital Marketing — 3 hrs.
Promotion and digital marketing as used within the textile and apparel industry. Includes marketing strategies, media selection and use, planning and budgetary processes, publicity, special event planning. (Spring)
TEXDSGN 2007. Apparel Assembly and Technical Design — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the development and assembly methods of apparel products and the relationship to product aesthetics, qualify, performance, and cost. Focus on apparel manufacturing processes and specification sheets. Prerequisite(s): TEXDSGN 1002. (Fall)
TEXDSGN 2008. Computer Applications for the Textile and Apparel Industry — 3 hrs.
Introduction to commonly used computer aided design (CAD) software as applied to both apparel product development and textile design. Knowledge of basic computer skills is required. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): TEXDSGN 1003. (Fall)
TEXDSGN 3009. Textile Structures & Sourcing — 3 hrs.
Structural and functional aspects of textile yarns and fabrics. Manufacturing techniques are related to physical properties of yarns and fabrics used in apparel and other end uses, with a focus on textile and apparel product development. Prerequisite(s): TEXDSGN 1002. (Variable)
TEXDSGN 3012. Fashion Design: Flat Pattern and Draping — 3 hrs.
Apparel design using a product development process, emphasizing the design process, line development, sourcing materials, costing, and production. Advanced apparel production skills (draping and pattern grading)are further developed within apparel design projects. Prerequisite(s): TEXDSGN 2007. (Spring)
TEXDSGN 3013. Professional Development: Textile and Apparel — 2 hrs.
Serves as the program capstone experience. Students study leadership skills, professional ethics, as well as prepare an internship experience. Course culminates with a large-scale group experiential learning project conducted in the field. Prerequisite(s): TEXDSGN 2007; junior standing. (Fall)
TEXDSGN 4192/5192. Research in Textiles and Apparel — 1-3 hrs.
Conduct supervised research and/or scholarly project. Prerequisite(s): research methods course; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
TEXDSGN 4194/5194. Problems in Textiles and Apparel — 1-4 hrs.
Individual topic areas of in-depth study. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Variable)
TEXDSGN 4195. Internship in Textile and Apparel — 4 hrs.
Supervised experience in approved work situation. Transfer students must complete one full semester in residence before being approved for internship. Prerequisite(s): TEXDSGN 1003; TEXDSGN 1002; TEXDSGN 2007; TEXDSGN 1059 (Fashion Culture and Industry) or PRODINNO 1000; TEXDSGN 2008. (Summer)
TEXDSGN 4198. Independent Study in Textiles and Apparel.