2025-26 Academic Catalog
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French Courses (FREN)


FREN 1001. Introduction to French Language and Culture I — 3 hrs.

Development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing, and cultural literacy. (Fall and Spring)

FREN 1002. Introduction to French Language and Culture II — 3 hrs.

Continuation of FREN 1001. This course (with FREN 1001) satisfy the university foreign language exit requirement. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1001 or equivalents. (Fall and Spring)

FREN 1011. French Communication Practice I — 2 hrs.

Practice (both live and computer-mediated) to reinforce and broaden the development of language and culture. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): FREN 1001 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)

FREN 1012. French Communication Practice II — 2 hrs.

Oral practice (both live and computer-mediated) to reinforce and broaden the development of language and culture. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1001 or equivalent. (Fall and Spring)

FREN 2001. Intermediate French Language and Culture — 3 hrs.

Thorough review of patterns of French; development of vocabulary and emphasis on listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing, and cultural literacy. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1002 or equivalent. (Variable)

FREN 2002. Composition — 3 hrs.

Continuation of FREN 2001, leading to free composition. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2001 or equivalent. (Variable)

FREN 2011. Topics in French Conversation: _____ — 3 hrs.

Oral practice (both live and computer-mediated) at the intermediate level to reinforce and broaden the development of language and culture. May be repeated once on different topic. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): FREN 1002 or equivalents. (Variable)

FREN 2012. Advanced Topics in French Conversation: ____ — 3 hrs.

Oral practice (both live and computer-mediated) at the advanced low level with a wide range of subjects, vocabulary, and structures. May be repeated once on different topic. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2001 or equivalent. (Variable)

FREN 2015. French Phonetics — 3 hrs.

Introduction to the sound system of the French language with application to oral speech and conversation. Prerequisite(s): FREN 1001. (Variable)

FREN 2020. Francophone Cross-Cultural Bridges — 3 hrs.

A variety of learning experiences, including cultural readings, lectures, presentations, class discussions, and tours of iconic cultural and historical sites will allow students to examine culture's role in an individual identity and reality formation. Students will explore France through many lenses with the objective of reaching a greater understanding of its cultural, historic, and linguistic diversity, culminating in a cultural comparison between France and the U.S. (Summer)

FREN 3001/5001. Advanced Composition — 3 hrs.

Analysis of major morphological and syntactical structures of the French language, with contrasting grammatical and linguistic approaches to problems of correct usage. Emphasis on successful application of principles. May be repeated once with consent of instructor. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2002; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 3002. French to English Translation — 3 hrs.

Introduction to translation techniques involved in translation of French into English. Topics selected from varied magazines dealing with business, culture, and general information. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2002 or consent of instructor. (Variable)

FREN 3003/5003. Advanced Conversation — 3 hrs.

Development and improvement of oral fluency through free and guided conversation. May be repeated once with consent of instructor. Prerequisite(s): FREN 2002; FREN 2012; or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 3004. Introduction to Literature in French — 3 hrs.

Selected major works of representative French authors. Application of language skills to literary analysis and introduction to critical theories. Prerequisite(s): required French language proficiency or equivalent. (Variable)

FREN 3008. Introduction to French Linguistics — 3 hrs.

An introduction to the main concepts and methods of analysis of linguistics, focusing on French. The main part of the course introduces concepts of sound (phonetics and phonology), word formation (morphology), and sentence structure (syntax). The course also includes an introduction to historical linguistics and a section on the practical application of the study of French linguistics. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001. (Variable)

FREN 3011/5011. Business French — 3 hrs.

Introduction to current business concepts and practices in French-speaking countries. Reading and interpreting business information, and reading and writing basic business correspondence. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 3085/5085. Introduction to Translation — 3 hrs.

Introduction to journalistic and technical translation using varied textual materials (public media, scholarly, and professional texts), from English to French and French to English. May be repeated once. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4005/5005. Stylistics — 3 hrs.

Introduction to stylistic analysis. Development of style in composition through study of excerpts from contemporary French works and literary translation into French. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent. (Variable)

FREN 4014/5014. The World of French Business — 3 hrs.

Study of various aspects of French culture relevant to the business world. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4021/5021. Special Topics in Language and Culture — 3 hrs.

Special topics and aspects of the discipline. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001; FREN 3004; or equivalents; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4022/5022. Special Topics in French Literature — 3 hrs.

Special topics and aspects of the discipline. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001; FREN 3004; or equivalents; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4024/5024. French Civilization — 3 hrs.

Aspects of French history and culture up to the 19th Century. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4025/5025. Contemporary France — 3 hrs.

Survey of recent developments in France: its people, customs and way of life, institutions, geography, economy, and art. May be repeated once through study abroad. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4028/5028. Special Topics in Francophone Literature — 3 hrs.

Special topics and aspects of the discipline. May be repeated on different topic. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001; FREN 3004; or equivalents; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4030. Francophone Cultures — 3 hrs.

Cultures of the greater Francophone world in Africa, the Americas, Europe, and Oceania as shaped by geography and history, and as revealed in their arts, sports, customs, traditions, and economic, social, and political institutions. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001. (Variable)

FREN 4044/5044. Special Topics in French Cinema — 3 hrs.

Study of French films. Various topics in the areas of history, culture, cinematic genres, directors and screen adaptations of literary works. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001 or equivalent; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4081/5081. Advanced Business French — 3 hrs.

Study of current business concepts and practices in French-speaking countries through systematic analysis of business-related topics based on authentic reading materials and business communications. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3011/5011 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)

FREN 4091. Practicum in Teaching French — 1-3 hrs.

Participants acquire knowledge of foreign language methodologies through practical applications, including lesson planning, class observations, materials development, and technology integration. Required for students in second language acquisition and foreign-language teacher education programs. Prerequisite(s): FREN 3001/5001. (Variable)

FREN 5186. Studies in French Methodology — 1 hr.

Studies in French Methodology

FREN 6001. Advanced Composition and Stylistics — 3 hrs.

Study of stylistic devices; examination of principal morphological, syntactical, and semantic problems. (Variable)

FREN 6003. Structure of French — 3 hrs.

Phonology, morphology, and syntax of current French, stressing areas of French structure which cause problems for native speakers of English. (Variable)

FREN 6025. Translation Strategies — 3 hrs.

Study of translation theories and practical applications of translation techniques (including newer technologies) with a variety of texts drawn from daily life, literary, commercial, legal, and other professional sources. (Variable)

FREN 6070. French Literature in Review I — 3 hrs.

Chronological review of major periods; works and writers of French literature from the Middle Ages through the Age of Enlightenment. Focus on development of each literary genre. Primarily for students planning to take M.A. comprehensives in French. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)

FREN 6071. French Literature in Review II — 3 hrs.

Chronological review of major periods; works and writers of French literature from 19th century to present. Focus on development of each literary genre. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)