School of Music
(College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences)
The School of Music offers the following programs:
- Composition
- Conducting
- Jazz Pedagogy
- Music Education
- Music History
- Performance
- Piano Performance and Pedagogy
The School of Music offers majors and minors under two baccalaureate degrees: the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Music.
The Music major under the Bachelor of Arts degree is a liberal arts program for the student interested in combining the discipline of music training with the breadth offered by a liberal arts curriculum. Six tracks are available to pursue within this degree program.
The Music Education major is a professional Bachelor of Music degree designed to prepare the student for a teaching career and provides licensure in music for grades K-8 and 5-12. The Composition and Performance majors are professional Bachelor of Music degrees designed to prepare the student for 1) a career as a composer or an artist-performer, or 2) entrance to graduate schools where further excellence in composition or in a performance area might be pursued.
General Requirements for Undergraduate Majors
Music majors on all degree programs must choose an area of applied music (MUS APPL xxxx) for specialization and must meet the proficiency standards of the School of Music. The total required applied hours indicated for each major must be completed on one of the specialization instruments or voice on which the student auditioned. Dividing the required applied hours among various instruments, or voice and instrument(s), will not satisfy the applied music portion of any of the degree programs.
Auditions: All music majors pursuing Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree programs must pass a musical performance audition on the instrument/voice of the student's choice for admission to the School of Music. All music majors pursuing the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree programs must pass a musical performance audition on the instrument/voice of the student's choice or submit a composition portfolio.
Piano Proficiency: Required of all majors. All freshmen will enroll in group piano class or applied piano continuously (semester by semester) until piano proficiency has been passed. For Music Education majors, requirements must be completed prior to student teaching.
Piano proficiency requirements for each of the degree programs:
BA, all six tracks: Group Piano II (C- or better)
BM Performance, both vocal and instrumental: Group Piano II (C- or better)
BM Education, Instrumental: Group Piano III (C or better) + Proficiency Exam Passed
BM Education, Vocal: Group Piano III (C or better) + Proficiency Exam Passed followed by 2 semesters of Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency: MUS APPL 2600
BM Composition Theory: Group Piano III (C or better) + Proficiency Exam Passed followed by 2 semesters of Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency: MUS APPL 2600
Vocal and Instrumental Competency: Required of all Music Education Majors. Instrumental students (Specialization B and C) will attend special sections of MUS ED 1100 Instrumental Techniques taught by instrumental faculty. Keyboard majors enrolling for Specialization A must also satisfy vocal proficiency as determined by the voice faculty.
Foreign Language: Bachelor of Music Performance Voice majors are required to complete one semester (6 hours total) at the college/university level in each of two foreign languages (selected from Italian, German, or French).
Large Ensembles: In addition to applied music, all music majors must participate in at least one of the designated large ensembles for a minimum of 8 semesters (6 semesters for students in the music education program). Participation in large ensembles will be continuous from the first semester of residence until completion of the requirement. Participation in ensemble [MUS ENS 1120, MUS ENS 3120/5120] does not satisfy the large ensemble requirement. Auditions are required for all ensembles in the School of Music, and students will be assigned to ensembles according to audition results.
- Wind and percussion students will be assigned to an appropriate instrumental ensemble. All wind and percussion students who are pursuing the degree of Bachelor of Music in Music Education are required to participate in marching band for two semesters on their primary instrument, and may only use marching band for large ensemble credit for two semesters. (It is strongly recommended that this requirement be fulfilled during the freshman and sophomore years.) B.A. Music: Jazz Studies majors will be assigned to the appropriate large jazz ensemble (sections 02, 03, or 04).
- In the fall semester, participation in either Jazz Band I or II may satisfy the large ensemble requirement for students in select degree programs or those who have completed their respective marching band requirements. All students must meet audition requirements for the two above ensembles.
- String players will participate in the orchestra.
- The initial choral ensemble for all freshmen voice students will be either UNI Singers or Cecilians. Freshmen are limited to participation in only one vocal large ensemble. Students performing targeted roles in UNI Opera main stage productions are exempt from ensemble participation for four (4) weeks preceding the final performance of the production.
- Composition and Keyboard majors will audition for either an instrumental or a choral large ensemble. Keyboard majors in the music education program shall participate in an ensemble appropriate to their specialization.
Bachelor of Arts Degree Programs
Music Major
The Music major requires a minimum of 120 total hours to graduate. This total includes UNIFI/General Education requirements and the following specified major requirements, plus electives to complete the minimum of 120 hours.
B.A. Core Curriculum (34 hours) - required of all B.A. tracks
Applied Music: [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including 2 hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area | 12 | |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV * | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Total Hours | 34 |
- *
The corequisites for MUS THEO 2140 [MUS THEO 2180 and MUS THEO 2280] are only required for students pursuing Track 1 General Studies in Music and students pursuing Track 6 Music History.
Additional requirements: senior recital (half recital) - (may take the form of a performance, composition, or an essay). Up to two credit hours of large ensemble, MUS ENS 3xxx, may be counted toward the 3000/4000-level music elective.
Tracks (choose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 below)
1. General Studies in Music (12 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core | 34 | |
Applied Music: [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including 2 additional hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area | 4 | |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
Electives * | 4 | |
Total Hours | 46 |
- *
Electives in music (limited to 3000/4000-level courses in the following areas only: MUS TECH xxxx, MUS ED xxxx, MUS THEO xxxx, MUS HIST xxxx, MUS LIT xxxx. Students who choose composition as their concentration will elect MUS THEO 3250/5250.
2. Jazz Studies (15 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core (exclude MUS HIST 1010) | 32 | |
Jazz Ensembles | ||
MUS ENS 3160/5160 | Jazz Band (must select Jazz Combo section) | 2 |
Applied Improvisation: * | 2 | |
Jazz Improvisation | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation: ** | ||
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3500/5500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | |
MUS TECH 1530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3530/5530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | |
MUS TECH 1550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3550/5550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | |
Jazz Arranging/Composition: | ||
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
MUS THEO 3320/5320 | Jazz Composition Class | 1 |
Jazz History: | ||
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles *** | 3 |
Total Hours | 47 |
- *
Upon completion of required hours of traditional applied music and the 3 hours of Instrumental Jazz Improvisation [MUS TECH 1500/MUS TECH 3500/5500, MUS TECH 1530/MUS TECH 3530/5530, MUS TECH 1550/MUS TECH 3550/5550], students must take two semesters of Applied Improvisation, any section, for 1 hour of credit per semester.
- **
Three sections, 1 hour each - Jazz Theory, Beginning Improvisation, Intermediate Improvisation
- ***
Substitution for MUS HIST 1010.
- ^
Clarifications regarding the Jazz Track:
Of the 8 semesters of required applied instruction, 6 must be applied classical lessons and 2 must be jazz lessons.
The BA recital for the Jazz Track will be a half Jazz Recital (1/2 hour).
Admission to this track is by special audition/interview only, in addition to the audition for all music majors.
3. String Pedagogy (19 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core | 34 | |
Chamber Music: | ||
MUS ENS 3121/5121 | Chamber Music | 2 |
Applied Music * | 4 | |
Techniques (High and Low Strings): | ||
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 2 |
Instrumental Pedagogy (String): | 4 | |
Instrumental Pedagogy (repeat, taking 2 sections) | ||
Methods: | ||
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings ** | 1 |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
Music Literature: | ||
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ (Strings-06) | 2 |
Internship: | ||
MUS ED 3030 | Internship in String Pedagogy | 2 |
Total Hours | 53 |
- *
(including 2 hours of a secondary stringed instrument): MUS APPL xxxx.
- **
MUS ED 4161 has prerequisite of MUS ED 1500. Students pursuing Track 3 are not required to have the prerequisite MUS ED 1500.
Full Recital (must include at least one selection performed on secondary string instrument).
Admission to this track is by special audition/interview only, in addition to audition required of all music majors.
4. Performing Arts Management (20 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core | 34 | |
Accounting: | ||
ACCT 2120 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
Marketing: | ||
MKTG 2110 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
Management/Music Techniques: | ||
MGMT 3153 | Organizational Management | 3 |
MUS TECH 3130/5130 | Arts Entrepreneurship I | 3 |
MUS TECH 3140/5140 | Arts Entrepreneurship II | 3 |
MUS TECH 4130 | Senior Project, Performing Arts Management | 0 |
Music Education and Methods: | ||
MUS ED 3010 | Performing Arts Management Internship | 2 |
Economics: | ||
ECON 1031 | Introduction to Business Economics | 3 |
Total Hours | 54 |
Interview required for admission to this program, in addition to the audition required of all music majors.
5. Music Technology (17 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core | 34 | |
Communication and Media Production courses: | 3 | |
Applied Digital Media | ||
Music Technology: | 8 | |
Music and Technology | ||
Music Technology, Advanced | ||
Composition (focus on electronic music): | 2 | |
Topics in Music Composition (electronic section) | ||
Internships (recording and sound engineering): | 1 | |
Music Technology Internship | ||
Senior Project in Music Technology: | 0 | |
Senior Project, Music Technology | ||
Music Electives * | 3 | |
Total Hours | 51 |
- *
* Electives in music (limited to 3000/4000-level courses in the following areas only: MUS TECH xxxx, MUS ED xxxx, MUS THEO xxxx, MUS HIST xxxx, MUS LIT xxxx. Students who choose composition as their concentration will elect MUS THEO 3250/5250.
Interview required for admission to this program, in addition to the audition required of all music majors.
6. Music History (18 hours beyond Core)
Required | ||
B.A. Core | 34 | |
Applied Music: [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including 2 additional hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area | 4 | |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
Music History: | ||
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Music History elective (select one of the following): | 3 | |
Topics in Music History and Culture (on different topic from above requirement) | ||
History of Opera | ||
Music of World Cultures | ||
Jazz History and Styles | ||
MUS HIST 4194 | Senior Thesis I | 2 |
MUS HIST 4195 | Senior Thesis II | 2 |
Total Hours | 52 |
- *
* The corequisites for MUS THEO 2140 [MUS THEO 2180 and MUS THEO 2280] are only required for students pursuing Track 1 General Studies in Music and students pursuing Track 6 Music History.
Jazz Studies Minor
Jazz Studies minors are not permitted to declare the Jazz Specialization C within the Music Education major.
Required | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles: MUS ENS xxxx (Jazz Bands and Combos) | 6 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses] | 4 | |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3500/5500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | |
MUS TECH 1530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3530/5530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | |
MUS TECH 1550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
or MUS TECH 3550/5550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
MUS THEO 3320/5320 | Jazz Composition Class | 1 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
Total Hours | 21 |
Departmental audition requirements apply to this minor.
Music Minor
Required | ||
Music: | ||
MUSIC 1100 | Soundscapes: Music in Culture | 3 |
Music, Organizations and Ensembles (MUS ENS xxxx): | 2 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses] | 4 | |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Electives in music: (MUS TECH xxxx, MUS ED xxxx, MUS THEO xxxx, MUS HIST xxxx, MUS LIT xxxx) | 7 | |
Total Hours | 24 |
Departmental audition requirements apply to this minor.
Bachelor of Music Degree Programs
Composition Major
The B.M. Composition major requires a minimum of 120 total hours to graduate. This total includes UNIFI/General Education requirements and the following specified major requirements to complete the minimum of 120 hours.
