2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship

(Wilson College of Business)


The Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship offers the following programs:

Undergraduate Majors (B.A.)


Program Certificates

Note: A copy of the Wilson College policies may be obtained at https://business.uni.edu/students/advising/uni-college-business-policies. Enrollment in upper division (3000/4000-level) business courses requires satisfactory completion of the Wilson College of Business admission requirements and any course prerequisites.

Marketing majors may declare a double major, double minor, and/or major and minor within the Wilson College of Business, subject to the regulations imposed by those Wilson College of Business departments affected. Marketing majors minoring within the Wilson College of Business must select minors designated for business majors. Marketing majors may not declare more than one emphasis in Marketing. Wilson College of Business students cannot minor in Marketing.

All students majoring in business must complete 50% of their major coursework in the Wilson College of Business at UNI. Major coursework would include any undergraduate, credit-bearing, graded course taught in the Wilson College of Business at UNI. Business courses taken at UNI as credit/no credit do not qualify. A minimum of 10 credits must be upper division (3000-4000 level courses). In addition, a minimum of nine graded hours must be earned in 3000/4000-level UNI Marketing courses. A student must earn a 2.20 cumulative grade point average at UNI; and earn an overall 2.20 grade point average in business-designated courses taken at UNI.

The Wilson College of Business limits the number of courses that can be counted towards major specific requirements across the College. The College will allow students to double count one major specific course between majors, with the following exceptions. These exceptions include major combinations which allow two double-counted courses: 

  • MIS/Business Analytics 
  • Real Estate/Finance: Financial Management or Investments
  • Business Analytics/Economics: Business Economics 

This guideline is not applicable to the business core. There are no limitations to the number of courses that can be double-counted towards minors and/or certificates within the College.

The Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department may impose additional admission requirements for students wishing to declare a minor or a second Wilson College of Business major. Eligibility to declare a minor or a second Wilson College of Business major is based on competitive GPA and space availability. 

Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs

Marketing Major

The Marketing major requires a minimum of 120 total hours to graduate. This total includes UNIFI/General Education requirements and the following specified major requirements, plus electives to complete the minimum of 120 hours.

Required business core
Business Administration, Interdepartmental:
BUSINESS 1000Introductory Seminar for Business Professionals0
BUSINESS 2000Business Professionals in Training0
ACCT 2120Principles of Financial Accounting3
ACCT 2130Principles of Managerial Accounting3
MKTG 2110Principles of Marketing3
MGMT 2080Introduction to Information Systems3
MGMT 3100Legal and Social Environment of Business3
or ACCT 3075 Legal and Ethical Concepts for Accountants
MGMT 3154Operations Management3
MGMT 3965/5965Organizational Behavior3
MGMT 4175Strategic Management3
FIN 3130/5130Corporate Finance3
ECON 1011Statistics for Business Analytics3
ECON 2090Decision Analytics3
ECON 1041Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON 1051Principles of Microeconomics3
STAT 1772Introduction to Statistical Methods3
MKTG 3113/5113Consumer Behavior3
MKTG 3116/5116Marketing Analytics3
MKTG 4170/5170Marketing Strategy3
Marketing emphasis area (select one emphasis area below)9
Total Hours60


Advertising and Digital Media
MKTG 3143Advertising and Promotion3
MKTG 3146/5146Digital Advertising3
Marketing elective - select one course from the following:3
Digital Customer Experience
Advertising Campaign Development
Sales Management
MKTG 3153Professional Selling3
MKTG 3154Sales Management3
Marketing elective - select one course from the following:3
Business to Business Marketing
Services Marketing
Retail Management
Value Based Pricing
Marketing Management
MKTG 3155Business to Business Marketing3
MKTG 3173Product Management3
Marketing elective - select one course form the following:3
Services Marketing
Distribution and Logistics
Retail Management
Global Marketing
Global Trade Practices
Value Based Pricing
Entrepreneurial Strategy


Business Communication Minor

The Business Communication minor is interdisciplinary in nature and offered jointly by the Wilson College of Business and the College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences. It is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Marketing and the Department of Communication and Media. The minor requires a 12-hour core plus 9 hours from three emphases.

