2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Undergraduate Studies

The following multidisciplinary certificates are available to any UNI student, and can be used to satisfy the Connect requirement of the UNIFI/General Education program. See the Undergraduate Information and Degree Requirements section of this catalog for more information on the UNIFI/General Education program.

Program Certificates

Career Success in Organizations Certificate

No matter their major, all UNI students will work within some form of an organization during their careers. Whether a for-purpose, for-profit, or governmental entity, knowledge of factors that influence how organizations operate helps employees more effectively contribute to the mission of the organization. The purpose of this certificate is to provide a broad understanding of organizations including factors that influence decision making, levels of responsibility, data and written/unwritten rules that govern operations, and professional expectations for communicating and interacting within the organization.

Decision-making in Organizations
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Business Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to Public Administration
Leadership and Management in Public Service
Work Psychology: Well-Being
Work Psychology: Performance
Responsibility in Organizations
Complete one of the following:3
Economics of Social Issues
Financial Skills for Smart Living
Overview of Entrepreneurship
Public Budgeting
Numbers in Organizations
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Information Systems
Modern Tools for Exploring Data
Principles of Financial Accounting
Communication in Organizations
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Workplace Writing
Business Communication
Total Hours12

Civic Literacy, Engagement, and the Humanities

This interdisciplinary certificate emphasizes training in civic literacy and the humanities that address how to contribute to the flourishing of a democratic society. It will introduce students to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions associated with civic literacy and the humanities disciplines that prepare them for a life of meaningful engagement with democratic processes at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Civic Knowledge
Complete one of the following:3
Survey of American Literature
United States History to the Civil War and Emancipation
United States History since the Civil War and Emancipation
Power & Politics in the U.S.
International Relations
American Religious Diversity
Religion and the Public Schools
Civic Values
Complete one of the following:3
Democracy and Education in the 21st Century
Argumentation and Debate
Law and Literature
Introduction to Political Theory: Freedom, Justice and Power
Civic Skills
Complete one of the following:3
Religion and Politics: (Topics)
Justice and the Good Life: Philosophical Perspectives
Introduction to Writing Studies
Introduction to Public Administration
Making the Modern World
Total Hours9

Only two courses from the same academic department can count toward this certificate.

Creative Expression and Meaning Certificate

Complete one of the following:3
Soundscapes: Music in Culture
Modern Band and Creative Music Making
Complete one of the following:3
Visual Perceptions
Visual Inventions
Complete one of the following:3
Literature: (topic)
Elements of Creative Writing
Writing & Healing
Complete one of the following:3
Theatre in Our World
Acting for Non-Majors
Total Hours12

Critical Thinking and Information Literacy Certificate

Complete one of the following:3
Psychology of Science and Pseudoscience
Character, Wisdom, and Mind: Philosophical Perspectives
Complete one of the following:3
Calling Hogwash: Mathematics for Critical Thinking
Elementary Logic
Complete one of the following:3
Who's Controlling (Y)our Information?: Access, Authority, and Technology
B.S. Detection
Total Hours9

Data Science Certificate

This certificate provide students with the necessary skills to be able to appropriately identify data, analyze and visualize data, and communicate conclusions in quantitative and qualitative domains.

Applied Tools
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Data Science
Introductory Programming for Data Science
Social Issues
Complete one of the following:3
Science, Technology, and Ethics (STE)
Exploring Social Justice Issues through Mathematics
Information Literacy
Complete one of the following:3
B.S. Detection
Who's Controlling (Y)our Information?: Access, Authority, and Technology
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Statistical Methods
Social Sciences Statistics
Total Hours12

Developmental Considerations Certificate 

Complete one of the following:3
Language Acquisition in Children: Birth to 5 Years
Dynamics of Human Development
Lifespan Development
Developmental Psychology
Movement and Physical Growth
Complete one of the following:3
Motor Learning and Development
Developmental Trends in Physical Activity & Sport
Systems and Health
Complete one of the following:3
Maternal and Infant Health
Child Welfare Policy and Practice
Total Hours9

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Certificate

The purpose of this certificate is for students to explore topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from a variety of different content areas. Students will get an opportunity to critique complex social issues from a variety of lenses; including mathematics/science, gender, religion, history, communication, and/or politics. Students will develop a deeper understanding of a variety of perspectives related to DEI, including critically analyzing social justice issues; debating and understanding the values and ethics related to diverse groups, perspectives, and/or societies; learning about and discussing their own and/or others’ identities; and delve into more global sociocultural issues related to different aspects of culture.

