2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music, Applied Courses (MUS APPL)

Note: Before registration in Applied Music can be accomplished, the student must: 1) successfully complete an audition in the performance area (for composition students, a portfolio of original compositions must be submitted and accepted in lieu of an audition on an instrument or voice), and 2) meet the proficiency standards of the division. All undergraduate music majors must be enrolled in applied music continuously from the first semester of residence until satisfactory completion of the Senior Recital. It is expected the Senior Recital will be given in the eighth semester of study (seventh semester for students in the Music Education program).
Credit hours for Applied Music study are classified as follows:
Performance -- 3 credit hours
Composition -- 2 or 3 credit hours
B.A. and Music Education -- 2 credit hours
Secondary -- 1 credit hour
Non-Music Major -- 1-2 credit hours
One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area (or a comparable equivalent arrangement of individual and/or small group instruction) is required for music majors. Practice and performance demands for
Performance and Composition majors are generally more rigorous than those for the Music Education and B.A. majors. Secondary Instrument students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of Applied Music instruction each week. Non-Music majors will receive either one hour or 30 minutes of instruction depending on the number of credit hours elected. Each student's credit hour load for Applied Music will be determined in consultation with a School of Music advisor in advance of registration. All students in the freshman music core will enroll for 2 semester hours of credit each semester. Students approved for the Performance major under the Bachelor of Music degree will register for 3 semester hours in Applied Music beginning in the sophomore year, and Composition majors will register for 3 semester hours in Applied Music beginning in the junior year.
Graduate students approved for the Performance, Piano Performance and Pedagogy, Composition, or Conducting majors under the Master of Music degree will register for 2, 3, or 4 (2-4) semester hours of credit in Applied Music during the fall or spring semesters in residence. Number of hours will be determined by the applied instructor and Associate Director.
The appropriate applied faculty will determine the level of the student's qualifications (MUS APPL 1XX5, 540:0xx/1xx0, 540:1xx/3xx0/5xx0, or 540:2xx/6xx0) by audition and/or previous work on an instrument or in voice. A 200/6000-level number can be assigned only to graduate students in Performance, Piano Performance and Pedagogy, Composition, and Conducting programs who have satisfactorily completed an audition and are preparing for a graduate major in voice, conducting, instrumental performance, or composition. All other graduate applied students shall be assessed and assigned by the applied teacher to either 540:1xxg/5000-level or 540:0xx/1xx0.


MUS APPL 1290. Bassoon.

Private applied music instruction in bassoon for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1300. Flute.

Private applied music instruction in flute for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1310. Oboe.

Private applied music instruction in oboe for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1320. Clarinet.

Private applied music instruction in clarinet for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.

One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area is required for music majors. Secondary instrument students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of instruction each week. Prerequisite(s): Pass audition for entrance into music program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1340. Saxophone.

Private applied music instruction in saxophone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1350. Horn.

Private applied music instruction in horn for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1360. Cornet-Trumpet.

Private applied music instruction in cornet-trumpet for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1370. Trombone.

Private applied music instruction in trombone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1380. Euphonium.

Private applied music instruction in euphonium for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1390. Tuba.

Private applied music instruction in tuba for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1400. Percussion.

Private applied music instruction in percussion for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1410. Violin.

Private applied music instruction in violin for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1420. Viola.

Private applied music instruction in viola for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1430. Cello.

Private applied music instruction in cello for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1440. String Bass.

Private applied music instruction in string bass for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1450. Harp.

Private applied music instruction in harp for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1460. Piano.

Private applied music instruction in piano for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1467. Piano Proficiency.

no credit. Required of all undergraduate majors. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1470. Group Piano.

Group instruction in piano for non-keyboard majors pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1480. Organ.

Private applied music instruction in organ for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1490. Voice.

Private applied music instruction in voice for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1500. Harpsichord.

Private applied music instruction in harpsichord for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1520. Guitar.

Private applied music instruction in guitar for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1530. Jazz Guitar.

Private applied music instruction in jazz guitar for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1540. Composition.

Private applied music instruction in composition for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1550. Jazz Improvisation.

Private applied music instruction in jazz improvisation for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1560. Jazz Bass.

Private applied music instruction in jazz bass for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1570. Jazz Piano.

Private applied music instruction in jazz piano for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1580. Jazz Saxophone.

Private applied music instruction in jazz saxophone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 1XX5. Applied Music for the Non-Music Major.

Private applied music instruction for students not pursuing a degree program in music. Emphasis on basic skills oriented toward immediate performance needs. Credit normally will not be applied toward music major or minor requirements. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 2600. Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency — 1 hr.

Piano instruction for students in music education and composition/theory programs who need lessons beyond Group Piano Level III. Prerequisite(s): Group Piano, Level III MUS APPL 1470:09 or 10. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3290/5290. Bassoon.

Private applied music instruction in bassoon for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3300/5300. Flute.

Private applied music instruction in flute for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3310/5310. Oboe.