COMM 3155Professional and Public Communication3
Communication or English:3
Digital Toolbox
Introduction to Workplace Writing
Communication or Management:3
Organizational Communication
Organizational Behavior
MKTG 2110Principles of Marketing3
Required: 3 hours from each of three emphases below:9
Total Hours21

1. Applied Writing Skills

Select one course from the following:3
Applied Writing: Workplace Communication *
Applied Writing: Proposals and Grants *
Applied Writing: Specialized Documents *

2. Communication Skills

Select one course from the following:3
Communication and Media:
Communication and Conflict Management
Principles of Public Relations
3. Business and Professional Communication Contexts and Applications
Select one of the following:3
Communication and Media:
Organizational Cultures and Communication
Public Relations: Integrated Communications
Advertising and Promotion
Digital Advertising
Professional Selling

Note: When declaring this minor students must:

  • have a 2.50 cumulative GPA.
  • have satisfactorily completed the Written and Oral requirements of the UNIFI/General Education program.

Available to all UNI majors.


These courses have pre or co-requisite of MGMT 2080 or ENGLISH 2770 or consent of instructor.

Entrepreneurship Minor

The Entrepreneurship minor will be an extension of the already existing Entrepreneurship certificate.  The purpose of the certificate is to engage students in active participation in the development of entrepreneurial enterprises. They will do this through a combination of traditional course work specifically directed to entrepreneurial ventures and participation in an entrepreneurial enterprise experience through the development of a business plan for a new venture and an experiential project.  The minor will expand this goal by allowing students to learn entrepreneurship skills that specifically fit their major and career.  

The minor will entail the same classes as the Entrepreneurship certificate (currently 15 hours) with the addition of one elective course from the Marketing Department and one elective course from the student’s field of study.  

A student can pursue the Entrepreneurship Minor or Entrepreneurship Certificate, but not both.

The full description with prerequisites and hours required are shown below:

Students must meet prerequisites before taking courses. A total cumulative or UNI cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required to declare this minor.

ENTR 2010Financials for the Entrepreneurial Enterprise3
ECON 1031Introduction to Business Economics *3
MKTG 2110Principles of Marketing3
ENTR 3583/5583Entrepreneurship3
ENTR 3586/5586Entrepreneurial Strategy3
Required Marketing Elective, choose one from the following: **3
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Analytics
Advertising and Promotion
Digital Advertising
Professional Selling
Sales Management
Services Marketing
Distribution and Logistics
Retail Management
Product Management
Global Marketing
Global Trade Practices
Value Based Pricing
ENTR 4186 Studies in Entrepreneurship
One course required within the student's declared major: **3
Principles of Managerial Accounting
Cost Accounting and Analysis
Introduction to Actuarial Science
Introduction to Museum Studies
Ceramics I
Graphic Design I
Painting I
Performance Art I
Creative Photography I: Digital Photography
Printmaking I: Strategies
Sculpture I
Life Drawing
Ceramics II
Ceramics III
Graphic Design II
Graphic Design: Identity System Design
Graphic Design: Digital Image Design
Graphic Design: Typography
Graphic Design: Publication Design
Graphic Design: Motion Design and Animation
Graphic Design: Web and Interactive Design
Book Arts
Graphic Design: Portfolio Preparation
Painting III
Performance Art II
Performance Art III
Creative Photography II
Creative Photography III
Color Photography
Printmaking II: Applications
Printmaking III: Directions
Sculpture II
Sculpture III
Professional Practices
Public Relations: Integrated Communications
Public Relations Writing
Advanced Applied Public Relations
Public Relations Campaign Methods
Skills for Making Performance
Professional and Public Communication
Advanced Applied Performance Studies
Health Communication
Organizational Communication Assessment
Fundamentals of Journalism
Writing for Digital Media
Criminal Justice System
White Collar Crime
Computer Architecture and Parallel Programming
Intermediate Computing
Software Engineering
User Interface Design
Database Systems
Information Storage and Retrieval
Operating Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Biology
Project Management
Software Verification and Validation
System Administration
System Security
Intelligent Systems
Real-Time Embedded Systems
Clinical Processes
Aural Rehabilitation
Clinical Practice
Measurement and Analysis of Air Quality
Environmental Geology
Environmental Hydrology
Field and Laboratory Methods in Hydrology
Introduction to Workplace Writing
Applied Writing: Workplace Communication
Applied Writing: Proposals and Grants
Applied Writing: Specialized Documents
The Profession of Editing
Applied Writing: Projects, Grants and Careers
Strategies and Issues in Family Services
Consumer Behavior Across the Lifespan
Professional Practice in Family Services
Principles of Real Estate
Real Estate Law and Brokerage
Real Estate Appraisal and Investment
Intermediate Financial Management
Principles of Investments
Commercial Bank Management
Economic Geography
Demography and Population Geography
Long Term Care Administration
Introduction to Museum Studies
Computer Applications for Interior Design I
Building Codes and Standards
Professional Practice of Interior Design
Professional Preparation in Interior Design
Worksite Health Promotion
Management and Human Resources in Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership
Marketing in Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership
Human Resource Development for Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership
Planning Strategies in Nonprofit and Youth Agencies
Conferences, Expositions and Conventions in Tourism
Special Events Management
Community Based Tourism
Nonprofit Leadership Practicum, Level II
Financial Resource Management in Recreation, Tourism and Nonprofit Leadership
Camp Staff Development
Camp Management Systems
Eco, Adventure and Sport Tourism
Organizational Management
Platoon Operations
Applied Leadership in Platoon Operations
Mission Command and the Army Profession
Mission Command and the Company Grade Officer
Optical Science
Project Lead The Way: Digital Electronics
Introduction to Electronics
Physical Computing
Classical Mechanics
Physics of Modern Materials
Quantum Mechanics
Computational Physics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Management of Public Human Resources
Applied Psychology
Work Psychology: Well-Being
Work Psychology: Performance
Introduction to Sociology
Social Inequality
Computer Applications in Technology
Manufacturing Tooling
Technical Project Management
Managing Operations and Manufacturing Systems
Graphic Communications Estimating and Management I
Digital Graphic Communications
Applied Industrial Supervision and Management
Land, Route, and Construction Surveying
Heavy Construction Operations & Equipment
Construction Estimating
Fashion Event Planning and Digital Marketing
Apparel Assembly and Technical Design
Computer Applications for the Textile and Apparel Industry
Textile Structures & Sourcing
Quality Assurance
Product Development
Fashion Design: Flat Pattern and Draping
Professional Development: Textile and Apparel
Production Studies
Stage Management
Theatre Production
Topics in Theatre Design and Production
Design I: Theatrical Design Aesthetics
Design II: Theatrical Design Process
Design III: Theatrical Design Application
Total Hours21