Required | ||
Music Theory/Applied Music: | ||
Composition Class: | ||
MUS THEO 1300 | Topics in Music Composition | 2 |
Music and Technology: | ||
MUS THEO 3220/5220 | Music and Technology | 4 |
Applied Composition: | ||
MUS APPL 1540 | Composition | 4 |
MUS APPL 3540/5540 | Composition | 12 |
Music, Organizations and ensembles [MUS ENS xxxx] | 8 | |
Applied Music: Applied Piano: * | ||
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 2 |
Music Techniques: | 6 | |
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | ||
Select one of the following: | ||
Conducting I--Instrumental | ||
Conducting I--Choral | ||
Conducting II--Instrumental | ||
Conducting II--Choral | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS THEO 3250/5250 | Counterpoint Survey | 3 |
MUS THEO 3260/5260 | Orchestration | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
MUS HIST 3xxx | ||
MUS LIT 3xxx | ||
Electives in music: (3000/4000-level) | 6 | |
The following jazz courses are recommended: | ||
Jazz Arranging I | ||
Jazz Arranging II | ||
Jazz Composition Class | ||
Total Hours | 79 |
- *
Taken beyond MUS APPL 1467
Additional requirements:
- Senior Project: In the last semester before graduation, the student must have completed a large work for orchestra or wind symphony (or some other option with the consent of the composition faculty). The work will be given a reading, the date of which is to be determined by the director of the ensemble. The director shall also dictate the date of delivery for the score and parts. The student will prepare the score and parts using an industry standard computer notation/printing program such as Finale or Sibelius.
- Majors are expected to present regular performances of their pieces on the Student Composers Concert series (minimum of five performances).
- Majors must have a grade of B or better in Analysis MUS THEO 3100 before they can take Counterpoint Survey MUS THEO 3250/5250 .
- Senior recital (full recital).
Music Education Major (Extended Program)
The B.M. Music Education major requires a minimum of 135 total hours for Specialization A, minimum of 136 total hours for Specialization B, and a minimum of 146 total hours for Specialization C to graduate. This total includes UNIFI/General Education requirements, the Professional Experiences requirements, the Educator Essentials requirements, and the specified major requirements to complete the minimum of 135, 136 or 146 hours (depending on specialization).
This major leads to endorsement #144: K-8 Music and #145: 5-12 Music.
Required | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles (MUS ENS xxxx) | 6 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses] see specializations below: | ||
Music Education and Methods: | ||
MUS ED 3410 | Elementary/General Music Methods * | 3 |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Core total applicable to all specializations below | 33 | |
Major total with Specialization A | 59 | |
Major total with Specialization B | 62 | |
Major total with Specialization C | 72 |
- *
Music Education majors (all tracks) can count MUS ED 3410 Elementary/General Music Methods for category 4 of Educator Essentials.
Specializations (choose A, B, or C below)-
Specialization A (Choral/General: K-8, 5-12)
Applied Music: [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 4 hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area: | 12 | |
Applied Music: Applied Piano: * | ||
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 2 |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1180 | Conducting I--Choral | 2 |
MUS TECH 1220 | Conducting II--Choral | 3 |
MUS TECH 1300 | Diction for Singers I | 1 |
MUS TECH 1310 | Diction for Singers II | 1 |
MUS ED 3680 | Instrumental Methods for Choral Majors | 1 |
MUS ED 1750 | Guitar in the Classroom | 2 |
MUS ED 3300/5300 | Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | 2 |
Total Hours | 26 |
- *
Taken beyond MUS APPL 1467.
Professional Experiences
Required: | ||
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education *, ** | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 3544/5544 | Teaching Methods ll: Choral Methods and Materials * | 3 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Total Hours | 21 |
- *
A grade of C (2.00) or higher is required for all Methods courses.
- **
Music Education majors (all tracks) can count EDUC 2344 for category 5 of Educator Essentials.
Specialization B (Instrumental/General: K-8, 5-12)
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 4 hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area | 14 | |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1170 | Conducting I--Instrumental | 2 |
MUS TECH 1210 | Conducting II--Instrumental | 3 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques * | 6 |
MUS ED 3640 | Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band | 1 |
MUS ED 3670 | Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors | 1 |
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings | 1 |
MUS ED 4162 | Instrumental Methods: Marching Band | 1 |
Total Hours | 29 |
- *
6 hours, including Woodwinds I, Woodwinds II, Percussion, 1 brass (high or low), 1 strings (high or low), and 1 additional Instrumental Techniques class. Music Education majors focusing on strings should select both high and low strings; Music Education majors focusing on other instruments should select both high and low brass techniques.
Professional Experiences
Required: | ||
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education *, ** | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 3545/5545 | Teaching Methods ll: Concert Band Methods * | 1 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Total Hours | 19 |
- *
A grade of C (2.00) or higher is required for all Methods courses.
- **
Music Education majors (all tracks) can count EDUC 2344 for category 5 of Educator Essentials.
Specialization C (Jazz/General: K-8, 5-12)
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 4 hours of 3000/4000-level work in major area: | 14 | |
Music Techniques: | 8 | |
Conducting I--Instrumental | ||
Conducting II--Instrumental | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | ||
MUS ED 3670 | Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors | 1 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques * | 6 |
MUS ED 3640 | Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band | 1 |
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings | 1 |
MUS ED 4162 | Instrumental Methods: Marching Band | 1 |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
Total Hours | 39 |
- *
6 hours, including Woodwinds I, Woodwinds II, Percussion, 1 brass (high or low), 1 strings (high or low), and 1 additional Instrumental Techniques class. Music Education majors focusing on strings should select both high and low strings; Music Education majors focusing on other instruments should select both high and low brass techniques.
Professional Experiences:
Required: | ||
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education *, ** | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 3545/5545 | Teaching Methods ll: Concert Band Methods * | 1 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Total Hours | 19 |
- *
A grade of C (2.00) or higher is required for all Methods courses.
- **
Music Education majors (all tracks) can count EDUC 2344 for category 5 of Educator Essentials.
Additional Major Requirements:
- For all specializations: degree recital (half recital), which must be completed prior to student teaching.
- For specialization C (Jazz): two (2) semesters of jazz combo are required in addition to the large ensemble requirement (6 hours) of orchestra, chorus or band.
- For all specializations: students must have a minimum grade of C in all music subjects and pass the degree recital in order to qualify for student teaching.
- Large ensemble requirements for guitar majors can be fulfilled by participation in either Jazz I, II, III, or IV, or a jazz combo.
Note: Students declaring the Jazz Specialization C cannot double major in Instrumental Specialization B within the Music Education Major.
Educator Essentials
Required: * | ||
Select one of the following in each category: | ||
Category 1: The Learner | 3 | |
Reflections on Learning | ||
Development and Learning in Sociocultural Contexts | ||
Creativity and Higher Order Thinking in the Classroom | ||
Rethinking the Learning Society: Education and Its Future(s) | ||
Category 2: Social Contexts of Learning | 3 | |
Social & Cultural Foundations of Education | ||
A Modern History of Education in the United States | ||
Education Policy and Politics of Education | ||
Language Today | ||
Category 3: Education for All | 3 | |
Adapted Physical Education | ||
Education, Power, and Change | ||
Social Movements and Education | ||
Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Study of Education for All | ||
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in Classrooms | ||
Content Area Strategies for English Language Learners | ||
Category 4: The Classroom Environment | 3 | |
Deeper Motivation and the Highly Engaged Classroom | ||
Level Up: Gamified Learning Environments | ||
Early Childhood Curriculum Development and Organization | ||
Playful Learning and Project-Based Experiences: Techniques for Ed and Recreational Environments | ||
Critical Perspectives on Technology and Education | ||
Category 5: Effective Pedagogy | 3 | |
Expressive Learning Assessment | ||
Technology, Pedagogy, and Learning in the Digital Age | ||
Assessment for Learning | ||
Effective Teaching through Differentiation, Technology and Assessment | ||
Category 6: The Professional Educator | 3 | |
Child, Family, School and Community Relationships | ||
Teacher Leadership & Educational Change | ||
Collaborative Partnerships for Educators | ||
Total Hours | 18 |
- *
A grade of C (2.00) or higher is required in each Educator Essentials course.
Performance Major
The B.M. Performance major requires a minimum of 121 total hours to graduate for Track A (Instrumental), 127 hours to graduate for Track B (Vocal), and 120 hours to graduate for Track C (Jazz Studies). This total includes UNIFI/General Education requirements and the following specified major requirements to complete the minimum of 121 hours (Track A), 127 hours (Track B), and 120 hours (Track C).
Track A (Instrumental)
Required | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles (MUS ENS XXXX): 2 hrs must be chamber music MUS ENS 1120/3120 or MUS ENS 1121/3121 | 10 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 12 hours of 3000/4000-level work in the major area: | 22 | |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1170 | Conducting I--Instrumental | 2 |
MUS TECH 1210 | Conducting II--Instrumental | 3 |
Music Pedagogy: | ||
Select one of the following: | 2 | |
Instrumental Pedagogy (instrumental majors) * | ||
Piano Pedagogy: Elementary (keyboard majors) | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS THEO 3xxx/4xxx | 3 | |
Music History and Musicology/Performance Literature and Repertory: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ | 2 |
MUS HIST 3xxx/4xxx | 3 | |
Electives: MUS APPL xxxx (excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx and 1470 courses), maximum of 4 hrs., MUS TECH xxxx, MUS ED xxxx, MUS THEO xxxx, MUS HIST xxxx, MUS LIT xxxx only | 7 | |
Total Hours | 80 |
- *
MUS ED 3380/5380 has prerequisite of MUS ED 1100 or teaching experience.
Track B (Vocal)
Required | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles [MUS ENS xxxx]: ** | 8 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 12 hours of 3000/4000-level work in the major area: | 22 | |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1180 | Conducting I--Choral | 2 |
MUS TECH 1300 | Diction for Singers I | 1 |
MUS TECH 1310 | Diction for Singers II | 1 |
MUS TECH 1600 | Opera Performance I | 1 |
MUS TECH 3610/5610 | Opera Performance II | 2 |
MUS TECH 1450 | Vocal Coaching | 2 |
or MUS TECH 3450/5450 | Vocal Coaching | |
Music Pedagogy: | ||
MUS ED 3300/5300 | Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | 2 |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
Music History and Musicology/Performance Literature and Repertory: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ | 2 |
MUS HIST 3xxx/4xxx and/or MUS LIT 3xxx/4xxx | 3 | |
Electives: MUS APPL xxxx (excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx and 1470 courses), maximum of 4 hrs., MUS TECH xxxx, MUS ED xxxx, MUS THEO xxxx, MUS HIST xxxx, MUS LIT xxxx only | 8 | |
Total Hours | 80 |
- **
Vocal Performance majors will take 6 semesters of choral ensembles and 2 semesters of opera.
Track C (Jazz Studies)
Required | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles [MUS ENS 1160/3160]: Jazz Band One, Two or Three | 8 | |
Mus ENS 1160/3160: Combo | 4 | |
Applied Music [MUS APPL xxxx, excluding MUS APPL 1Nxx courses], including at least 4 hours of 3000/4000-level work in the major area: | 14 | |
MUS APPL 3550/5550 | Jazz Improvisation | 4 |
Music Techniques: | ||
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
MUS TECH 1530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
MUS TECH 1550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 3220/5220 | Music and Technology | 4 |
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
MUS THEO 3320/5320 | Jazz Composition Class | 1 |
Music History and Musicology/Performance Literature and Repertory: | ||
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
Total Hours | 69 |
Additional Requirements (tracks A, B and C):
- Junior recital (half recital).
- Senior recital (full recital).
- Voice majors are required to complete one semester of college level study (5-6 credit hours total) in two languages other than English (selected from German, French, and Italian), and are strongly recommended to take MUS LIT 3200/5200 Performance Literature for Voice II.
Note: Performance majors who desire teaching licensure can complete the music methods requirements under the Music Education major and the Educator Essentials Requirements.
Master of Arts Degree Program
Major in Music
Students wishing to take a course for graduate credit in the School of Music, or wishing to pursue a degree program in this department, must consult with the Graduate Coordinator prior to registration for any course. Detailed information concerning requirements and procedures will be provided, and specified evidence of previous accomplishments will be reviewed.
