University, Interdisciplinary Courses (UNIV)
UNIV 1000. First-Year Cornerstone: Integrated Communication I — 3 hrs.
The first of two courses in a single-year sequence that integrates written, oral, visual, and digital communication. Guidance and practice in critical reading, research processes, and rhetorical strategies applied to composing and delivering effective oral and written discourse - including visual and digital resources - for different purposes and audiences. Attention will be paid to critical thinking and discovering strategies for academic success. Successful completion of both UNIV 1000 and UNIV 1010 satisfies the UNIFI Written and Oral Communication requirements; credit earned for UNIV 1000 alone satisfies neither the UNIFI Written or Oral Communication requirement. Prerequisite(s): first-year student; neither UNIFI Written or Oral Communication requirement previously satisfied. (Fall)
UNIV 101. Test Course — 3 hrs.
This is a test course used only for testing purposes.
UNIV 1010. First-Year Cornerstone: Integrated Communication II — 3 hrs.
The second of two courses in a single-year sequence that integrates written, oral, visual, and digital communication. Attention will be paid to interpersonal and small group communication and research strategies and resources for academic inquiry, especially for the use in persuasive communication contexts. Students will receive continued guidance and practice in composing and delivering effective oral and written discourse - including use of visual and digital resources - for documents and presentations within various professional and public settings. Successful completion of both UNIV 1000 and UNIV 1010 satisfies the UNIFI Written and Oral Communication requirements. Prerequisite(s): first-year student; UNIV 1000. (Spring)
UNIV 1050. Career Decision Making — 2 hrs.
Introduction to a structured career decision-making process, including self-awareness, career and educational information, computerized and Internet assistance and resources, and related activities/projects. (Fall and Spring)
UNIV 1055. Strategies for Academic Success — 2 hrs.
Provides development and use of effective learning and study strategies/skills necessary for independent learning and academic success. University policies, procedures, and services will be addressed. (Fall and Spring)
UNIV 1092. Presidential Scholars Seminar — 1-3 hrs.
For Presidential Scholars only. Credit and topic listed in the Schedule of Classes. May be repeated in a different topic. (Variable)
UNIV 119P. Presidential Scholars Research — 1-3 hrs.
For Presidential Scholars only. Credit and topic to be approved by the Presidential Scholars Board. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 hours. (Variable)
UNIV 2196. Honors Seminar — 1-3 hrs.
Seminar covering selected topics. Some sections may be restricted to University Honors students. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)
UNIV 3003. Study Abroad: (Topic) — 3 hrs.
This course provides students the opportunity to explore firsthand a range of identities, communities, and conceptions of the human condition. Engage in effective critical inquiry to address complex topics in a global context. By analyzing ideas, works, and institutions, alongside the act of traveling abroad, UNI students will develop habits of mind characterized by thorough exploration of issues, ideas, histories, artifacts, and theories, including the collection and analysis of evidence before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion in relationship to another culture or one's own. (Variable)
UNIV 31CI/UNIV 31CI. Co-op/Internship.
UNIV 3930. Civic Engagement and the Humanities: (Topic) — 3 hrs.
Practicum in civic engagement, focusing on the application of civic knowledge, civic values, and civic skills as integrated with humanistic knowledge, humanistic values, and humanistic skills to address a real-world problem. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
UNIV 4197. Honors Thesis — 1-3 hrs.
Development and approval of thesis topic followed by completion of thesis and public presentation. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. Some sections may be restricted to University Honors students. Prerequisite(s): senior standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)
UNIV 4555. Interactive Digital Studies Practicum — 3 hrs.
Examines tools/methodologies involved in the production of interactive media. Students will study development models in a real-world setting; work with involved clients; develop new technology skills; and as a single class, consultatively produce a major interactive project. Prerequisite(s): declared Interactive Digital Studies (IDS) major; CM CORE 1001; CM CORE 1010; COMM 3555; COMM 4544/5544. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): two completed IDS bundles; or consent of instructor. (Spring)
UNIV 51CI. Co-op/Internship.