ECON 1041 or ECON 1051 will substitute for ECON 1031.


Some of the courses listed may require prerequisites prior to enrollment.  Please consult with the UNI course catalog or appropriate department head to determine requirements for the courses.

Marketing Minor

MKTG 2110Principles of Marketing *3
ECON 1031Introduction to Business Economics3
or ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics
Marketing electives - select four courses from the following:12
Consumer Behavior
Advertising and Promotion
Digital Advertising
Digital Customer Experience
Professional Selling
Sales Management
Business to Business Marketing
Services Marketing
Distribution and Logistics
Retail Management
Product Management
Global Marketing
Global Trade Practices
Value Based Pricing
Advertising Campaign Development
Business electives - select one course from the following:3
Principles of Financial Accounting
Organizational Behavior
Total Hours21

MKTG 2110 has prerequisite of either ECON 1031 or ECON 1041ECON 1031 or ECON 1041 will satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning requirement of the UNIFI/General Education program.

This minor is only available to non-business majors.

Program Certificates

The University of Northern Iowa makes available, in addition to traditional programs, the opportunity for students to earn program certificates. Program certificates provide an alternative to programs leading to a degree, a major, or a minor; they certify that an individual has completed a program approved by the university. For information on the following program certificates, contact the Department of Marketing or the Office of the Registrar, which serves as the centralized registry.

Certificate in Entrepreneurship

The Certificate in Entrepreneurship is open to all majors. A student can pursue the Entrepreneurship Minor or Entrepreneurship Certificate, but not both.

The purpose of the program is to engage students in active participation in the development of entrepreneurial enterprises. They will do this through a combination of traditional course work specifically directed to entrepreneurial ventures and participation in an entrepreneurial enterprise experience through the development of a business plan for a new venture and an experiential project.

For more information, students should contact the Office of Professional Distinction, CBB 5. To enroll in this program students must declare their intent on a Declaration of Curriculum form.  The form may be obtained in CBB 5.