The Graduate Record Examination (General Test) is not required for admission to the program.
The M.A. Major in Music involves a course of study comprising a minimum of specialization in an applied area and a maximum of curricular flexibility. (Master of Music majors are listed immediately following the M.A. in Music.)
An applicant for a graduate degree program in the School of Music should possess the baccalaureate degree in music or a demonstrated equivalent. The student should have attained a high degree of proficiency in one or more of the following areas: performance, theory-composition, music education, or music history. Applicants must audition in person in their applied specialization (a video recording would be accepted if the in-person audition would pose undue hardship).
A prospective major must take a written diagnostic examination in the areas of theory, music history, and expository writing skills. This examination normally is taken immediately prior to initial registration as a graduate student. If necessary, a student will take courses to make up any deficiency; such courses will not count toward degree requirements.
Students who plan to receive the degree Master of Arts (M.A.) must meet the graduate regulations and requirements for the master’s program and the specific major requirements.
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
Program Requirements
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
This major is available on the thesis and non-thesis options, and requires a minimum of 30 semester hours. Students selecting the non-thesis option will write a research paper. A minimum of 15 hours of 6000-level course work is required for the thesis option, including 6 hours of ____ 6299 Research. A minimum of 12 hours of 6000-level course work is required for the non-thesis option, including 3 hours of ____:6299 Research and 3 hours of 6000-level electives [course prefix for 6299 Research: MUSIC, MUS ED, MUS HIST, MUS LIT, MUS TECH, MUS THEO].
Successful completion of a final comprehensive written examination is required for both thesis and non-thesis options. This examination normally will take place after the candidate has completed the course work required for the degree. The grade B- or above is required for all courses in the Graduate Music Core. Under extenuating circumstances, exceptions to this policy must be approved by the instructor of record, the Graduate Coordinator and the Director of the School of Music. For discussion of credit for applied music under the M.A. degree, see course descriptions Music, Applied. For more information visit
Graduate Music Core | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Specialization: Applied Music: | 4 | |
MUS APPL 5xxx | ||
Research: | 3 or 6 | |
(6 hours of ___6299 Research for thesis option * | ||
(3 hours of ____ 6299 Research for non-thesis option * | ||
Electives: music (all areas except applied music) | 8 | |
Other electives as approved by the department | 0 or 3 | |
Thesis option - 0 hrs | ||
Non-thesis option - 3 hrs | ||
Total hours | 30 |
- *
____:6299 Research [course prefix MUSIC, MUS ED, MUS HIST, MUS LIT, MUS TECH, MUS THEO.]
Master of Music Degree Programs
Students wishing to take a course for graduate credit in the School of Music or wishing to pursue a degree program in this department must consult with the Associate Director for Graduate Studies in Music prior to registration for the course. Detailed information concerning requirements and procedures will be provided, and specific evidence of previous accomplishments will be reviewed.
The Master of Music degree is a professional degree designed to prepare the graduate for:
- enhanced opportunity in public and private school music teaching
- a college teaching career
- a performance career as a professional musician or composer
- further graduate work at the doctoral level. The following majors are offered:
- Composition
- Conducting
- Jazz Pedagogy
- Music Education
- Music History
- Performance
- Piano Performance and Pedagogy
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
An applicant for a graduate degree program in the School of Music should possess the baccalaureate degree in music or a demonstrated equivalent. The student should have attained a high degree of proficiency in one or more of the following areas: performance, theory-composition, conducting, music education, or music history. In addition to the common regulations and requirements applicable to all master's degree programs, the following are required for admission to the specific major:
Composition majors: portfolio and, if possible, recordings of compositions.
Conducting majors: in-person audition and interview with at least two members of the Graduate Conducting faculty. It is also recommended the applicant have two years of conducting experience beyond the baccalaureate degree. A DVD or digital video file recording may be submitted in lieu of the in-person audition, but may not satisfy the audition requirement. Recordings should be of high quality and show the applicant in rehearsal situations, though performance recordings may also be included. Video recordings should include two or three works of varying styles, and be taken so as to clearly indicate the conductor's facial and other physical gestures.
Jazz Pedagogy: in-person audition and interview.
Music Education majors: in-person or telephone interview with a member of the Graduate Music Education faculty.
Music History majors: scholarly paper.
Performance majors and Piano Performance and Pedagogy majors: in-person audition (a recording would be accepted if the in-person audition would pose undue hardship).
A prospective major must take a written diagnostic examination in the areas of theory, music history, expository writing skills, and in the area of claimed competency, if different from the above (e.g., piano, brass, or woodwind instruments). This examination normally is taken immediately prior to initial registration as a graduate student. If a student is required to take remedial courses to make up any deficiency in preparatory work, those courses will not be counted toward degree requirements.
The Graduate Record Examination (General Test) is not required for admission to the Master of Music programs.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required of all majors enrolled for the thesis/recital option. Students completing the thesis option (not a recital and abstract) must have 6-9 semester hours of ____ 6299 Research. A minimum of 12 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required of all majors enrolled for the non-thesis option [course prefix MUSIC, MUS ED, MUS HIST, MUS LIT, MUS TECH, MUS THEO].
Successful completion of an oral and written comprehensive examination is required of all students in this degree program. This examination normally will take place after the candidate has completed the course work required for the degree. The grade B- or above is required for all courses in the Graduate Music Core as well as all core courses in the specific degree plans. Under extenuating circumstances, exceptions to this policy must be approved by the instructor of record, the Graduate Coordinator and the Director of the School of Music. For more information go to
Students who plan to receive the degree Master of Music (M.M.) must meet the graduate regulations and requirements for the master’s program and the specific major requirements.
Major in Composition
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis/recital option only, and requires a minimum of 35 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Specialization | ||
Applied Music: | ||
MUS APPL 6540 | Composition | 12 |
Music Electives: primarily in the areas of music literature and theory: | 11 | |
Recital: | ||
MUS APPL 6880 | Graduate Recital | 0 |
Total Hours | 35 |
Additional Requirements:
- Performance recital of candidate-generated compositions.
- Recital abstract.
Major in Conducting
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis/recital option only, and requires a minimum of 36 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Specialization: | ||
Music Organizations and Ensembles: MUS ENS 5xxx * | 4 | |
MUSIC 6299 | Research | 2 |
Applied Music: | 12 | |
Select one of the following: | ||
Instrumental Conducting | ||
Choral Conducting | ||
Performance Literature and Repertory: | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
History and Literature of Large Choral Forms | ||
History and Literature of the Orchestra | ||
History and Literature of the Wind Band | ||
Music Electives: as approved by advisor: | 3 | |
Recital: | ||
MUS APPL 6880 | Graduate Recital | 0 |
Total Hours | 36 |
- *
Only one hour of ensemble per semester will count toward degree requirements. Large ensemble placement will be determined by audition.
Additional requirements:
- Two consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of residency with full time status (minimum of 9 graduate hours per semester).
- Conducting recital.
- Recital abstract.
- Conducting document (research paper). Students must register for Research in the semester that they prepare the conducting document.
- Score reading proficiency examination.
- Students must be resident with full time status and are required to enroll in applied music in their performance area during the semester that they present their required recital.
- Specialty comprehensive examination.
Major in Jazz Pedagogy
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis/recital option only, and requires a minimum of 36 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required, including 5 hours of music electives at the 6000-level.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Specialization: | ||
Music Techniques: | 4 | |
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | ||
Jazz Pedagogy | ||
Music Theory: | 5 | |
Jazz Arranging I | ||
Jazz Arranging II | ||
Jazz Composition Class | ||
Music, Organizations and Ensembles: * | 8 | |
Jazz Band (combos) | ||
Research: | ||
MUS TECH 6299 | Research | 2 |
Music electives: | ||
Select 5 hours of electives from the following: | 5 | |
Applied Music: | ||
Percussion | ||
Jazz Guitar | ||
Jazz Bass | ||
Jazz Piano | ||
Music Theory: | ||
Music and Technology | ||
Music History and Musicology: | ||
Jazz History and Styles (preferred) | ||
Recital: | ||
MUS APPL 6880 | Graduate Recital | 0 |
Total Hours | 36 |
- *
2 hrs. in jazz ensembles participation required each semester of residence.
- **
Strongly recommended.
Additional requirements:
- Jazz performance recital
- Recital abstract
- Jazz bass proficiency
- Jazz piano proficiency
- Jazz drum set proficiency
Major in Music Education
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is available on the thesis and non-thesis options, contingent on availability of faculty. Both options require a minimum of 33 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required for the thesis option and a minimum of 12 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required for the non-thesis option.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Music Education core: | ||
Research in Music Education and Methods: | ||
MUS ED 6210 | Research Methodology in Music Education | 3 |
Research: | ||
MUS ED 6299 | Research | 3 or 6 |
Thesis option (6 hrs.), contingent on availability of faculty. | ||
Non-thesis option (3 hrs.) | ||
Music Education and Methods: | ||
MUS ED 3450/5450 | Developments and Trends in Music Education | 3 |
MUS ED 6300 | Foundations of Music Education | 3 |
MUS ED 6820 | Seminar: Music Learning and Behavior | 3 |
Music Education electives as approved by music education faculty: | 3 or 6 | |
Select from the following: | ||
MUS ENS 5xxx (1-2 hrs.) | ||
MUS APPL 5xxx (1-4 hrs.) | ||
Conducting III--Instrumental | ||
Accompanying | ||
Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | ||
Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | ||
Instrumental Upkeep and Repair | ||
Measurement and Evaluation in Music | ||
School Music Administration and Classroom Management | ||
Jazz Arranging I | ||
Music of World Cultures | ||
History and Literature of Large Choral Forms | ||
History and Literature of the Orchestra | ||
History and Literature of the Wind Band | ||
Thesis option (3 hrs.) | ||
Non-thesis option (6 hrs.) | ||
Total hours | 33 |
Note: A maximum of 2 hours of ensembles MUS ENS xxxx and 4 hours of applied music MUS APPL xxxx may be counted toward fulfilling minimum degree requirements.
Major in Music History
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis option only, and requires a minimum of 31 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required, including 3 hours of music electives at the 6000-level.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Specialization: | ||
Music History and Musicology: | 12 | |
Research (research for thesis - 6 hrs.) | ||
MUS HIST 5xxx (6 hrs.) | ||
Electives:(maximum of 2 hrs. may be in applied music) | 7 | |
Total Hours | 31 |
Additional requirement:
Reading proficiency in either German or French.
Major in Performance
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis/recital option only, and requires a minimum of 33-36 semester hours (depending on specialization chosen). A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required of all majors.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History and Musicology: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 3200/5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Recital: | ||
MUS APPL 6880 | Graduate Recital | 0 |
Specialization: (choose A or B) | 21-24 | |
Total Hours | 33-36 |
A. Wind, Percussion, Keyboard or Strings
Music Ensemble: MUS ENS 5xxx ** | 2-4 | |
Applied Music: MUS APPL 6xxx (variable) | 10 | |
Performance Literature and Repertory: * | 2-4 | |
Performance Literature: ______ | ||
Music electives: primarily in the areas of music theory and music literature | 5-7 | |
Total hours | 21-23 |
B. Voice
Music, Organizations and Ensembles: | 2 | |
Opera and Chorus ** | ||
Applied Music: | 8 | |
Voice | ||
Music Techniques: | 8 | |
Vocal Coaching | ||
Opera Performance II | ||
Advanced Vocal Performance | ||
Performance Literature and Repertory: | 4 | |
Performance Literature: ______ | ||
Music Education and Methods: | 2 | |
Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | ||
Total Hours | 24 |
- *
Students in the Keyboard specialization are required to take MUS LIT 3200 sections 03 and 04.