Critical Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Complete one of the following:3
Natural Resources and Civilizations
Exploring Social Justice Issues through Mathematics
International Relations
Power & Politics in the U.S.
Religions of the World
American Religious Diversity
Women's and Gender Studies: Introduction
Ethical Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Complete one of the following:3
Economics of Social Issues
Justice and the Good Life: Philosophical Perspectives
Ethics in Communication
Conflict and Justice in History: (Topic)
Perspectives on Identity
Complete one of the following:3
Maternal and Infant Health
Creativity, Storytelling and Identity
Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
Multicultural Literature
Masculine Cultures
Sociocultural Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Peoples, Cultures, and Environments
United States History to the Civil War and Emancipation
United States History since the Civil War and Emancipation
Problems & Perspectives in Global History: (Topic)
Global Social Work
Total Hours12

East Asia Certificate

Emphasizing primarily China and Japan but with some coverage of Korea and Vietnam, the East Asia Certificate introduces material to students from the perspective of four very different academic disciplines, with an emphasis on both East Asian diversity and cultural commonalities

Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Chinese Literature
Problems & Perspectives in Global History: (Topic) (Identity, Diversity, and Commonality in East Asia)
Complete one of the following:3
Problems & Perspectives in Global History: (Topic) (Becoming Familiar with East Asia - Japan as Example and Exception)
Problems & Perspectives in Global History: (Topic) (One Thousand Years of Samurai)
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Chinese Culture: (Topic)
Confucianism, Daoism, and Zen
Total Hours9

Innovation in Leadership Certificate

The Innovation in Leadership Certificate focuses on the intersection of business, nonprofit, and government to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each, leading to creating shared value partnerships to develop innovative responses to solving complex system problems.

Entrepreneurial Fundamentals
Financials for the Entrepreneurial Enterprise
Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector
Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector
Current and Emerging Issues in Public Administration
Complete one of the following:3
Introduction to Public Administration
Leadership and Management in Public Service
Nonprofit Leadership
Nonprofit Leadership Practicum, Level I
Total Hours12

Sustainability Certificate

TECH CM 1015Introduction to Sustainability3
Complete one of the following:3-4
Life: The Natural World
and Life: The Natural World - Lab
General Biology: Organismal Diversity
Introduction to Environmental Earth Science
Nature-Society Relations
Physics in Everyday Life
Complete one of the following:3
Natural Resources and Civilizations
Economics of Social Issues
Conflict and Justice in History: (Topic)
Science, Technology, and Ethics (STE)
Total Hours9-10

 THRIVE! Certificate

Physical Domain
Complete one of the following:3
Physical Activity and Nutrition
Introduction to Public Health
Social Domain
Complete one of the following:3
Economics of Social Issues
Human Identity and Relationships
Mental Domain
Complete one of the following:3
The Science and Experience of Human Flourishing
Self-Care and Stress Management in Helping Professions
Financial Domain
Complete one of the following:3
Financials for the Entrepreneurial Enterprise
Financial Skills for Smart Living
Total Hours12

 United States Studies Certificate

Students taking the United States Studies Certificate will analyze the diverse experiences and values of the people of the United States and investigate solutions to over-arching problems such as climate change and social inequities.

Complete one of the following:3
American Religious Diversity
Power & Politics in the U.S.
Complete one of the following:3
Survey of American Literature
United States History to the Civil War and Emancipation
United States History since the Civil War and Emancipation
Complete one of the following:3
Multicultural Literature
America's Military Past
Total Hours9