Psychology Courses (PSYCH)
PSYCH 1001. Introduction to Psychology — 3 hrs.
Survey of basic principles in psychology including cognitive, emotional, social, developmental, and biological processes, and the scientific research methods used to learn about these processes. Course requires participation in psychological research; or an alternative acceptable to both students and the department which provides a similar educational experience. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 1093. Military Psychology — 1 hr.
Course topics focus on psychological issues encountered by veterans and active-duty military personnel, including resilience development, combat stress reactions, PTSD, suicide prevention, military culture, military selection, and leadership. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2002. Professional Preparation in Psychology — 1 hr.
Familiarizes students with career options in psychology, helps students clarify personal interests and career goals, and prepares them for job searching or admission to graduate school. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2201. Psychology of Gender — 3 hrs.
General overview of the nature and meaning of gender, gender roles, and stereotypes; research on gender similarities and differences; gender development; and the effects of stereotypes and roles. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2202. Developmental Psychology — 3 hrs.
Contemporary and historical theories of human development throughout the lifespan; description of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical changes over time. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2203. Social Psychology — 3 hrs.
Overview of social psychology. Includes social perception and cognition, attraction and liking, social influence, group dynamics, and attitude formation and change. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2301. Applied Psychology — 3 hrs.
Overview of various areas traditionally studied within applied psychology. Topic areas covered include work/occupational psychology, as well as areas related to legal issues, health, environment, education, counseling and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2302. Psychology and Law — 3 hrs.
Study of psychological theory and empirical research as it relates to the law. Topics include witness memory, suspect identification, lineup procedures, false confessions, lie detection, juror cognition, and jury decision making. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2401. Clinical Psychology — 3 hrs.
Contemporary practice of clinical psychology with emphasis on the theories and techniques of cognitive-behavioral interventions. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2402. Psychology of Personality — 3 hrs.
Introduction to major theoretical models of personality and to applications derived from these theories, and an overview of empirical findings in selected topics in personality. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 2403. The Science and Experience of Human Flourishing — 3 hrs.
Explores the theoretical foundations, methodological approaches, and interventions of Positive Psychology and Positive Developmental Science to study positive emotions, experiences, relationships, meaning, and achievement. Additional topics include happiness, well-being, joy, purpose, optimism, resilience, character strengths, values, flow, wisdom, mindfulness, spirituality, meditation, post-traumatic growth, positive families, positive education, and positive work. [Same as FAM SERV 2403] (Variable)
PSYCH 2404. Psychology of Human Attributes — 3 hrs.
The nature and extent of human attributes as they apply to an understanding of general psychology of the individual and group differences in a social setting. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Variable)
PSYCH 2601. Psychology of Music — 3 hrs.
Introduction to the scientific study of psychology of music. Topics include physics of sound and psychoacoustics, pitch and rhythm representation, development of musical intelligence, emotion and meaning in music, functions of music in society, and music therapy. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Variable)
PSYCH 2701. Community Service/Experiential Learning — 1-3 hrs.
Students explore potential career options via volunteer opportunities at an approved location from 3-9 hours per week, after completing training required by the specific agency. Serves as a valuable hands-on learning experience. May be repeated for maximum of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; consent of instructor. (Variable)
PSYCH 3002. Research Methods — 4 hrs.
Introduction to fundamentals of psychological inquiry. Emphasis on experimental research but all major approaches (correlational, field, clinical, phenomenological) considered. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; plus 6 additional credit hours in psychology. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3003. Psychological Statistics — 4 hrs.
Introduction to the basic methods of collecting, organizing, and analyzing psychological data. Emphasis on statistical inference (e.g., t tests, F tests, and selected non-parametrics). Provides the student with the basic statistical concepts and skills necessary for the laboratory and survey work and to provide adequate quantitative background for understanding psychological literature. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; PSYCH 3002; one college-level mathematics course or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3101. Biopsychology — 3 hrs.
Emphasizes how nature and nurture interact to allow genuine insight into the how and why of behavior including addiction, mental health, language, and perception. Takes account of recent discoveries that have transformed psychology and biology. Includes information on brain functioning, hormones, and natural selection as they apply to human behavior. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3102/5102. Drugs and Individual Behavior — 3 hrs.
Survey of the effects/side-effects of all categories of psychoactive drugs on brain, body, and behavior. Covers patterns of use and/or abuse of prescription, non-prescription and street drugs as well as an introduction to drug abuse treatment. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3104/5104. Introduction to Neurology — 3 hrs.
Introduction to basic nervous system structure and function including the neuron, the forebrain and its specific functions, and brief coverage of methods of study and clinical neurology. Disorders of memory, brain injury, neurodevelopment and the role of environmental teratogens are covered. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing; written consent of instructor. (Variable)
PSYCH 3179. Cooperative Education — 1-6 hrs.