Marketing and Entrepreneurship:
MKTG 2110Principles of Marketing3
ENTR 2010Financials for the Entrepreneurial Enterprise3
ENTR 3583/5583Entrepreneurship3
ENTR 3586/5586Entrepreneurial Strategy3
ECON 1031Introduction to Business Economics **3
Total Hours15

ECON 1041 and ECON 1051 will substitute for ECON 1031.

Certificate in Entrepreneurship (graduate certificate)

This certificate is available to any graduate student interested in entrepreneurial applications of their degree program.

ENTR 3583/5583Entrepreneurship3
ENTR 3586/5586Entrepreneurial Strategy3
ACCT 6030Accounting for Business Management3
Select one additional 5000 or 6000 level MKTG or ENTR course (or from another department with department approval)3
Total Hours12

Certificate in Financial and Real Estate Sales for Business Majors

MKTG 3153Professional Selling3
MKTG 3154Sales Management3
FIN 3130/5130Corporate Finance3
Electives from the following:6
Risk Management and Insurance
Principles of Real Estate
Principles of Investments
Electives from the following:3
Business, Ethics, and Society
Communication and Media*:
Professional and Public Communication
Total Hours18

Prerequisite notes:

1) COMM 4218 has junior standing as a prerequisite.

2) COMM 3155 has COMM 1000 Oral Communication as a prerequisite. COMM 1000 will satisfy the Oral Communication requirement of the UNIFI/General Education program.

3) The remaining certificate courses are business courses (i.e., Marketing, Finance, and Management) and all prerequisites for all courses would be required to complete as a business major for which this certificate is the intended audience.

Certificate in Global Marketing (graduate certificate)

This certificate is open to any graduate student but primarily of interest to MBA students desiring a specialty area. Courses need to be taken at the 5000/6000 level.

MKTG 3176/5176Global Marketing3
MKTG 3178/5178Global Trade Practices3
MKTG 6170Marketing Management3
Select one from the following:3
International Management
Economic Development
International Trade and Financial Economics
Total Hours12

Marketing: Advertising and Digital Media, B.A.

Objective 1: Students will demonstrate disciplinary content knowledge

1.1 Learners will demonstrate broad knowledge of the business disciplines

1.2 Learners will demonstrate depth of knowledge in Marketing

      1.2.1 The rationale and interconnectedness among elements of a marketing strategy

      1.2.2 How to develop a coherent marketing mix

      1.2.3 Principles of analytics and marketing research

      1.2.4 Psychological, sociological, and cultural aspects of human behavior in a dynamic marketing environment

Objective 2: Students will display analytical skills to aid in business decision-making

2.1 Learners will display a broad set of quantitative skills

2.2 Learners will display appropriate use of relevant technology/software

Objective 3: Students will display strong communication skills

3.1.1.     Accurately summarize material, both orally and in writing 

3.1.2.     Clearly, politely request information or assistance 

3.1.3.     Justify or explain a position or claim 

3.1.4.     Effectively participate in a meeting 

Objective 4: Students will be able to apply critical thinking skills

4.1 Recognize a marketing and business decision context and constraints

4.2 Apply critical thinking skills to marketing challenges in a business environment

Objective 5: Learners will be able to identify and ready to exhibit strong work values in contemporary organizations

5.1 Learners will identify ethical components in business situations

5.2 Learners will display strong work values associated with professionalism, collaborative work, and DEI.

Marketing: Marketing Management, B.A.

Objective 1: Students will demonstrate disciplinary content knowledge

1.1 Learners will demonstrate broad knowledge of the business disciplines

1.2  Learners will demonstrate depth of knowledge in Marketing

       1.2.1 The rationale and interconnectedness among elements of a marketing strategy

       1.2.2 How to develop a coherent marketing mix

       1.2.3 Principles of analytics and marketing research

       1.2.4 Psychological, sociological, and cultural aspects of human behavior in a dynamic marketing environment

Objective 2: Students will display analytical skills to aid in business decision-making

2.1 Learners will display a broad set of quantitative skills

2.2 Learners will display appropriate use of relevant technology/software

Objective 3: Students will display strong communication skills

3.1.1.     Accurately summarize material, both orally and in writing 

3.1.2.     Clearly, politely request information or assistance 

3.1.3.     Justify or explain a position or claim 

3.1.4.     Effectively participate in a meeting 

Objective 4: Students will be able to apply critical thinking skills

4.1 Recognize a marketing and business decision context and constraints

4.2 Apply critical thinking skills to marketing challenges in a business environment

Objective 5: Learners will be able to identify and ready to exhibit strong work values in contemporary organizations

5.1 Learners will identify ethical components in business situations

5.2 Learners will display strong work values associated with professionalism, collaborative work, and DEI.

Marketing: Sales Management, B.A.