- **
Students in the Voice specialization must take one semester of either Chamber Singers or Concert Chorale (to be determined upon formal audition for the choral conducting staff), and one semester of Opera Performance Ensemble. Students in the Instrumental specialization will choose Jazz Band I, Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Band, or Wind Symphony, but only 2 hours of Jazz Band I may be counted toward minimum degree requirements. Students in the String specialization are required to complete 4 hours of ensembleMUS ENS 3170/5170 Symphony Orchestra. Chamber Music and/or accompanying may be elected by keyboard specialization.
- ***
Primarily in the areas of music theory, music history, music techniques, and performance; only 2 hours of ensemble credit may count toward this requirement.
Additional requirements:
- Two consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of residency with fulltime status (minimum of 9 graduate hours per semester);
- Performance recital of at least sixty (60) minutes in length;
- Recital abstract;
- Two successful applied jury examinations (grades B or higher);
- Voice specialization must:
- Demonstrate diction proficiency (by diagnostic examination) in English, Italian, German, and French. Otherwise one must successfully complete MUS TECH 1300 and/or MUS TECH 1310.
- Have successfully completed one semester of college-level study in two foreign languages prior to entering UNI. Otherwise, one must fulfill this requirement during the residency at UNI. Foreign language requirement may only be completed by taking Italian, German or French.
- Students are required to enroll in applied music in their performance area during the semester they present their recital.
Major in Piano Performance and Pedagogy
Students interested in this program must submit a completed Application for Admission to Graduate Study and should refer to their MyUNIverse Student Center To-Do list or contact the School of Music for other application requirements. Graduate Information can be found at and application for graduate admission can be found at
This major is offered on the thesis/full recital and non-thesis/half solo recital and pedagogy project options. Both options require a minimum of 34 semester hours. A minimum of 15 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required of all majors enrolled for the thesis/full recital option. A minimum of 12 semester hours of 6000-level course work is required of all majors enrolled for the non-thesis/half solo recital and pedagogy project option.
Only graduate courses (course numbers 5000 or above) will apply to a graduate degree, even if the undergraduate course number (4999 or less) is listed. No exceptions will be made.
Required | ||
Graduate Music Core: | ||
Music Theory: | ||
MUS THEO 6000 | Foundations of Musical Analysis | 3 |
MUS THEO 5200 | Topics in Music Theory and Analysis | 3 |
Music History: | ||
MUS HIST 6000 | Foundations of Musicology | 3 |
MUS HIST 5200 | Topics in Music History and Culture | 3 |
Piano performance: | ||
Applied Music: | 6 | |
Piano | ||
Music Literature: | 4 | |
Performance Literature: ______ (Piano I) | ||
Performance Literature: ______ (Piano II) | ||
Piano pedagogy: | ||
Music Education and Methods: | 10 | |
Piano Pedagogy: Elementary | ||
Music Learning and Motivation | ||
Piano Pedagogy: Intermediate | ||
Piano Pedagogy: Group and Adult | ||
Piano Pedagogy: Internship | ||
Recital: | ||
MUS APPL 6880 | Graduate Recital | 0 |
Electives | ||
Select 2 hours from the Recommended List: | 2 | |
Ensemble | ||
Piano | ||
Accompanying | ||
Projects in Music Education | ||
Piano Pedagogy: Internship | ||
Readings | ||
Music and Technology | ||
Research | ||
Total Hours | 34 |
Additional requirements:
Final project-
- Full solo recital/recital abstract
- Half solo recital and pedagogy project (workshop or research paper)
- Students are required to enroll in applied music in their performance area during the semester they present their recital.
- Students choosing the half solo recital and pedagogy project must also enroll in 1 credit of research (counting in electives) during the semester they prepare and present their project (workshop or research paper)
Program Certificates
Artist Diploma (I) (II) Graduate Certificate
The Artist Diploma is a non-degree-granting professional program awarded by the School of Music for the successful completion of performance studies combined with general music studies. The curricular content of the proposed Artist Diploma program is designed to provide the student aspiring toward a professional career the opportunity to study and perform solo literature and chamber music without taking all the academic course requirements of a masters degree.
The Artist Diploma serves the needs of international and national students who are extremely talented, career minded, and dedicated to the art of music-making. Admission is considered once the student has completed a baccalaureate degree, or the international equivalent, and taken an in-person audition (a recording would be accepted if the in-person audition would pose undue hardship). Applicants not holding the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent, but who have extensive study with a master teacher and noted performing experience, may apply. Interested students should contact the Associate Director of Graduate Studies within the School of Music.
Students may pursue the Artist Diploma I concurrently with or in addition to a graduate degree program in music. Only four (4) elective credits (no applied or ensemble credits) may be double counted. Admission to a graduate degree program in music does not guarantee admission to the Artist Diploma certificate program; a separate audition is required.
Artist Diploma (I)
Diploma (I) requires a minimum of 15 hours in the following program:
Required | ||
Applied Music: MUS APPL 6xxx | 6 | |
Ensemble, or chamber ensemble, or opera performance, or accompanying: | 2 | |
Electives in music * | 7 | |
MUS APPL 6890 | Diploma Recital (must complete one recital and register for Diploma Recital during the semester in which recital is completed) | 0 |
Total Hours | 15 |
- *
Courses must be selected from 5000-level and 6000-level offerings available during the period of residency. Vocal students may include up to 3 hours of graduate foreign language study. Only 2 hours of ensemble credits beyond the requirements will count toward music electives. No additional applied music hours will count toward music electives. No applied or ensemble credits from another institution may be transferred for the Artist Diploma.
Additional requirements:
- Applied jury examination as required;
- One full solo recital (Diploma recital);
- All course work must be completed with a grade of B or higher, and applied study and Diploma I recital with a grade of A.
Artist Diploma (II)
Diploma (II) requires a minimum of 30 hours in the following program:
Required | ||
Applied Music: MUS APPL 6xxx: | 12 | |
Ensemble, or chamber ensemble, or opera performance, or collaborative playing: | 4 | |
Electives in music * | 14 | |
MUS APPL 6890 | Diploma Recital (must complete two recitals and register for Diploma Recital during each semester in which recitals are completed) | 0 |
Total Hours | 30 |
- *
Courses must be selected from 5000-level and 6000-level offerings available during the period of residency. Vocal students may include up to 6 hours of graduate foreign language study. Only 4 hours of ensemble credits beyond the requirements will count toward music electives. No additional applied music hours will count toward music electives. No applied or ensemble credits from another institution may be transferred for an Artist Diploma certificate.
Additional requirements:
- Applied jury examination as required;
- Two full solo recitals (Diploma Recitals);
- All course work must be completed with a grade of B or higher, and applied study with a grade of A.
Music: General Studies in Music (Track 1), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. This is a general degree, there is no area of specialization.
Music: Jazz Studies (Track 2), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of jazz music in the areas of theory, composition, arranging, improvisation, history, and ensemble performance.
Music: String Pedagogy (Track 3), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of string pedagogy.
Music: Performing Arts Management (Track 4), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate knowledge of management systems and skills in arts organizations, including the ability to independently develop, implement and manage an arts administration project.
Music: Music Technology (Track 5), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in use of current music technology including computer software programs, audio recording technology, and electronic media.
Music: Music History (Track 6), B.A.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in use of current music history research tools, both print and electronic sources, as well as methods for documentation.
Composition, B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students will demonstrate proficiency in composing, score preparation, rehearsing (including conducting) and orchestration.
Music Education: Choral/General, B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of choral/general music education including teaching methods, educational philosophy, and technical/musical skills necessary for teaching music at the K-12 level.
Music Education: Instrumental/General, B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of instrumental/general music education including teaching methods, educational philosophy, and technical/musical skills necessary for teaching music at the K-12 level.
Music Education: Jazz/General, B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of jazz music in the areas of theory, arranging, improvisation, history, and ensemble performance.
Performance: Track A (Instrumental), B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of instrumental performance.
Performance: Track B (Vocal), B.M.
- Performance. Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing. Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical Thinking. Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Students shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of vocal performance.
Performance: Track C (Jazz Studies), B.M.
- Performance: Students will perform in at least one major area (instrument, voice, or composition).
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the harmonic language and grammar of music from the common practice period.
- Sight Singing: Students shall demonstrate proficiency in singing a melody at sight.
- Music History: Students shall demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music history and literature, including recognition of music from important historical periods and styles.
- Critical thinking: Students shall demonstrate integration and synthesis of their understanding of music through a written presentation.
- Specialization: Student shall demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of jazz performance.
Composition, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students shall produce original compositions to be presented in a public performance, drawn from a portfolio of works demonstrating technical and artistic skill in composition.
Conducting, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students shall demonstrate preparation for ensemble leadership at the secondary, community, collegiate and professional levels, as evidenced by (a) analysis of musical scores and dissemination of information to an ensemble through conducting, (b) demonstration of technical mastery, and (c) demonstration of artistic interpretation through conducting.
Jazz Pedagogy, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate mastery of skills necessary to teach all aspects of jazz performance at the elementary-secondary and/or undergraduate levels of instruction, including (a) performance skills, including functional rhythm section skills as well as the ability to improvise on the primary instrument; (b) jazz ensemble rehearsal skills; (c) knowledge of pedagogical methods, and (d) knowledge of jazz ensemble literature and resources.
Music Education, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of music education including teaching and learning styles, trends and philosophies, technology, and research methods.
Music History, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate scholarship and research ability in the area of music history at a level that would qualify the student for entrance into doctoral study in musicology.
Performance, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate mastery of technical skills, artistic expression, and knowledge of repertoire necessary for a career as a professional performer and/or doctoral level study in performance.
Piano Performance and Pedagogy, M.M.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate mastery of skills necessary for group and individual lesson teaching - including knowledge of pedagogical materials and approaches, repertoire, and technologies- in preparation for a teaching career at any level (elementary through advanced).
Music, M.A.
- Music History. Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the history of Western music from the 16th to 21" century by defining important terminology, identifying major repertoire works by listening, and writing convincingly about broad topics related to instrumental and vocal music genres.
- Music Theory: Students shall demonstrate a functional knowledge of the theoretical basis of Western music, extending knowledge gained in undergraduate music theory studies, in preparation for entrance into any doctoral music program.
- Critical Thinking. Students will demonstrate critical thinking through evaluation, analysis, and integration of information in music history and theory (graduate music core) with their area of specialization (applied music, composition, conducting, music history, pedagogy, or music education) as appropriate to their discipline.
- Specialization. Students will demonstrate mastery of the foundational principles of music in their area of specialization.
