2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Communication Disorders, B.A.

Communication Disorders, B.A.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 15
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 15
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
CSD 1000 Understanding Communication Disorders 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 12
CSD 3135 Anatomy and Physiology of Speaking Mechanism 3
CSD 3120 Phonetics in Communicative Disorders 3
CSD 3100 Language Acquisition in Children: Birth to 5 Years 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
CSD 3130/5130 Neuroscience and the Study of Communication Disorders 3
CSD 3220 Disorders of Speech Sounds 3
CSD 3200/5200 Language of School-aged Children 3
CSD 3260/5260 Hearing Science 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
CSD 3140/5140 Introduction to Neurogenic Disorders 3
CSD 3270/5270 Introduction to Audiology 3
CSD 3250/5250 Speech Science 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
CSD 3650 Clinical Processes(Fall or Spring) 2
CSD 3900/5900 Aural Rehabilitation 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 7
CSD 4500 Clinical Practice(Fall or Spring) 1
CSD 3700/5700 Communication Disorders and Differences Across the Lifespan 3
CSD 3150 Developmental Neurology in Communication Sciences and Disorders 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 8
 Total Hours120

Has a GPA requirement higher than the university and UNI GPA requirement. Must maintain GPA of 3.0 or higher.


 Requires a minimum grade of B- in major courses.