Objective 1: Students will demonstrate disciplinary content knowledge

1.1 Learners will demonstrate broad knowledge of the business disciplines

1.2 Learners will demonstrate depth of knowledge in Marketing

      1.2.1 The rationale and interconnectedness among elements of a marketing strategy

      1.2.2 How to develop a coherent marketing mix

      1.2.3 Principles of analytics and marketing research

      1.2.4 Psychological, sociological, and cultural aspects of human behavior in a dynamic marketing environment

Objective 2: Students will display analytical skills to aid in business decision-making

2.1 Learners will display a broad set of quantitative skills

2.2 Learners will display appropriate use of relevant technology/software

Objective 3: Students will display strong communication skills

3.1.1.     Accurately summarize material, both orally and in writing 

3.1.2.     Clearly, politely request information or assistance 

3.1.3.     Justify or explain a position or claim 

3.1.4.     Effectively participate in a meeting 

Objective 4: Students will be able to apply critical thinking skills

4.1 Recognize a marketing and business decision context and constraints

4.2 Apply critical thinking skills to marketing challenges in a business environment

Objective 5: Learners will be able to identify and ready to exhibit strong work values in contemporary organizations

5.1 Learners will identify ethical components in business situations

5.2 Learners will display strong work values associated with professionalism, collaborative work, and DEI.

Marketing: Advertising and Digital Media, B.A.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
BUSINESS 1000 Introductory Seminar for Business Professionals 0
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods (also satisfies UNIFI Quantitative Reasoning) 3
ENGLISH 1005 College Writing and Research 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics 3
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
BUSINESS 2000 Business Professionals in Training 0
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing 3
ECON 2090 Decision Analytics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 7
MGMT 3100 Legal and Social Environment of Business 3
MGMT 3965/5965 Organizational Behavior 3
MKTG 3113/5113 Consumer Behavior 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MGMT 3154 Operations Management 3
MKTG 3116/5116 Marketing Analytics 3
MKTG 3143 Advertising and Promotion (or MKTG 3146 Digital Advertising) 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MKTG 3xxx Marketing Elective 3
FIN 3130/5130 Corporate Finance 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 8
MKTG 3146/5146 Digital Advertising (or MKTG 3143 Advertising and Promotion) 3
MGMT 4175 Strategic Management 3
MKTG 4170/5170 Marketing Strategy 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
 Total Hours120

Marketing: Marketing Management, B. A.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
BUSINESS 1000 Introductory Seminar for Business Professionals 0
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods (also satisfies UNIFI Quantitative Reasoning) 3
ENGLISH 1005 College Writing and Research 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics 3
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
BUSINESS 2000 Business Professionals in Training 0
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing 3
ECON 2090 Decision Analytics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MGMT 3100 Legal and Social Environment of Business 3
MGMT 3965/5965 Organizational Behavior 3
MKTG 3113/5113 Consumer Behavior 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MGMT 3154 Operations Management 3
MKTG 3116/5116 Marketing Analytics 3
MKTG 3155 Business to Business Marketing 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
FIN 3130/5130 Corporate Finance 3
MKTG 3173 Product Management 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
MKTG 4170/5170 Marketing Strategy 3
MGMT 4175 Strategic Management 3
MKTG 3xxx Marketing Elective 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
 Total Hours120

Marketing: Sales Management, B.A.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
BUSINESS 1000 Introductory Seminar for Business Professionals 0
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods (also satisfies UNIFI Quantitative Reasoning) 3
ENGLISH 1005 College Writing and Research 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics 3
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
BUSINESS 2000 Business Professionals in Training 0
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing 3
ECON 2090 Decision Analytics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MGMT 3100 Legal and Social Environment of Business 3
MGMT 3965/5965 Organizational Behavior 3
MKTG 3113/5113 Consumer Behavior 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
MGMT 3154 Operations Management 3
MKTG 3116/5116 Marketing Analytics 3
MKTG 3153 Professional Selling 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
FIN 3130/5130 Corporate Finance 3
MKTG 3xxx Marketing Elective 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
MKTG 3154 Sales Management 3
MKTG 4170/5170 Marketing Strategy 3
MGMT 4175 Strategic Management 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
 Total Hours120