Music: General Studies in Music (Track 1), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies In Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 12 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 10 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 10 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
Music Elective | 2 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 10 | |
Music Elective | 2 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music: Jazz Studies (Track 2), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 14 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Band | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS TECH 1530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Band | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Hours | 14 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 7 | |
MUS TECH 1550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS ENS 1160 | Jazz Band | 1 |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS ENS 1160 | Jazz Band | 1 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Band | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 14 | |
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
MUS APPL Jazz Improvisation | 1 | |
Hours | 19 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Jazz Band | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 12 | |
MUS THEO 3320/5320 | Jazz Composition Class | 1 |
MUS APPL Jazz Improvisation | 1 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music: String Pedagogy (Track 3), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS ENS 1121 | Chamber Music | 1 |
Hours | 16 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques (low strings) | 1 |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS ENS 1121 | Chamber Music | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music (secondary area) | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ED 3380/5380 | Instrumental Pedagogy | 2 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques (high strings) | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS ED 3380/5380 | Instrumental Pedagogy | 2 |
Hours | 16 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS ED 3030 | Internship in String Pedagogy | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings | 1 |
MUS ED 3030 | Internship in String Pedagogy | 1 |
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ | 2 |
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music: Performing Arts Management (Track 4), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 13 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
ACCT 2120 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 4 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
ECON 1031 | Introduction to Business Economics | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MKTG 2110 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
MGMT 3153 | Organizational Management | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS TECH 3130/5130 | Arts Entrepreneurship I | 3 |
Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS TECH 3140/5140 | Arts Entrepreneurship II | 3 |
MUS ED 3010 | Performing Arts Management Internship | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 10 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS TECH 4130 | Senior Project, Performing Arts Management | 0 |
MUS ED 3010 | Performing Arts Management Internship | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 14 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music: Music Technology (Track 5), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 7 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS THEO 1300 | Topics in Music Composition (must take Electronic) | 2 |
Hours | 17 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS THEO 3220/5220 | Music and Technology | 4 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Music Elective | 1 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
COMM DM 2950 | Applied Digital Media | 1 |
MUS THEO 3230/5230 | Music Technology, Advanced | 4 |
Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 11 | |
MUS ED 3020 | Music Technology Internship | 1 |
COMM DM 2950 | Applied Digital Media | 1 |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
COMM DM 2950 | Applied Digital Media | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
Music Elective | 2 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
MUS THEO 4900 | Senior Project, Music Technology | 0 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music: Music History (Track 6), B.A.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 12 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS HIST 3100 or 3110 or 3120 or 3140 or 3150 or 3200 or 3300 or 3510 or 3600 | 3 | |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS HIST 3100 or 3110 or 3120 or 3140 or 3150 or 3200 or 3300 or 3510 or 3600 | 3 | |
MUS HIST 4194 | Senior Thesis I | 2 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
Music Elective | 2 | |
MUS HIST 4195 | Senior Thesis II | 2 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Composition, B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1300 | Topics in Music Composition | 2 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 4 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 2 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
Hours | 19 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Music Elective | 2 | |
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 1 |
MUS TECH 1180 | Conducting I--Choral (or MUS TECH 1170) | 2 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS THEO 3220/5220 | Music and Technology | 4 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 2 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS TECH 1220 | Conducting II--Choral (or MUS TECH 1210) | 3 |
MUS THEO 3260/5260 | Orchestration | 3 |
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 14 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS LIT Musical Literature Elective | 3 | |
Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Composition | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Music Elective | 3 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
MUS THEO 3250/5250 | Counterpoint Survey | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 4 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music Education: Choral/General, B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 10 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
TEACHING 2020 | Introduction to Teaching: Exploring Options | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS TECH 1300 | Diction for Singers I | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ED 1750 | Guitar in the Classroom | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS TECH 1310 | Diction for Singers II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
Hours | 19 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 1 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ED 3410 | Elementary/General Music Methods | 3 |
MUS TECH 1180 | Conducting I--Choral | 2 |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 2 | |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ED 3300/5300 | Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | 2 |
EDUC 3544/5544 | Teaching Methods ll: Choral Methods and Materials | 3 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
MUS ED 3680 | Instrumental Methods for Choral Majors | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS TECH 1220 | Conducting II--Choral | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 2 | |
Hours | 19 | |
Summer | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 3 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL 2600 | Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency | 1 |
Educator Essentials Courses | 9 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
Hours | 18 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 136 |
Music Education: Instrumental/General, B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
TEACHING 2020 | Introduction to Teaching: Exploring Options | 1 |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
Hours | 17 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ED 4162 | Instrumental Methods: Marching Band | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Educator Essentials Courses | 6 | |
MUS TECH 1170 | Conducting I--Instrumental | 2 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
MUS ED 3410 | Elementary/General Music Methods | 3 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Hours | 19 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings | 1 |
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS TECH 1210 | Conducting II--Instrumental | 3 |
MUS ED 3640 | Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band | 1 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
MUS ED 3670 | Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors | 1 |
Hours | 16 | |
Summer | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 3 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
Educator Essentials Courses | 9 | |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 3545/5545 | Teaching Methods ll: Concert Band Methods | 1 |
Hours | 20 | |
Spring | ||
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 137 |
Music Education: Jazz/General, B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 7 | |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
TEACHING 2020 | Introduction to Teaching: Exploring Options | 1 |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
EDUC 2344 | Teaching Methods l: Introduction to Music Education | 2 |
EDUC 2444 | Teaching Internship l: Music Education | 2 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
Hours | 20 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
Hours | 18 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
MUS TECH 1170 | Conducting I--Instrumental | 2 |
MUS TECH 3530/5530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
MUS ED 3410 | Elementary/General Music Methods | 3 |
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
MUS TECH 1210 | Conducting II--Instrumental | 3 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ED 4162 | Instrumental Methods: Marching Band | 1 |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Educator Essentials Course | 3 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
MUS TECH 3550/5550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ED 1100 Lab | ||
MUS ED 4161 | Instrumental Methods: Strings | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
Educator Essentials Courses | 6 | |
MUS ED 3640 | Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band | 1 |
MUS ED 1100 | Instrumental Techniques | 1 |
EDUC 3545/5545 | Teaching Methods ll: Concert Band Methods | 1 |
MUS ED 3670 | Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors | 1 |
EDUC 3644/5644 | Teaching Internship ll: Music Education | 2 |
Hours | 18 | |
Fifth Year | ||
Fall | ||
EDUC 4140 | Special Area Teaching: Art, ESL, Music, and Physical Education | 12 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 147 |
Performance: Track A (Instrumental), B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 16 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
Hours | 16 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Music Pedagogy | 2 | |
Music Electives | 2 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
MUS TECH 1170 | Conducting I--Instrumental | 2 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Music Theory Elective | 3 | |
MUS APPL 3780 | Junior Recital | 0 |
MUS TECH 1210 | Conducting II--Instrumental | 3 |
Music Electives | 2 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Music Electives | 2 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 4 | |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ | 2 |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
Music History/Literature Elective | 3 | |
Music Electives | 3 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 2 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
Hours | 12 | |
Total Hours | 121 |
Performance: Track B (Vocal), B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 | Group Piano | 0 |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
Hours | 16 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 5 | |
MUS TECH 1300 | Diction for Singers I | 1 |
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
Hours | 16 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
MUS TECH 1310 | Diction for Singers II | 1 |
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
Hours | 15 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
MUS TECH 1180 | Conducting I--Choral | 2 |
MUS TECH 1600 | Opera Performance I | 1 |
MUS ED 3300/5300 | Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology | 2 |
MUS THEO 3100 | Analysis of Music | 2 |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 4 | |
MUS APPL 3780 | Junior Recital | 0 |
MUS TECH 3610/5610 | Opera Performance II | 2 |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
Language | 3 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
Music Electives | 5 | |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS LIT 3200/5200 | Performance Literature: ______ | 2 |
Language | 3 | |
Hours | 14 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 3 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
MUS HIST/MUS LIT Music History/Literature Elective | 3 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Music Electives | 4 | |
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
Hours | 17 | |
Total Hours | 127 |
Performance: Track C (Jazz Studies), B.M.
This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major. University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates. Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.
Freshman | ||
Fall | Hour | |
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS THEO 1110 | Theory I | 2 |
MUS APPL 1470 | 1 | |
MUS THEO 1150 | Aural Training I | 1 |
MUS THEO 1250 | Sight-Singing I | 1 |
MUS TECH 1530 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | 0 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 1467 | Piano Proficiency | 0 |
MUS APPL 1470 Group Piano | 1 | |
MUS THEO 1120 | Theory II | 2 |
MUS THEO 1160 | Aural Training II | 1 |
MUS THEO 1260 | Sight-Singing II | 1 |
MUS HIST 1010 | History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance | 2 |
MUS TECH 1500 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | ||
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 17 | |
Sophomore | ||
Fall | ||
MUS THEO 2130 | Theory III | 2 |
MUS THEO 2170 | Aural Training III | 1 |
MUS THEO 2270 | Sight-Singing III | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | 0 | |
MUS HIST 1020 | History of Music II: Baroque and Classical | 3 |
MUS TECH 1550 | Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS THEO 2140 | Theory IV | 2 |
MUS THEO 2180 | Aural Training IV | 1 |
MUS THEO 2280 | Sight-Singing IV | 1 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS HIST 1030 | History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 3 | |
Hours | 14 | |
Junior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS THEO 3270/5270 | Jazz Arranging I | 2 |
MUS HIST 3600/5600 | Jazz History and Styles | 3 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS ENS Jazz Combo | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 3780 | Junior Recital | 0 |
MUS THEO 3280/5280 | Jazz Arranging II | 2 |
MUS THEO 3320/5320 | Jazz Composition Class | 1 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 9 | |
Hours | 16 | |
Senior | ||
Fall | ||
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 3550 Applied Jazz Improvisation | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | 0 | |
MUS THEO 3220/5220 | Music and Technology | 4 |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 6 | |
Hours | 15 | |
Spring | ||
MUS APPL 4890 | Senior Recital | 0 |
MUS ENS Large Ensemble | 1 | |
MUS APPL Applied Music | 2 | |
MUS APPL 1086 Studies in Performance Seminar | 0 | |
MUS APPL 3550 Applied Jazz Improvisation | 2 | |
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives | 8 | |
Hours | 13 | |
Total Hours | 120 |
Music Education and Methods Courses
MUS ED 1100. Instrumental Techniques — 1 hr.
Areas: Woodwinds I, Woodwinds II, high brass, low brass, high strings, low strings, percussion, and harp. Emphasis on pedagogy relevant to the elementary or beginning student musician. One hour credit for each area. Areas may not be repeated for additional credit. (Variable)
MUS ED 1500. Introduction to Music Education — 2 hrs.
Overview of music education methodologies, philosophies, and techniques, including computer-based music instruction (CBMI). Techniques for audio and video recording of music ensembles. Prerequisite(s): accepted into Bachelor of Music-Music Education degree program or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ED 1750. Guitar in the Classroom — 2 hrs.
Emphasizes accompanimental skills, fingerstyle and pickstyle, and scale/chord foundations in the keys most used for guitar; basic classical guitar technique is used in reading standard notation within the first four frets (first position). Learned repertoire includes traditional roots music (folk and blues) as well as popular styles. (Variable)
MUS ED 3010. Performing Arts Management Internship — 1-3 hrs.
Students gain practical experience working in an arts organization. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Performing Arts Management Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3020. Music Technology Internship — 1 hr.
Students gain practical experience working for an organization in which musical technology is a significant part of the services it offers. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Technology Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3030. Internship in String Pedagogy — 1 hr.
Students will complete internships in UNI Suzuki Program and Price Lab School, or School of Music non-major string students. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music String Pedagogy Specialization; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3160. Popular Music Methods — 3 hrs.
Popular Music Methods provides skills to teach popular music in a classroom setting. Students learn the pedagogical approaches to teaching popular music as well as basic skills on popular musical instruments (guitar, bass, drumset, keyboard, ukulele, turntable). Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ED 3300/5300. Vocal Pedagogy and Vocology — 2 hrs.
Techniques of diagnosing and discussing vocal problems as related to the singing voice, and a survey of pedagogic materials. Actual teaching experience under supervision. Prerequisite(s): music major; junior standing. (Spring)
MUS ED 3380/5380. Instrumental Pedagogy — 2 hrs.
Topics vary depending upon instrument and instructor. Advanced techniques of solving physiological and psychological problems of performance. May be repeated with advisor approval. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1100 or teaching experience; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3410. Elementary/General Music Methods — 3 hrs.
Objectives and materials for and methods of teaching general music in public schools. Emphasis on contemporary approaches: Orff, Kodaly, Dalcroze, Integrated Arts, and other methodologies. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2180; MUS THEO 2280; junior standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)
MUS ED 3450/5450. Developments and Trends in Music Education — 3 hrs.
Evolving issues important to music educators. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3480/5480. Piano Pedagogy: Elementary — 2 hrs.
