2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Music Theory Courses (MUS THEO)


MUS THEO 1100. Introduction to Music Theory — 2 hrs.

Basic skills and vocabulary. For non-music majors with limited background in music fundamentals or as preparation for music major theory courses. Emphasis on notation, key/time signatures, rhythm, and aural training. (Variable)

MUS THEO 1110. Theory I — 2 hrs.

Review of basic music fundamentals and vocabulary, including pitch, rhythm, meter, scales, and key signatures. Writing/analysis techniques in diatonic harmony including intervals, triads and seventh chords, figured bass, lead-sheet notation, Roman Numeral analysis, cadences and harmonic rhythm. Study of melodic characteristics, sequences, and embellishing tones. Corequisite(s): for Music majors and minors only: MUS THEO 1150; MUS THEO 1250. (Fall)

MUS THEO 1120. Theory II — 2 hrs.

Introduction to two-voice counterpoint; four-part voice-leading and part-writing principles in diatonic harmony, including chords in all positions. Melodic principles, organization and composition; principles of harmonization with functional tonality; harmonizing and part-writing a melody for SATB. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): for Music majors and minors only: MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Spring)

MUS THEO 1150. Aural Training I — 1 hr.

Development of critical listening skills through melodic/rhythmic dictation and error detection; identification of meters, intervals, tetrachords, major and minor scale forms, and triad qualities; harmonic dictation with simple phrase chord progressions. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110; MUS THEO 1250. (Fall)

MUS THEO 1160. Aural Training II — 1 hr.

Continuation of Aural Training I with more advanced development of critical listening skills. Melodic/rhythmic dictation and error detection/correction; identification of simple, compound and harmonic intervals, modes, whole tone and chromatic scales; seventh-chord-quality identification and harmonic dictation including all diatonic chords. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1150 with grade of C or higher, MUS THEO 1110 and MUS THEO 1250 with a grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1260. (Spring)

MUS THEO 1250. Sight-Singing I — 1 hr.

Development of music reading skills using tetrachords, major and minor scales, intervals within the octave, triads, and simple phrase chord progressions; sight reading of treble and bass clef melodies comprised of stepwise motion and skips within the tonic and dominant triads; rhythmic reading in simple and compound meters using division and subdivision of the beat. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110; MUS THEO 1150. (Fall)

MUS THEO 1260. Sight-Singing II — 1 hr.

Continuation of Sight Singing I with further development of music reading skills using modes and the whole tone and chromatic scales; focus on diatonic motion that includes melodic use of all diatonic triads and seventh chords and more advanced diatonic skips; introduction to alto/tenor clefs; rhythmic reading using ties, rests, syncopation, borrowed rhythms, quintuplets and meters other than those with a quarter-note beat. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110, MUS THEO 1150, and MUS THEO 1250 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160. (Spring)

MUS THEO 1300. Topics in Music Composition — 2 hrs.

Acquaints students with the rudiments of compositional techniques: traditional techniques, or electronic techniques. Designed for both major and non-major compositional study. Traditional Techniques topic is required for all beginning Composition-Theory Majors. Electronic Techniques is required for all Music Technology majors. May be taken twice for credit on different topic. (Variable)

MUS THEO 2130. Theory III — 2 hrs.

Continuation of Theory II with emphasis on modulation within functional tonality, including secondary and altered dominant function, and altered predominant sonorities. Small forms and linear chromaticism are also introduced. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2170; MUS THEO 2270. (Fall and Variable Springs)

MUS THEO 2140. Theory IV — 2 hrs.

Continuation and culmination of the Music Theory sequence with emphasis on fugue structures, chromatic harmony, non-functional tonal systems, and 20th-century/contemporary techniques, including set and 12-tone composition. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2180; MUS THEO 2280. (Spring and Variable Falls)

MUS THEO 2170. Aural Training III — 1 hr.

Continuation of Aural Training II with emphasis on dictation of harmonic/melodic modulation to closely related keys and short atonal intervallic melodies; Identification of all diatonic 7th chords. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120, MUS THEO 1160, and MUS THEO 1260 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; MUS THEO 2270. (Fall and Variable Springs)

MUS THEO 2180. Aural Training IV — 1 hr.

