2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music Literature Courses (MUS LIT)


MUS LIT 3200/5200. Performance Literature: ______ — 2 hrs.

Study of performance literature available for specific instrument or voice. Combination ensemble-literature course for the performer. MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-01. Woodwinds. (Offered odd Springs) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-02. Brass. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-03. Piano I. (Offered odd Falls) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-04. Piano II. (Offered even Springs) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-05. Organ. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-06. Strings. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-07. Percussion. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-08. Voice I, English and German Vocal Literature. Study of vocal literature from English-speaking and German-speaking countries with regard to style, interpretation, and historical context. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-09. Voice II, Italian and French Vocal Literature. Study of vocal literature in Italian and French language with regard to style, interpretation and historical context. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-10. Voice III, Special Topics. Study of vocal literature of specific composers, periods, languages, and/or genres with regard to style, interpretation, and historical context. (Variable) Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS LIT 3310/5310. History and Literature of Large Choral Forms — 3 hrs.

Development of large choral forms from the Renaissance to present. Emphasis on the Mass, contata, oratorio, passion, anthem, and contemporary uses of the chorus. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or be enrolled in MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)

MUS LIT 3400/5400. History and Literature of the Orchestra — 3 hrs.

Orchestral literature from mid-18th century to present. Emphasis on structure of the symphony as a form and growth of the orchestra as an ensemble. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or currently be enrolled in MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)

MUS LIT 3420/5420. History and Literature of the Wind Band — 3 hrs.

Growth and development of wind music from Gabrieli to present. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or be enrolled for MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)

MUS LIT 6285. Readings.

May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS LIT 6286. Studies in __________.

May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)

MUS LIT 6299. Research.

Guided independent research leading to culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)