Methods and materials related to the teaching of the elementary piano student, including psychological and technical development. Addresses business aspects. Observations of teaching required. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3495/5495. Music Learning and Motivation — 2 hrs.
Exploration of theories and concepts in music learning and pedagogy, including achievement goals, motivation, implementation and assessment. Students will gain knowledge of how to influence students' motivation and intervention strategies to create meaningful lessons. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 3640. Instrumental Methods: Jazz Band — 1 hr.
Jazz band methods and pedagogy for lessons and ensembles in the K-12 setting. Emphasis on rehearsal techniques and materials. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Spring)
MUS ED 3650. Choral Methods and Materials — 2 hrs.
Organization and development of public school choral organizations. Emphasis on rehearsal techniques, vocal production and blend, and materials suitable for choral ensembles. Evaluation techniques appropriate to school music setting. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing or consent of instructor. Corequisite(s): MUS ED 3660. (Variable)
MUS ED 3660. Field Experience in Music Education — 1 hr.
Level III field experience in music education (25 hours). Prerequisite(s): Completion of Level II Field Experience, MUS ED 1500 (with a grade of C or higher), MUS TECH 1210 (with a grade of C or higher)or corequisite MUS TECH 1220, acceptance into Teacher Education Program. (Fall)
MUS ED 3670. Choral Methods for Instrumental Majors — 1 hr.
Methods of teaching singing; attention to vocal pedagogy, diction, and appropriate choral repertoire for elementary and secondary choral ensembles. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Instrumental Music Education program, MUS ED 1500 (with grade of C or higher). (Spring)
MUS ED 3680. Instrumental Methods for Choral Majors — 1 hr.
Introduction to wind, percussion, and string instruments; attention to instrumental methods, pedagogy and appropriate literature. Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into Choral/General Music Ed. program; MUS ED 1500 (with grade of C or higher). (Spring)
MUS ED 3970/5970. Instrumental Upkeep and Repair — 2 hrs.
Areas: woodwinds, strings, brass, and percussion. Laboratory course with practical projects undertaken. Offered for instrumental majors. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ED 4161. Instrumental Methods: Strings — 1 hr.
String methods and pedagogy for lessons and ensembles in a K-12 setting. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1100 section 06 or 07; MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Spring)
MUS ED 4162. Instrumental Methods: Marching Band — 1 hr.
Fundamentals training, music selection and arranging, administrative approaches, and drill charting for school marching bands. Prerequisite(s): MUS ED 1500 with grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Fall)
MUS ED 6210. Research Methodology in Music Education — 3 hrs.
Introduction to various research methodologies used in music education. Required of graduate Music Education majors. (Variable)
MUS ED 6285. Readings — 1-3 hrs.
Readings in Piano Pedagogy - 1-2 hrs. Independent readings from a selected list as approved by piano pedagogy instructor and department head. May be repeated on the same or different topics.
Readings in Music Education - 1-3 hrs. Readings in music education not normally covered in other courses. May be repeated on the same or different topics. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
MUS ED 6286. Studies in ___________.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS ED 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)
MUS ED 6300. Foundations of Music Education — 3 hrs.
Examination of the foundations and underlying principles of music education. (Variable)
MUS ED 6500. Projects in Music Education — 1-3 hrs.
Students electing the non-thesis option will enroll in this course upon completion of course work. Course content consists of writing a final research paper. Students must enroll in this course continuously until the final research project has been completed. (Variable)
MUS ED 6520. Jazz Pedagogy — 2 hrs.
Methods and materials related to teaching of jazz, including jazz ensemble rehearsal techniques, improvisation, jazz theory, and listening techniques. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)
MUS ED 6550. School Music Administration and Classroom Management — 3 hrs.
Philosophy, management, and public relations techniques and procedures associated with administration of elementary and secondary music programs. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or consent of instructor. (Variable)
MUS ED 6570. Piano Pedagogy: Intermediate — 2 hrs.
Methods and materials related to teaching of the intermediate piano student including psychological development, repertory, technique, the transfer student, and use of technology. Specific techniques related to teaching concept of artistry addressed. Observation of teaching required. (Variable)
MUS ED 6580. Piano Pedagogy: Group and Adult — 2 hrs.
Materials and instructional techniques related to use of electronic piano lab, teaching of groups/class piano, and teaching adults. Exploration of curriculum planning and the benefits of group instruction in independent studio, public school, and university. (Variable)
MUS ED 6600. Piano Pedagogy: Internship — 1 hr.
Piano teaching assignments, determined in consultation with supervisor. Students in M.M. Piano Performance and Pedagogy program must enroll in two separate 1-hour internships. Corequisite(s): MUS ED 3480/5480, MUS ED 3495/5495, MUS ED 6570, or MUS ED 6580. (Variable)
MUS ED 6820. Seminar: Music Learning and Behavior — 3 hrs.
Exploration of behavioral, cognitive, and developmental theories affecting music teaching and learning. Required of graduate Music Education majors. (Variable)
MUS ED 6870. Measurement and Evaluation in Music — 3 hrs.
Study of the measurement and evaluation techniques for music aptitude and achievement. Emphasis on developing teacher-made tests and available standardized music tests. (Variable)
Music Ensembles Courses
MUS ENS 1100. Chorus — 0-1 hrs.
Choral performance ensembles specializing in choral literature. (Concert Chorale, Chamber Singers, UNI Singers, Varsity Men's Glee Club, Cecilians, Cantorei). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 1120. Ensemble — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensembles specializing in literature appropriate to the instruments. (Chamber Wind Ensemble, Flute Choir, Kaji-Daiko-Taiko Ensemble, West African Drum Ensemble, Chamber Woodwind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, Horn Choir, Clarinet Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Laptop Ensemble, etc.). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Variable)
MUS ENS 1121. Chamber Music — 1 hr.
Chamber music ensemble (small ensemble without conductor - strings, winds, brass, percussion, or mixed). Prerequisite(s): instructor consent required. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 1150. Band — 0-1 hrs.
Band performance ensembles specializing in a range of concert literature appropriate to the ensemble. Wind Ensemble (Offered Fall and Spring); Symphonic Band (Offered Fall and Spring); Concert Band (Offered Spring): Marching Band (Offered Fall); Pep Band (Offered Spring with course meetings from late October to early March). 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 1160. Jazz Band — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in jazz literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 1170. Orchestra — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in orchestral literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 1180. Marching Band — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in marching band literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall)
MUS ENS 1190. Opera — 0-1 hrs.
Vocal performance ensemble specializing in opera literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3100/5100. Chorus — 0-1 hrs.
(Concert Chorale, UNI Singers, Varsity Men's Glee Club, Cecilians, Cantorei.) 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3120/5120. Ensemble — 0-1 hrs.
(Chamber Wind Ensemble, Flute Choir, Kaji-Daiko-Taiko Ensemble, West African Drum Ensemble, Chamber Woodwind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, Horn Choir, Clarinet Ensemble, New Music Ensemble, Laptop Ensemble, etc.). 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3121/5121. Chamber Music — 1 hr.
Chamber music ensemble (small ensemble without conductor - strings, winds, brass, percussion, or mixed). Prerequisite(s): instructor consent required; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS ENS 3150/5150. Band — 0-1 hrs.
Wind Ensemble (offered Fall and Spring); Symphonic Band (offered Fall and Spring); Concert Band (offered Spring); Marching Band (offered Fall); Pep Band (offered spring with course meetings from late October to early March. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3160/5160. Jazz Band — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in jazz literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3170/5170. Orchestra — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in orchestral literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS ENS 3180/5180. Marching Band — 0-1 hrs.
Instrumental performance ensemble specializing in marching band literature. 0 hours is participation credit only. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
MUS ENS 3190/5190. Opera — 1 hr.
Vocal performance ensemble specializing in opera literature. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
Music History Courses
MUS HIST 1010. History of Music I: Antiquity Through Renaissance — 2 hrs.
Survey of musical trends from Antiquity through Renaissance. Emphasis on music listening techniques. (Variable)
MUS HIST 1020. History of Music II: Baroque and Classical — 3 hrs.
Continuation of MUS HIST 1010. Survey of musical trends from the Baroque and Classical periods (1600-ca. 1800). (Variable)
MUS HIST 1030. History of Music III: Romantic, Twentieth, and Twenty-First Centuries — 3 hrs.
Continuation of MUS HIST 1020. Survey of musical trends from the romantic era to the present (1800-present). Prerequisite(s): MUS HIST 1010; MUS HIST 1020 with a grade of C or higher. (Variable)
MUS HIST 3200/5200. Topics in Music History and Culture — 3 hrs.
Study of music history (specific topics vary) including historical perspective in relation to style and development of music, and the function of music in society and culture. The course may be repeated for credit on a different topic. Prerequisite(s): Undergraduates: successful completion of MUS HIST 1030 and junior standing. Graduates: successful completion of Music History diagnostic exam, or MUS HIST 3800/5800. (Fall and Spring)
MUS HIST 3300/5300. History of Opera — 3 hrs.
Development of opera from its inception (ca. 1600) to present. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS HIST 3510/5510. Music of World Cultures — 3 hrs.
Study of non-Western music: Africa, Islam, India, Indo-China, Indonesia, China, and Japan, and role of music in these cultures. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS HIST 3600/5600. Jazz History and Styles — 3 hrs.
Evolution of jazz styles and their relationship to social, economic, and political moods of the period; in-depth and detailed study of history and development of jazz in America. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS HIST 3800/5800. Music History Survey for Graduates — 1-2 hrs.
Review of various style periods, media, and forms in music history of our culture. Required of all graduate students who do not demonstrate adequate proficiency as a result of the Graduate Music History Diagnostic Examination. May be repeated for credit. Does not count toward minimum degree requirements. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS HIST 4194. Senior Thesis I — 2 hrs.
Focus on development and approval of thesis topic. Followed by MUS HIST 4195 Senior Thesis II. Prerequisite(s): MUS HIST 3XXX, senior standing and consent of instructor. (Fall)
MUS HIST 4195. Senior Thesis II — 2 hrs.
Continuation of MUS HIST 4194 Senior Thesis I. Focuses on completion of thesis and public presentation. Development and approval of thesis topic followed by completion of thesis and public presentation. Prerequisite(s): MUS HIST 3XXX, senior standing and consent of instructor. (Spring)
MUS HIST 6000. Foundations of Musicology — 3 hrs.
Preparation for graduate level work in musicology; includes research and writing techniques that will prepare students for writing a scholarly paper, introduction to and readings in musicology, and concurrent online review of music history fundamentals as determined by diagnostic result. (Fall)
MUS HIST 6285. Readings in Music History — 1-3 hrs.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. Prerequisite(s): consent of Graduate Coordinator in Music. (Variable)
MUS HIST 6286. Studies in _________.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS HIST 6289. Seminar in Music History — 3 hrs.
Musicological research into the various areas of music. May be repeated on different topics. (Variable)
MUS HIST 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to/culminating in thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)
Music Literature Courses
MUS LIT 3200/5200. Performance Literature: ______ — 2 hrs.
Study of performance literature available for specific instrument or voice. Combination ensemble-literature course for the performer. MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-01. Woodwinds. (Offered odd Springs) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-02. Brass. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-03. Piano I. (Offered odd Falls) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-04. Piano II. (Offered even Springs) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-05. Organ. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-06. Strings. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-07. Percussion. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-08. Voice I, English and German Vocal Literature. Study of vocal literature from English-speaking and German-speaking countries with regard to style, interpretation, and historical context. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-09. Voice II, Italian and French Vocal Literature. Study of vocal literature in Italian and French language with regard to style, interpretation and historical context. (Variable) MUS LIT 3200/5200(g)-10. Voice III, Special Topics. Study of vocal literature of specific composers, periods, languages, and/or genres with regard to style, interpretation, and historical context. (Variable) Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS LIT 3310/5310. History and Literature of Large Choral Forms — 3 hrs.