Continuation and culmination of the Aural Training sequence. Emphasis on melodic and harmonic chromatic modulation and atonal melodic dictation. Altered predominant sonorities and asymmetric rhythmic structures are introduced. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130, MUS THEO 2170, and MUS THEO 2270 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2280. (Spring and Variable Falls)

MUS THEO 2270. Sight-Singing III — 1 hr.

Continuation of Sight-Singing II. Emphasis on melodies with modulation to closely related keys, verticalization of harmonic structures through all diatonic 7th chords, alto and tenor clefs, all modes, major minor scales, atonal sequences and complex rhythmic structures in simple and compound meters. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120, MUS THEO 1160, and MUS THEO 1260 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; MUS THEO 2170. (Fall and Variable Springs)

MUS THEO 2280. Sight-Singing IV — 1 hr.

Continuation and culmination of the Sight-singing sequence. Emphasis on modulatory, modal and atonal melodies, and verticalization of tonal harmonic progression with modulation, including altered predominant sonorities. Reading asymmetric rhythms, melodies in tenor and alto clef, and recognition and performance of whole-tone, octatonic and pentatonic scales. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130, MUS THEO 2170, and MUS THEO 2270 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2180. (Spring and Variable Falls)

MUS THEO 3100. Analysis of Music — 2 hrs.

Study of forms and procedures prevalent in the works of major composers from 16th century to present. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3200/5200. Topics in Music Theory and Analysis — 3 hrs.

Study of advanced music theory and analysis (specific topics vary) in relation to style and development of music. This course may be repeated for credit on a different topic. Prerequisite(s): for undergraduate students: MUS THEO 3100 or consent of instructor; junior standing. Prerequisite for graduate students: MUS THEO 6000; or consent of instructor. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3220/5220. Music and Technology — 4 hrs.

An introduction to the systems used to create, prepare, perform and distribute music. Because students entering this course come from a diverse set of backgrounds in music and digital media, the course will establish a common set of terms by focusing on basic acoustics, recording concepts and hardware, digital audio, MIDI, and DAW software. Lab activities will place an emphasis on the components and operation of the typical studio (hardware and software). Students will complete projects in areas such as audio recording, sampling, sound synthesis and basic electronic music composition that reinforce concepts. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3230/5230. Music Technology, Advanced — 4 hrs.

Further exploration of current applications in the music industry. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 3220/5220 with a grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Fall)

MUS THEO 3250/5250. Counterpoint Survey — 3 hrs.

A survey of polyphonic practice, including species counterpoint as well as 16th to 20th century approaches. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3260/5260. Orchestration — 3 hrs.

Transcribing or composing for orchestra, band, smaller instrumental ensembles, voice with orchestra, voice with band, chorus with band, or orchestra for various levels. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3270/5270. Jazz Arranging I — 2 hrs.

Basic skills for jazz composer/arranger, including instrument ranges, transposition, chord terminology, voicing and doubling principles, harmonization, chord substitution, form, and score organization. Emphasis on writing for jazz combo instrumentation up to five horns. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1500; junior standing. (Fall)

MUS THEO 3280/5280. Jazz Arranging II — 2 hrs.

Continuation of MUS THEO 3270/5270. Emphasis on writing for full big band, including augmented instrumentation, contrapuntal and formal problems, score study, and analysis. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 3270/5270; junior standing. (Even Springs)

MUS THEO 3320/5320. Jazz Composition Class — 1 hr.

The composition of jazz improvisation vehicles in lead sheet form. Includes attention to various compositional devices and the analysis of selected jazz compositions. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1500; junior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 3800/5800. Theory Survey for Graduates — 2 hrs.

Review of theoretical principles and methods of analysis. Required of all graduate students who do not demonstrate adequate proficiency as a result of the Graduate Theory Diagnostic Examination. Does not count toward minimum degree requirements. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 4900. Senior Project, Music Technology.

0 hrs. Comprehensive project relevant to Music Technology, as approved by instructor. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music, Music Technology Specialization; senior standing. (Variable)

MUS THEO 6000. Foundations of Musical Analysis — 3 hrs.

Preparation for graduate level work in music theory and analysis; includes readings in music theory, introduction of advanced analytical techniques and systems, and concurrent online review of music theory fundamentals as determined by diagnostic result. (Spring)

MUS THEO 6299. Research.

Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)