Business Teaching Major, B.A. (College of Business, Interdepartmental)

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
FIN 1040 Financial Skills for Smart Living 3
Educator Essentials Course 3
BUSINESS 1000 Introductory Seminar for Business Professionals 0
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 10
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing 3
Educator Essentials Course 3
BUSINESS 2000 Business Professionals in Training 0
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
ACCT 2130 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
ECON 2090 Decision Analytics 3
Educator Essentials Course 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
EDUC 2371 Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Business Teaching 2
EDUC 2471 Teaching Internship l: Business 3
Educator Essentials Course 3
MGMT 3965/5965 Organizational Behavior 3
BUSINESS 3000 Intermediate Professional Skills: (topic) 0
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 5
EDUC 3571/5571 Teaching Methods ll: Business Teaching 2
EDUC 3671/5671 Teaching Internship ll: Business 3
Educator Essentials Course 3
MGMT 3100 Legal and Social Environment of Business 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 5
FIN 3130/5130 Corporate Finance 3
ENTR 3583/5583 Entrepreneurship 3
MGMT 2113 Business Communication 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
EDUC 4138 Secondary School Teaching 12
 Total Hours120

Entrepreneurship Courses

ENTR 1010. Overview of Entrepreneurship — 3 hrs.

The course will detail various paths of entrepreneurship available to UNI while introducing students to current entrepreneurial methodology including the entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurship, lean startup, design thinking, and Agile. (Fall and Spring)

ENTR 2010. Financials for the Entrepreneurial Enterprise — 3 hrs.

Focused on constructing projected financial statements for a start-up company using market research and industry analysis data given a lack of historical data. Lays foundation for skills and motivations necessary for entrepreneurial success. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing. (Fall and Spring)

ENTR 3583/5583. Entrepreneurship — 3 hrs.

Students develop a startup business idea within a supportive team environment. Activities include opportunity assessment, new venture strategic planning, creation of a business plan, and presentation of the business pitch. Prerequisite(s): For Wilson College of Business majors: admittance to Wilson College of Business. For non-Wilson College of Business majors: ENTR 2010; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

ENTR 3586/5586. Entrepreneurial Strategy — 3 hrs.

Students help an existing start-up business in the community scale to the next level. Using engagement and prototyping experiments, teams identify entrepreneurial, innovation or growth opportunities and present a strategic plan to the client and external judges. This is a service-learning designated course. Prerequisite(s): ENTR 3583/5583; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

ENTR 6285. Individual Readings — 1-3 hrs.

May be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of Department Head and MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

Marketing Courses

MKTG 2110. Principles of Marketing — 3 hrs.

Conceptual understanding and application of customer determination & selection, product management, distribution, pricing considerations, and promotional activities within an economic and business environment as related to a strategic marketing plan. Prerequisite(s): ECON 1031 or ECON 1041 or ECON 1051. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 3113/5113. Consumer Behavior — 3 hrs.

Behavioral science concepts, models, findings and methods applied to the buying process and marketing management decision-making. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3116/5116. Marketing Analytics — 3 hrs.

Qualitative and quantitative analytical methods for collection, interpretation, and presentation of customer, market, and competitor data for marketing management decision-making. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; MGMT 2080; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; ECON 1011; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3143. Advertising and Promotion — 3 hrs.

Decision making in advertising and consumer promotions, with focus on message strategy, targeting, and formulating highly responsive online campaigns. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3146/5146. Digital Advertising — 3 hrs.

Immersive hands-on study of digital advertising techniques and strategies in tradigital, social media, and mobile marketing, including the use of digital analytical tools to measure success. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3148/5148. Digital Customer Experience — 3 hrs.

Course will address customer experience development related to the creation of customer-focused digital experiences (websites, apps, augmented reality) that provide value. Research, strategy, planning, designing, prototyping, and measurement will be emphasized. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Fall)

MKTG 3153. Professional Selling — 3 hrs.