Development of large choral forms from the Renaissance to present. Emphasis on the Mass, contata, oratorio, passion, anthem, and contemporary uses of the chorus. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or be enrolled in MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)
MUS LIT 3400/5400. History and Literature of the Orchestra — 3 hrs.
Orchestral literature from mid-18th century to present. Emphasis on structure of the symphony as a form and growth of the orchestra as an ensemble. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or currently be enrolled in MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)
MUS LIT 3420/5420. History and Literature of the Wind Band — 3 hrs.
Growth and development of wind music from Gabrieli to present. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Undergraduates must have completed or be enrolled for MUS THEO 3100. (Variable)
MUS LIT 6285. Readings.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS LIT 6286. Studies in __________.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS LIT 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)
Music Techniques Courses
MUS TECH 1100. Double Reed Making Techniques — 1 hr.
Instruction in the techniques of making and adjusting bassoon, oboe, and English horn reeds. Section 01 for bassoon player; Section 02 for oboe/English horn players. May be repeated for credit. (For freshmen/sophomores.) (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 1170. Conducting I--Instrumental — 2 hrs.
Beginner training in instrumental conducting. Required of all instrumental music majors on teaching program. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Fall)
MUS TECH 1180. Conducting I--Choral — 2 hrs.
Beginner training in choral conducting and rehearsal techniques. Required on the teaching degree for voice majors. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Fall)
MUS TECH 1210. Conducting II--Instrumental — 3 hrs.
Advanced training in instrumental conducting with emphasis on orchestral and band scores and literature for small and large ensembles. Required of all instrumental music majors on teaching program. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1170 (minimum grade of C). (Spring)
MUS TECH 1220. Conducting II--Choral — 3 hrs.
Training in choral conducting, rehearsal techniques, performance practices, and choral materials. Required on the teaching degree for voice majors and those keyboard majors who do not take MUS TECH 1210. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1180 (minimum grade of C). (Spring)
MUS TECH 1300. Diction for Singers I — 1 hr.
An introductory study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, its application to English and Italian lyric diction for singing, and a survey of relevant recordings. Prerequisite(s): enrollment as a music major. (Fall)
MUS TECH 1310. Diction for Singers II — 1 hr.
A continuation in the study of the International Phonetic Alphabet, its application to German and French lyric diction for singing, and a survey of relevant recordings. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1300. (Spring)
MUS TECH 1450. Vocal Coaching — 1-2 hrs.
Exploration of style, interpretation and lyric diction in the singer's repertoire. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; consent of instructor; enrolled as music major. (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 1500. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz theory, including ear-training and keyboard skills; preparation for jazz improvisation classes. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110 or consent of instructor. (Spring)
MUS TECH 1530. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists. Prerequisite(s): For freshmen/sophomores: consent of instructor. (Fall)
MUS TECH 1550. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz improvisation - intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): For freshmen/sophomores: MUS TECH 1500; MUS TECH 1530; or consent of instructor. (Fall)
MUS TECH 1600. Opera Performance I — 1 hr.
Lab course exploring movement, imagination, and the relationship between words and music. A wide variety of acting exercises (improvisation, movement work, etc.) are used to deepen the understanding of and proficiency in performing art songs, arias, and music theatre numbers. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): ability to read and process music. (Variable)
MUS TECH 3100/5100. Double Reed Making Techniques — 1 hr.
Instruction in the techniques of making and adjusting bassoon, oboe, and English horn reeds. Section 01 for bassoon player; section 02 for oboe/English horn players. May be repeated for credit. For juniors/seniors/graduates. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 3130/5130. Arts Entrepreneurship I — 3 hrs.
Overview of topics, tools and techniques necessary for successful pursuit of a management career in visual and performing arts. Focus areas including leadership, organizational dynamics and career planning. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Even Falls)
MUS TECH 3140/5140. Arts Entrepreneurship II — 3 hrs.
Emphasis on understanding of copyright, publicity rights, trademarks, finance, labor law, and First Amendment rights. Practical exercises in negotiation, contract development, budgeting and business plan creation. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 3130/5130; junior standing. (Odd Falls)
MUS TECH 3210/5210. Conducting III--Instrumental — 2 hrs.
Techniques of conducting band and orchestral works; score study and analysis of major works representing all style periods. Class work includes conducting major works in rehearsal. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1210; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS TECH 3250/5250. Alexander Technique for Musicians — 2 hrs.
Introduction to the principles of Alexander Technique and its application to music study and performance. Alexander Technique is a way of working to improve ease of movement, develop greater poise and confidence in performance of various activities, and preventing or recovering from injury. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall)
MUS TECH 3350/5350. Accompanying — 1 hr.
The art of accompanying, both vocal and instrumental literature. Practical experience as accompanist for student soloists in public performance. May be taken twice for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): for undergraduates: MUS APPL 1460, MUS APPL 3460/5460, or consent of instructor. For graduates: MUS APPL 1460, MUS APPL 3460/5460, MUS APPL 6460, or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 3450/5450. Vocal Coaching — 1-2 hrs.
Exploration of style, interpretation and lyric diction in the singer's repertoire. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor; enrolled as music major. (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 3500/5500. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation - Theory — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz theory, including ear-training and keyboard skills; preparation for improvisation. Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor. For juniors/seniors and graduate students. (Spring)
MUS TECH 3530/5530. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation I — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Fall)
MUS TECH 3550/5550. Instrumental Jazz Improvisation II — 1 hr.
Elements of jazz improvisation for instrumentalists - intermediate level. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; MUS TECH 3500/5500; MUS TECH 3530/5530; or consent of instructor. (Fall)
MUS TECH 3610/5610. Opera Performance II — 2 hrs.
Advanced study of operatic material exploring emotional and psychological construction of a character and developing performing skills to create and sustain a role. Audition required. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1600 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS TECH 4130. Senior Project, Performing Arts Management.
0 hrs. Student will develop and complete a comprehensive Performing Arts Management project approved by the instructor. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music Performing Arts Management Specialization; senior standing. (Variable)
MUS TECH 6230. Advanced Vocal Performance — 1 hr.
Performance seminar focusing on advanced performance issues in vocal literature, including interpretation, and presentation. Required each semester in residence for all graduate voice students. Prerequisite(s): admission to M.M. in Voice or consent of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS TECH 6285. Readings.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS TECH 6286. Studies in __________.
May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS TECH 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)
Music Theory Courses
MUS THEO 1100. Introduction to Music Theory — 2 hrs.
Basic skills and vocabulary. For non-music majors with limited background in music fundamentals or as preparation for music major theory courses. Emphasis on notation, key/time signatures, rhythm, and aural training. (Variable)
MUS THEO 1110. Theory I — 2 hrs.
Review of basic music fundamentals and vocabulary, including pitch, rhythm, meter, scales, and key signatures. Writing/analysis techniques in diatonic harmony including intervals, triads and seventh chords, figured bass, lead-sheet notation, Roman Numeral analysis, cadences and harmonic rhythm. Study of melodic characteristics, sequences, and embellishing tones. Corequisite(s): for Music majors and minors only: MUS THEO 1150; MUS THEO 1250. (Fall)
MUS THEO 1120. Theory II — 2 hrs.
Introduction to two-voice counterpoint; four-part voice-leading and part-writing principles in diatonic harmony, including chords in all positions. Melodic principles, organization and composition; principles of harmonization with functional tonality; harmonizing and part-writing a melody for SATB. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): for Music majors and minors only: MUS THEO 1160; MUS THEO 1260. (Spring)
MUS THEO 1150. Aural Training I — 1 hr.
Development of critical listening skills through melodic/rhythmic dictation and error detection; identification of meters, intervals, tetrachords, major and minor scale forms, and triad qualities; harmonic dictation with simple phrase chord progressions. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110; MUS THEO 1250. (Fall)
MUS THEO 1160. Aural Training II — 1 hr.
Continuation of Aural Training I with more advanced development of critical listening skills. Melodic/rhythmic dictation and error detection/correction; identification of simple, compound and harmonic intervals, modes, whole tone and chromatic scales; seventh-chord-quality identification and harmonic dictation including all diatonic chords. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1150 with grade of C or higher, MUS THEO 1110 and MUS THEO 1250 with a grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1260. (Spring)
MUS THEO 1250. Sight-Singing I — 1 hr.
Development of music reading skills using tetrachords, major and minor scales, intervals within the octave, triads, and simple phrase chord progressions; sight reading of treble and bass clef melodies comprised of stepwise motion and skips within the tonic and dominant triads; rhythmic reading in simple and compound meters using division and subdivision of the beat. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110; MUS THEO 1150. (Fall)
MUS THEO 1260. Sight-Singing II — 1 hr.
Continuation of Sight Singing I with further development of music reading skills using modes and the whole tone and chromatic scales; focus on diatonic motion that includes melodic use of all diatonic triads and seventh chords and more advanced diatonic skips; introduction to alto/tenor clefs; rhythmic reading using ties, rests, syncopation, borrowed rhythms, quintuplets and meters other than those with a quarter-note beat. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1110, MUS THEO 1150, and MUS THEO 1250 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120; MUS THEO 1160. (Spring)
MUS THEO 1300. Topics in Music Composition — 2 hrs.
Acquaints students with the rudiments of compositional techniques: traditional techniques, or electronic techniques. Designed for both major and non-major compositional study. Traditional Techniques topic is required for all beginning Composition-Theory Majors. Electronic Techniques is required for all Music Technology majors. May be taken twice for credit on different topic. (Variable)
MUS THEO 2130. Theory III — 2 hrs.
Continuation of Theory II with emphasis on modulation within functional tonality, including secondary and altered dominant function, and altered predominant sonorities. Small forms and linear chromaticism are also introduced. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2170; MUS THEO 2270. (Fall and Variable Springs)
MUS THEO 2140. Theory IV — 2 hrs.
Continuation and culmination of the Music Theory sequence with emphasis on fugue structures, chromatic harmony, non-functional tonal systems, and 20th-century/contemporary techniques, including set and 12-tone composition. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2180; MUS THEO 2280. (Spring and Variable Falls)
MUS THEO 2170. Aural Training III — 1 hr.
Continuation of Aural Training II with emphasis on dictation of harmonic/melodic modulation to closely related keys and short atonal intervallic melodies; Identification of all diatonic 7th chords. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120, MUS THEO 1160, and MUS THEO 1260 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; MUS THEO 2270. (Fall and Variable Springs)
MUS THEO 2180. Aural Training IV — 1 hr.
Continuation and culmination of the Aural Training sequence. Emphasis on melodic and harmonic chromatic modulation and atonal melodic dictation. Altered predominant sonorities and asymmetric rhythmic structures are introduced. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130, MUS THEO 2170, and MUS THEO 2270 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2280. (Spring and Variable Falls)
MUS THEO 2270. Sight-Singing III — 1 hr.
Continuation of Sight-Singing II. Emphasis on melodies with modulation to closely related keys, verticalization of harmonic structures through all diatonic 7th chords, alto and tenor clefs, all modes, major minor scales, atonal sequences and complex rhythmic structures in simple and compound meters. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 1120, MUS THEO 1160, and MUS THEO 1260 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; MUS THEO 2170. (Fall and Variable Springs)
MUS THEO 2280. Sight-Singing IV — 1 hr.
Continuation and culmination of the Sight-singing sequence. Emphasis on modulatory, modal and atonal melodies, and verticalization of tonal harmonic progression with modulation, including altered predominant sonorities. Reading asymmetric rhythms, melodies in tenor and alto clef, and recognition and performance of whole-tone, octatonic and pentatonic scales. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130, MUS THEO 2170, and MUS THEO 2270 with grade of C or higher, or placement by exam. Corequisite(s): MUS THEO 2140; MUS THEO 2180. (Spring and Variable Falls)
MUS THEO 3100. Analysis of Music — 2 hrs.