For students who wish to apply classroom learning to field experience. Requires approval by the faculty supervisor, the head of the academic department granting credit, and Cooperative Education/Internship staff for placement agreement, project, and credit arrangements. Credit may not be applied to a major or minor without approval by the department offering the major or minor. Co-op/Internship staff assist in developing placements and arranging student interviews with employers and maintain contact with student and employer during the co-op/internship experience. May be repeated for maximum of 6 credit hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 3204/5204. Psychology of Aging — 3 hrs.
Analysis of the factors affecting adult development and aging. Emphasis on physiological, cognitive, sensory, personality, and interpersonal changes occurring with age. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3303/5303. Health Psychology — 3 hrs.
Overview of the contribution of social, personality, and clinical psychology to: a) an understanding of the psycho-social variables affecting physical illness and disease; b) the development of assessment and intervention strategies for comprehensive illness management and rehabilitation; and c) the promotion and maintenance of health-enhancing behavior. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3304. Work Psychology: Well-Being — 3 hrs.
Explores how psychological science can improve health and happiness at work. This course focuses on the characteristics of work and workers impacting satisfaction, motivation, leadership, teamwork, and health and safety. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3305. Work Psychology: Performance — 3 hrs.
Explores how psychological science can improve performance at work. The course focuses on maximizing performance by selecting prospective employees, training employees, and engaging with employees through performance evaluation. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3310. Psychology of Science and Pseudoscience — 3 hrs.
Daily, we are bombarded with interesting and novel breakthroughs involving claims that may or may not be true. In this age of fake news, alternative facts, and evidence-free assertions, critical thinking is of paramount importance. In this course, students will distinguish science and pseudoscience; identify logical fallacies and cognitive biases involved in pseudoscientific thinking; and critically evaluate current controversies (e.g., vaccines, alternative medicine, conspiracy theories) from multiple perspectives. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3403/5403. Abnormal Psychology — 3 hrs.
Definition, classification, and characteristics of abnormal behaviors and major mental disorders. Review of the causes and treatment of major mental disorders. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 3502/5502. Motivation and Emotion — 3 hrs.
Addresses genetic, environmental, physiological, and emotional influences; goal setting; psychological and social needs; self and personality. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3505/5505. Cognitive Psychology — 3 hrs.
Investigation of basic concepts and contemporary topics in cognitive psychology such as perception, attention, pattern recognition, consciousness, memory, the representation of knowledge, language, cognitive development, thinking, and artificial intelligence. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3510. Improve Health With Decision Science — 3 hrs.
People make daily choices that impact their health and well-being. This course will explore a wide range of health-related behaviors through a decision-making lens, examining how they are influenced by emotions, cognitions, personality, and environmental factors. By gaining insight into the obstacles to better decision making, we can understand how to improve people's health and lives. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001. (Variable)
PSYCH 3603/5603. Child and Adolescent Psychopathology — 3 hrs.
Overview of childhood problems ranging from minor problems in adjustment to severely disabling disorders; primary focus on research findings relevant to assessment, etiology, prognosis, and management. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; plus any one from FAM SERV 1055, PSYCH 2202, EDPSYCH 2030, or equivalent, or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 3606/5606. Special Topics in Social Psychology — 3 hrs.
In-depth coverage of an applied topic in social psychology and the design of social psychology research. Students will be required to complete a project, which may or may not include the collection of data, in the topical area. Topics may include, but are not limited to, social cognition, emotion, interpersonal relationships, aggression, persuasion, altruistic behavior, identity and group dynamics. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; PSYCH 3002; PSYCH 2203; junior standing. (Variable)
PSYCH 4198. Independent Study — 1-3 hrs.
Under special circumstances, students may study a topic of interest under the supervision of an individual faculty member. Generally, three hours of independent reading per week per credit hour. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Variable)
PSYCH 4604/5604. Principles of Psychometrics — 3 hrs.
Exploration of contemporary theories and principles basic to the construction and clinical use of psychological tests. Students will learn how to (a) critically evaluate psychological tests (e.g., self-report and interview methods) and (b) develop and validate self-report instruments, using contemporary psychometric principles and procedures. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; PSYCH 3002; PSYCH 3003; junior standing. (Variable)
PSYCH 4607/5607. Psychological Anthropology — 3 hrs.
Psychological dimensions of sociocultural systems from a cross-cultural perspective. Analysis of universals and cultural variation in cognition, socialization, concepts of the self, emotion, and mental illness. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001 or ANTH 1002; junior standing. (Variable)
PSYCH 4608/5608. Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective — 3 hrs.
Evolutionary, biological, psychological, cognitive, social, and cultural theories of gender and gender inequality evaluated with respect to cross-cultural data. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001 or SOC 1000 or ANTH 1002; junior standing. (Same as ANTH 3104/5104) (Variable)
PSYCH 4609/5609. Seminar in Psychology — 1-3 hrs.
Provides opportunity to correlate previous course work and knowledge in field of psychology. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; PSYCH 3002 or consent of instructor; 15 hours in psychology; junior standing. (Variable)
PSYCH 4704/5704. Practicum in Teaching Psychology — 1-3 hrs.
