2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Mathematics: Statistics/Actuarial Science, B.A.

Mathematics: Statistics/Actuarial Science, B.A.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
ECON 1041 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ENGLISH 1005 College Writing and Research 3
MATH 1420 Calculus I 4
MGMT 2080 Introduction to Information Systems 3
STAT 1772 Introduction to Statistical Methods 3
COMM 1000 Oral Communication 3
ECON 1051 Principles of Microeconomics 3
MATH 3780/5780 Mathematics of Finance 3
MATH 1421 Calculus II 4
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
ACCT 2120 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ECON 1011 Statistics for Business Analytics ( or STAT 3771 Applied Statistical Methods for Research) 3
MATH 2500 Linear Algebra for Applications 3
MATH 3752/5752 Introduction to Probability 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
MATH 2422 Calculus III 4
STAT 3775/5775 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 3
Visual BASIC recommended 3
ACT SCI 4735/5735 Actuarial Mathematics 3
FIN 3130/5130 Corporate Finance 3
STAT 3776/5776 Regression Analysis 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 6
ACT SCI 4739/5739 Topics in Actuarial Science 3
ACT SCI 4785/5785 Introduction to Financial Engineering 3
FIN 3160/5160 Principles of Investments 3
MKTG 2110 Principles of Marketing 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 4
ACT SCI 4788/5788 Loss Models 3
FIN 3050 Risk Management and Insurance 3
MGMT 3100 Legal and Social Environment of Business 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 7
MATH 4900 Senior Mathematics Seminar 1
MGMT 3153 Organizational Management 3
UNIFI/General Education or University Electives 9
 Total Hours120

 Note: A student who has a grade point average of less that 2.25 in all departmental courses used for this major may not apply a departmental course in which a grade of less than C- is earned.