Study of forms and procedures prevalent in the works of major composers from 16th century to present. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3200/5200. Topics in Music Theory and Analysis — 3 hrs.
Study of advanced music theory and analysis (specific topics vary) in relation to style and development of music. This course may be repeated for credit on a different topic. Prerequisite(s): for undergraduate students: MUS THEO 3100 or consent of instructor; junior standing. Prerequisite for graduate students: MUS THEO 6000; or consent of instructor. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3220/5220. Music and Technology — 4 hrs.
An introduction to the systems used to create, prepare, perform and distribute music. Because students entering this course come from a diverse set of backgrounds in music and digital media, the course will establish a common set of terms by focusing on basic acoustics, recording concepts and hardware, digital audio, MIDI, and DAW software. Lab activities will place an emphasis on the components and operation of the typical studio (hardware and software). Students will complete projects in areas such as audio recording, sampling, sound synthesis and basic electronic music composition that reinforce concepts. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3230/5230. Music Technology, Advanced — 4 hrs.
Further exploration of current applications in the music industry. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 3220/5220 with a grade of C or higher; junior standing. (Fall)
MUS THEO 3250/5250. Counterpoint Survey — 3 hrs.
A survey of polyphonic practice, including species counterpoint as well as 16th to 20th century approaches. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3260/5260. Orchestration — 3 hrs.
Transcribing or composing for orchestra, band, smaller instrumental ensembles, voice with orchestra, voice with band, chorus with band, or orchestra for various levels. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 2130; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3270/5270. Jazz Arranging I — 2 hrs.
Basic skills for jazz composer/arranger, including instrument ranges, transposition, chord terminology, voicing and doubling principles, harmonization, chord substitution, form, and score organization. Emphasis on writing for jazz combo instrumentation up to five horns. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1500; junior standing. (Fall)
MUS THEO 3280/5280. Jazz Arranging II — 2 hrs.
Continuation of MUS THEO 3270/5270. Emphasis on writing for full big band, including augmented instrumentation, contrapuntal and formal problems, score study, and analysis. Prerequisite(s): MUS THEO 3270/5270; junior standing. (Even Springs)
MUS THEO 3320/5320. Jazz Composition Class — 1 hr.
The composition of jazz improvisation vehicles in lead sheet form. Includes attention to various compositional devices and the analysis of selected jazz compositions. Prerequisite(s): MUS TECH 1500; junior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 3800/5800. Theory Survey for Graduates — 2 hrs.
Review of theoretical principles and methods of analysis. Required of all graduate students who do not demonstrate adequate proficiency as a result of the Graduate Theory Diagnostic Examination. Does not count toward minimum degree requirements. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 4900. Senior Project, Music Technology.
0 hrs. Comprehensive project relevant to Music Technology, as approved by instructor. Credit/no credit only. Prerequisite(s): major in B.A. Music, Music Technology Specialization; senior standing. (Variable)
MUS THEO 6000. Foundations of Musical Analysis — 3 hrs.
Preparation for graduate level work in music theory and analysis; includes readings in music theory, introduction of advanced analytical techniques and systems, and concurrent online review of music theory fundamentals as determined by diagnostic result. (Spring)
MUS THEO 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)
Music, Applied Courses
MUS APPL 1290. Bassoon.
Private applied music instruction in bassoon for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1300. Flute.
Private applied music instruction in flute for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1310. Oboe.
Private applied music instruction in oboe for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1320. Clarinet.
Private applied music instruction in clarinet for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.
One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area is required for music majors. Secondary instrument students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of instruction each week. Prerequisite(s): Pass audition for entrance into music program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1340. Saxophone.
Private applied music instruction in saxophone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1350. Horn.
Private applied music instruction in horn for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1360. Cornet-Trumpet.
Private applied music instruction in cornet-trumpet for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1370. Trombone.
Private applied music instruction in trombone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1380. Euphonium.
Private applied music instruction in euphonium for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1390. Tuba.
Private applied music instruction in tuba for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1400. Percussion.
Private applied music instruction in percussion for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1410. Violin.
Private applied music instruction in violin for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1420. Viola.
Private applied music instruction in viola for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1430. Cello.
Private applied music instruction in cello for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1440. String Bass.
Private applied music instruction in string bass for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1450. Harp.
Private applied music instruction in harp for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1460. Piano.
Private applied music instruction in piano for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1467. Piano Proficiency.
no credit. Required of all undergraduate majors. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1470. Group Piano.
Group instruction in piano for non-keyboard majors pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1480. Organ.
Private applied music instruction in organ for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1490. Voice.
Private applied music instruction in voice for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1500. Harpsichord.
Private applied music instruction in harpsichord for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1520. Guitar.
Private applied music instruction in guitar for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1530. Jazz Guitar.
Private applied music instruction in jazz guitar for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1540. Composition.
Private applied music instruction in composition for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1550. Jazz Improvisation.
Private applied music instruction in jazz improvisation for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1560. Jazz Bass.
Private applied music instruction in jazz bass for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1570. Jazz Piano.
Private applied music instruction in jazz piano for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1580. Jazz Saxophone.
Private applied music instruction in jazz saxophone for students pursuing a degree in music. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 1XX5. Applied Music for the Non-Music Major.
Private applied music instruction for students not pursuing a degree program in music. Emphasis on basic skills oriented toward immediate performance needs. Credit normally will not be applied toward music major or minor requirements. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 2600. Applied Piano Beyond Proficiency — 1 hr.
Piano instruction for students in music education and composition/theory programs who need lessons beyond Group Piano Level III. Prerequisite(s): Group Piano, Level III MUS APPL 1470:09 or 10. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3290/5290. Bassoon.
Private applied music instruction in bassoon for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3300/5300. Flute.
Private applied music instruction in flute for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3310/5310. Oboe.
Private applied music instruction in oboe for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3320/5320. Clarinet.
Private applied music instruction in clarinet for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3330/5330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.
One hour (60 minutes) of individual instruction per week in the principal performing area is required for music majors. Secondary instrument students will receive one half hour (30 minutes) of instruction each week. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3340/5340. Saxophone.
Private applied music instruction in saxophone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3350/5350. Horn.
Private applied music instruction in horn for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3360/5360. Cornet Trumpet.
Private applied music instruction in cornet-trumpet for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3370/5370. Trombone.
Private applied music instruction in trombone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3380/5380. Euphonium.
Private applied music instruction in euphonium for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3390/5390. Tuba.
Private applied music instruction in tuba for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3400/5400. Percussion.
Private applied music instruction in percussion for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3410/5410. Violin.
Private applied music instruction in violin for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3420/5420. Viola.
Private applied music instruction in viola for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3430/5430. Cello.
Private applied music instruction in cello for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3440/5440. String Bass.
Private applied music instruction in string bass for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3450/5450. Harp.
Private applied music instruction in harp for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3460/5460. Piano.
Private applied music instruction in piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3470/5470. Group Piano.
Group instruction in piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3480/5480. Organ.
Private applied music instruction in organ for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3490/5490. Voice.
Private applied music instruction in voice for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3500/5500. Harpsichord.
Private applied music instruction in harpsichord for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3520/5520. Guitar.
Private applied music instruction in guitar for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3530/5530. Jazz Guitar.
Private applied music instruction in jazz guitar for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3540/5540. Composition.
Private applied music instruction in composition for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3550/5550. Jazz Improvisation.
Private applied music instruction in jazz improvisation for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; permission of instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3560/5560. Jazz Bass.
Private applied music instruction in jazz bass for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3570/5570. Jazz Piano.
Private applied music instruction in jazz piano for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3580/5580. Jazz Saxophone.
Private applied music instruction in jazz saxophone for advanced students pursuing a degree in music. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 3780. Junior Recital.
no credit. Required of all juniors in the Performance major. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 4890. Senior Recital.
no credit. Required of all seniors. Prerequisite: 3 hours at 100/3000/4000-level in major applied area. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6210. Instrumental Conducting — 2-4 hrs.
Advanced training in instrumental conducting. Prerequisite(s): admission to Master of Music in Conducting. (Variable)
MUS APPL 6220. Choral Conducting — 2-4 hrs.
Advanced training in choral conducting. Prerequisite(s): admission to Master of Music in Conducting. (Variable)
MUS APPL 6285. Readings.
Guided independent research leading to significant project, culminating paper or thesis. May be repeated on the same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS APPL 6286. Studies In _________________.
May be repeated on same or different topics. (Variable)
MUS APPL 6290. Bassoon.
Graduate level applied bassoon instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6300. Flute.
Graduate level applied flute instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6310. Oboe.
Graduate level applied oboe instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6320. Clarinet.
Graduate level applied clarinet instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6330. Applied Jazz Trombone — 1-4 hrs.
Graduate level applied jazz trombone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance or Jazz Pedagogy programs. Prerequisite(s): Pass audition to be accepted as a graduate student in Jazz Trombone Performance or Jazz Pedagogy. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6340. Saxophone.
Graduate level applied saxophone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6350. Horn.
Graduate level applied horn instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6360. Cornet-Trumpet.
Graduate level applied cornet-trumpet instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6370. Trombone.
Graduate level applied trombone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6380. Euphonium.
Graduate level applied euphonium instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6390. Tuba.
Graduate level applied tuba instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6400. Percussion.
Graduate level applied percussion instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6410. Violin.
Graduate level applied violin instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6420. Viola.
Graduate level applied viola instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6430. Cello.
Graduate level applied cello instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6440. String Bass.
Graduate level applied string bass instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6450. Harp.
Graduate level applied harp instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6460. Piano.
Graduate level applied piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6470. Group Piano.
Graduate level group piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6480. Organ.
Graduate level applied organ instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6490. Voice.
Graduate level applied voice instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6500. Harpsichord.
Graduate level applied harpsichord instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6520. Guitar.
Graduate level applied guitar instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6530. Jazz Guitar.
Graduate level applied jazz guitar instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6540. Composition.
Graduate level applied composition instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Composition program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6550. Jazz Improvisation.
Graduate level applied jazz improvisation instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6560. Jazz Bass.
Graduate level applied jazz bass instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6570. Jazz Piano.
Graduate level applied jazz piano instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6580. Jazz Saxophone.
Graduate level applied jazz saxophone instruction appropriate to a student admitted to the Performance and/or Jazz Pedagogy program. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6880. Graduate Recital.
no credit. Study of literature programmed for required graduate recitals. Required for students enrolled in Master of Music - Major in Performance, Conducting, Composition, or Jazz Pedagogy during the semester in which required recital occurs. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing; departmental approval or consent of applied instructor. (Fall and Spring)
MUS APPL 6890. Diploma Recital.
Required for students enrolled in Artist Diploma I and Artist Diploma II Certificate Programs during the semester(s) in which student presents recital. May be repeated once by students in Artist Diploma II program. Prerequisite(s): admission to Artist Diploma I or II program; departmental approval or written consent of applied instructor. (Fall and Spring)
Music Courses
MUSIC 1100. Soundscapes: Music in Culture — 3 hrs.
This course will examine representative works from selected musical traditions in their cultural, historical, and stylistic contexts. Students will cultivate listening skills and music analytical vocabulary to better identify, understand, and communicate about the musical experience as expression of meaning and purpose. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
MUSIC 1500. Modern Band and Creative Music Making — 3 hrs.
Students learn basic skills on modern band musical instruments, write their own music and work together in small groups to present musical creations. This course includes analysis and interpretation of contemporary and popular music styles to incorporate elements into music creations. (Variable)
MUSIC 6299. Research.
Guided independent research leading to significant project, research paper or thesis. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. (Variable)