2025-26 Academic Catalog
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Physics, B.S.

Physics, B.S.

This is a sample plan of study with a suggested sequencing of classes for the major.  University electives may be applied to earn additional academic majors, minors, or certificates.  Students should regularly meet with their academic advisor to plan their specific semester schedule to include UNIFI/General Education program and/or university elective hours required.

Plan of Study Grid
MATH 1420 Calculus I 4
PHYSICS 1100 First-Year Projects in Physics 1
PHYSICS 1701 Physics I for Science and Engineering (satisfies UNIFI: Scientific Reasoning) 4
UNIFI: Written Communication 3
UNIFI: Human Expression 3
MATH 1421 Calculus II 4
PHYSICS 1702 Physics II for Science and Engineering 4
UNIFI: Oral Communication 3
UNIFI: Human Condition (Global) 3
MATH 2422 Calculus III 4
PHYSICS 2300 Physics III: Theory and Simulation 3
UNIFI: Human Condition (Domestic) 3
University Elective 6
PHYSICS 4100/5100 Modern Physics 4
PHYSICS 4110/5110 Modern Physics Laboratory 2
PHYSICS 2700 Mathematical Methods of Physics & Engineering 3
UNIFI: Responsibility 3
University Elective 3
PHYSICS 3000 Undergraduate Research in Physics 2
PHYSICS 3700 Physics Seminar 1
PHYSICS 4300/5300 Introduction to Electronics (or PHYSICS 4700/5700 Electrodynamics) 4
PHYSICS 4600/5600 Classical Mechanics 4
UNIFI: Connect 3
PHYSICS 4900/5900 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 4
UNIFI: Connect 3
University Electives 10
PHYSICS 4700/5700 Electrodynamics (or PHYSICS 4300/5300 Introduction to Electronics) 4
UNIFI: Connect 3
University Electives 9
PHYSICS 4800/5800 Quantum Mechanics (PHYSICS Elective) 4
PHYSICS 4860/5860 Computational Physics 3
UNIFI: Connect 3
University Electives 3
 Total Hours120

 Note: To graduate with a B.S. degree in Physics, a student must earn an overall grade point average of at least 2.50 in all courses applied toward the major.