2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Art Education Courses (ARTED)


ARTED 2600. The Responsive Art Educator — 3 hrs.

Building on their knowledge and experiences from methods and internship I courses, students learn to set up and organize the art classroom, and establish routines and procedures to support students through inclusive practices, while also being responsive to support the growth of each student. Focus on building relationships, engaging and motivating students, while setting high standards for achievement. Topics include classroom management, inclusive dispositions and actions, multimodal learning, and strategies for a safe and productive learning environment. Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2314 or consent of instructor. (Spring)

ARTED 4500. Contemporary Themes in Art Education — 3 hrs.

Contemporary themes in art education, or broader education issues that impact art education, will be addressed through practice, research, and art-making. Topics could include environmentalism, community-based art education, self-care practices, resilience, community engagement, etc. Prerequisite(s): EDUC 2314; EDUC 2414. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): EDUC 3514/5514; EDUC 3614/5614; or instructor consent. (Fall)

ARTED 4600. Expressive Learning Assessment — 3 hrs.

Foundational information for the design, adaptation, and selection of classroom assessments that support a teacher's ability to improve instruction, utilize technology, and guide each student to achieve specific learning goals. Various purposes and types of assessments will be explored with special attention to content areas with a heavy emphasis on expressive and performance-based tasks. Students will consider the relationships between assessment, differentiation, and technology for all student needs including but not limited to culture, language, learning differences, and different abilities. (Spring)

ARTED 6000. Themes in Art Education — 3 hrs.

Designed to provide an overview of the field of art education in the United States, this course introduces central topics, themes, and scholars in art education through historical and contemporary readings of texts, media, and art. (Variable)

ARTED 6100. Holistic Approaches for Art Education — 3 hrs.

This course provides an overview of holistic research and theory related to the needs of children and young adults. This overview is designed to facilitate studying, critiquing and reflecting upon the art of diverse cultures. Students will explore and investigate discourses about meaning making including creativity, and transformative and integrated learning. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to the M.A. in Art Education program or permission of the Instructor. (Variable)

ARTED 6200. Curriculum and Pedagogy in Art Education — 3 hrs.

This course will examine, explore, and apply theory and research of curriculum and pedagogy in art education. The curriculum and pedagogy theories addressed in this course are situated in both general education and art education in order to provide a variety of ways to think about curricular change. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into M.A. program in Art Education or permission of the instructor.

ARTED 6300. Research Methods in Art Education — 3 hrs.

This course will define and explore art education research approaches and techniques. The class will examine the qualitative research methods with a focus on traditional research methods in art education. Exemplars of current research in Art Education will be discussed. Students will develop competencies through readings, discussions and projects. Prerequisite(s): acceptance into the M.A. in Art Education program or permission of the instructor. (Variable)

ARTED 6500. Seminar in Teaching Art — 3 hrs.

Exploration of various topics in art education. Special emphasis on teaching and learning theories, media and methods. Satisfies special methods elective for the professional core. Required to be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours. (Variable)