Basic concepts and skills of professional selling, including customer analysis, communication skills, effective openings & closings, and customer relations; selling skills & concepts developed through the extensive use of sales exercises and cases. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3154. Sales Management — 3 hrs.

Study of advanced selling techniques, planning & account maintenance, strategic sales messaging and an introduction to customer relationship management (CRM) technology. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; MKTG 3153; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3155. Business to Business Marketing — 3 hrs.

The course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to understand managerial issues and challenges involved in the task of making products and services available to business customers. The course focuses on functions and behaviors in essentially an inter-organizational system that is designed to create value by effectively and efficiently linking points of production and the points of consumption in Business Markets. In essence, Business to Business (B2B) Marketing Management addressed how to understand, create, and deliver value when selling goods and services to other businesses, governments, and institutional customers. Students will learn how business markets differ from consumer markets, assess opportunities in business markets, and make marketing decisions that enable B2B companies to generate and deliver value for themselves, their business partners, and customers. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3156. Services Marketing — 3 hrs.

Issues concerning quality customer service and improving business and non-profit strategies in the services industry. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3163. Distribution and Logistics — 3 hrs.

Study of behavioral aspects of channel member relationships and third party facilitators; contemporary strategies in managing channel functions of products and services movement information to provide desired customer service levels. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 3166. Retail Management — 3 hrs.

Examination of strategic retail management, situation analysis including store & web, non-store forms of understanding customers & gathering information, location planning, managing a retail business, merchandise management, pricing, and promotion. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Spring)

MKTG 3173. Product Management — 3 hrs.

Management of marketing offerings from brand development, through competitive analysis and messaging strategy, to marketing technology and customer experience. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall)

MKTG 3176/5176. Global Marketing — 3 hrs.

Assessment, adaptation and implementation of basic marketing principles to compete in the global marketplace utilizing real world scenarios. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Fall)

MKTG 3178/5178. Global Trade Practices — 3 hrs.

Application of processes and requirements for international or trade transactions; course develops knowledge & skills required for the Certified Global Business Professional examination utilizing global management and marketing, supply chain, and trade finance tools. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Spring)

MKTG 3179. Cooperative Education in Marketing — 1-6 hrs.

Offered on credit/no-credit basis only. Not accepted for credit toward the Marketing major, but can be used as a university elective. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; UNI cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 3595. Value Based Pricing — 3 hrs.

Focus on the marketing task of assessing and recovering value by integrating the economic, behavioral, and psychological dimensions of pricing. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing. (Spring)

MKTG 4150. Advertising Campaign Development — 3 hrs.

Comprehensive development of an integrated advertising campaign created for a national client using relevant marketing data platforms in response to a real-world marketing challenge. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; MKTG 3143 or MKTG 3146/5146 or Instructor approval; junior standing. (Spring)

MKTG 4170/5170. Marketing Strategy — 3 hrs.

Integration of major marketing functions from a managerial perspective. Emphasis on developing marketing strategies and applying strategic marketing decisions. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; MKTG 3113/5113; MKTG 3116/5116; MGMT 2080; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; ECON 1011; senior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MKTG 4198. Independent Study — 1-6 hrs.

Not accepted for credit toward the Marketing major, but can be used as a university elective. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; junior standing; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 4595. Internship-Marketing — 2-8 hrs.

Full-time internship in a marketing-related business for a minimum of eight weeks. Maximum of 3 hours may be applied to Marketing major electives category. Prerequisite(s): MKTG 2110; MKTG 3113/5113; MKTG 3116/5116; MGMT 2080; STAT 1772 or equivalent; ECON 2090; ECON 1031 or ECON 1041; ECON 1011; UNI cumulative GPA of 2.50 or better; senior standing; consent of department head. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 6170. Marketing Management — 3 hrs.

Integrated and applied approach that utilizes current theory and practice to analyze market data and competitive signals to make informed decisions about customer trends, competitor behaviors, marketing mix, and strategic marketing opportunities. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)

MKTG 6285. Individual Readings — 1-3 hrs.

May be repeated for maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of department head and MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 6297. Practicum — 1-3 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department head and MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 6299. Research — 1-6 hrs.

Prerequisite(s): consent of department head and MBA Director. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

MKTG 6595. Topics in Marketing — 1-3 hrs.

Selected topics in marketing. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Anticipated typical credit of 1 hour. Prerequisite(s): consent of MBA Director. (Variable)