Organization and teaching of psychology; student serves as participant-observer, with advance approval, in any PSYCH xxxx course. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): Psychology GPA 3.00 or higher; B+ or higher in the course for which student will participate; junior standing. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 4705/5705. Research Experience in Psychology — 1-3 hrs.
Conduct a supervised research or scholarly project. Highly recommended for students planning to enter graduate programs. Majors with an overall GPA of at least 3.50 may earn departmental honors if their projects are deemed worthy of honors by the department. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1001; PSYCH 3002; 15 hours in psychology; junior standing; consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 6001. Advanced Statistics — 3 hrs.
Review of elementary descriptive and inferential statistics, analysis of variance and covariance models, multiple linear regression and the generalized linear model, and specialized topics in multivariate analysis. Prerequisite(s): previous courses in statistics; graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Fall)
PSYCH 6002. Research Design — 3 hrs.
Covers the planning and execution of psychological research. Topics include research design, measurement, ethical issues, sources of artifact and bias, data evaluation, and interpretation. Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 6001; graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Spring)
PSYCH 6003. Graduate Practicum in Teaching Psychology — 1 hr.
Preparation for and supervised experience as an introductory psychology instructor. Required course for all first-semester Teaching Fellows; may be taken by graduate students planning to apply for teaching fellowships. May be repeated. Some course work required before the start of first teaching semester. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in psychology. (Variable)
PSYCH 6006. Research in Psychology — 1-3 hrs.
Conduct a supervised research project. May be repeated for maximum of 9 hours. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in psychology; consent of graduate coordinator and instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 6203. Personality — 3 hrs.
Comparative study of major personality theories and techniques of personality assessment. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Even Springs)
PSYCH 6204. Advanced Social Psychology — 3 hrs.
Covers the major areas of classic and current research in social psychology. Students engage in an in-depth, critical analysis of the research in areas including, but not limited to, conformity, obedience, social norms, social cognition, interpersonal relationships, aggression, and helping behavior. Substantial proportion of the course focuses on social cognition. Examines the socio-historical context of social psychology and the application of social psychological research. Prerequisite(s): an undergraduate course in social psychology; graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Fall)
PSYCH 6205. Advances and Developments in Social Psychology — 1 hr.
Seminar involving presentations and discussion of current research in social psychology. May be repeated for maximum of 4 hours credit. Credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in psychology (Social Psychology emphasis) or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 6206. Field Methods in Social Psychology — 3 hrs.
This course is an introduction to survey science, experimental field methods, and quasi-experimental designs used in the social and behavioral sciences. The course will explore design principles for surveys, field and quasi-experiments and common challenges encountered when implementing such methods. Students will be introduced to principles of survey process, sampling, modes of survey data collection, issues of experimental compliance, randomization inference, and attrition. Students will be asked to participate actively in discussions, and complete weekly and semester-long projects in order to integrate social psychology questions into survey, field, and quasi-experimental research methodologies. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology (Social emphasis) or consent of instructor. (Spring)
PSYCH 6285. Readings in Psychology — 1-3 hrs.
Individualized readings. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 6289. Seminar.
PSYCH 6299. Research.
Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
PSYCH 6401. Cognitive Assessment — 4 hrs.
Introduction to the standardized administration of cognitive and achievement tests. Students will learn best practices for ethical, technically competent, empirically supported assessments. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in psychology (Clinical Science emphasis) or consent of instructor. (Fall)
PSYCH 6405. Personality Assessment — 4 hrs.
Overview of theoretical and empirical issues in personality measurement. Examines psychometric properties of traditional personality assessment techniques, and utility of behavioral and objective assessment in diagnosis. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Spring)
PSYCH 6406. Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis — 3 hrs.
Reviews diagnostic issues and covers the major mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Includes coverage of symptoms, prevalence and incidence, risk factors and correlates, etiology, and differential diagnosis issues. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in psychology or consent of instructor. (Spring)
PSYCH 6410. Child Psychopathology and Diagnosis — 3 hrs.
An overview of diagnostic and assessment issues in the most common types of childhood psychopathology, as well as an in-depth examination of evidence-based treatments for these disorders. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing in the Psychology department or related field. (Spring)
PSYCH 6418. Internal Clinical Practicum — 1-3 hrs.
Supervised experience as a psychologist-trainee in the UNI Psychological Assessment Clinic. May be repeated for maximum of 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in psychology (Clinical Science emphasis), grade of B- or higher in all courses. (Fall and Spring)
PSYCH 6419. Internship — 3 hrs.
A course for students on the Professional Track of the Clinical Science Emphasis in the Psychology MA program. These students will complete advanced clinical training at an agency either on campus or off campus. Students will see clients and will be exposed to additional professional experiences. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology (Clinical Science emphasis). (Spring)
PSYCH 6425. Practicum Team — 3 hrs.
In a vertical team of graduate students, this course covers therapy skills, clinical ethics, and evidence-based psychological practice through relevant clinical readings, case studies, and professional clinical experiences. Less advanced students will learn primarily through academic means, whereas more advanced students will also learn through clinical practicum experiences. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in Psychology (Clinical Science Emphasis). (Fall and Spring)