Private applied music instruction in oboe for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3320/5320. Clarinet.

Private applied music instruction in clarinet for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3330/5330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.

One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area is required for music majors. Secondary instrument students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of instruction each week. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3340/5340. Saxophone.

Private applied music instruction in saxophone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3350/5350. Horn.

Private applied music instruction in horn for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3360/5360. Cornet Trumpet.

Private applied music instruction in cornet-trumpet for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3370/5370. Trombone.

Private applied music instruction in trombone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3380/5380. Euphonium.

Private applied music instruction in euphonium for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3390/5390. Tuba.

Private applied music instruction in tuba for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3400/5400. Percussion.

Private applied music instruction in percussion for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3410/5410. Violin.

Private applied music instruction in violin for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3420/5420. Viola.

Private applied music instruction in viola for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3430/5430. Cello.

Private applied music instruction in cello for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3440/5440. String Bass.

Private applied music instruction in string bass for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3450/5450. Harp.

Private applied music instruction in harp for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3460/5460. Piano.

Private applied music instruction in piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3470/5470. Group Piano.

Group instruction in piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3480/5480. Organ.

Private applied music instruction in organ for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3490/5490. Voice.

Private applied music instruction in voice for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3500/5500. Harpsichord.

Private applied music instruction in harpsichord for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3520/5520. Guitar.

Private applied music instruction in guitar for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3530/5530. Jazz Guitar.

Private applied music instruction in jazz guitar for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3540/5540. Composition.

Private applied music instruction in composition for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3550/5550. Jazz Improvisation.

Private applied music instruction in jazz improvisation for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; permission of instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3560/5560. Jazz Bass.

Private applied music instruction in jazz bass for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3570/5570. Jazz Piano.

Private applied music instruction in jazz piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3580/5580. Jazz Saxophone.

Private applied music instruction in jazz saxophone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 3780. Junior Recital.

no credit. Required of all juniors in the Performance major. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 4890. Senior Recital.

no credit. Required of all seniors. Prerequisite: 3 hours at 100/3000/4000-level in major applied area. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6210. Instrumental Conducting — 2-4 hrs.

Advanced training in instrumental conducting. Prerequisite(s): admission to Master of Music in Conducting. (Variable)

MUS APPL 6220. Choral Conducting — 2-4 hrs.

Advanced training in choral conducting. Prerequisite(s): admission to Master of Music in Conducting. (Variable)

MUS APPL 6285. Readings.

Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS APPL 6286. Studies In _________________.

May be repeated on same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS APPL 6290. Bassoon.

Graduate level applied bassoon instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6300. Flute.

Graduate level applied flute instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6310. Oboe.

Graduate level applied oboe instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6320. Clarinet.

Graduate level applied clarinet instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.

Graduate level applied jazz trombone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance or Jazz Pedagogy programs. Prerequisite(s): Pass audition to be accepted as a graduate student in Jazz Trombone Performance or Jazz Pedagogy. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6340. Saxophone.

Graduate level applied saxophone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6350. Horn.

Graduate level applied horn instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6360. Cornet-Trumpet.

Graduate level applied cornet-trumpet instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6370. Trombone.

Graduate level applied trombone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6380. Euphonium.

Graduate level applied euphonium instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6390. Tuba.

Graduate level applied tuba instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6400. Percussion.

Graduate level applied percussion instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6410. Violin.

Graduate level applied violin instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6420. Viola.

Graduate level applied viola instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6430. Cello.

Graduate level applied cello instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6440. String Bass.

Graduate level applied string bass instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6450. Harp.

Graduate level applied harp instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6460. Piano.

Graduate level applied piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6470. Group Piano.

Graduate level group piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6480. Organ.

Graduate level applied organ instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6490. Voice.

Graduate level applied voice instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6500. Harpsichord.

Graduate level applied harpsichord instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6520. Guitar.

Graduate level applied guitar instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6530. Jazz Guitar.

Graduate level applied jazz guitar instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6540. Composition.

Graduate level applied composition instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Composition program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6550. Jazz Improvisation.

Graduate level applied jazz improvisation instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6560. Jazz Bass.

Graduate level applied jazz bass instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6570. Jazz Piano.

Graduate level applied jazz piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6580. Jazz Saxophone.

Graduate level applied jazz saxophone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6880. Graduate Recital.

no credit. Study of literature programmed for required graduate recitals. Required for students enrolled in Master of Music - Major in Performance, Conducting, Composition, or Jazz Pedagogy during the semester in which required recital occurs. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing; departmental approval or consent of applied instructor. (Fall and Spring)

MUS APPL 6890. Diploma Recital.

Required for students enrolled in Artist Diploma I and Artist Diploma II Certificate Programs during the semester(s) in which student presents recital. May be repeated once by students in Artist Diploma II program. Prerequisite(s): admission to Artist Diploma I or II program; departmental approval or written consent of applied instructor. (Fall and Spring)